El trickster en el Manuscrito de Huarochirí: los casos de Cuniraya Huiracocha, Huatiacuri y Pariacaca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este artículo, sostenemos que Cuniraya Huiracocha, Huatiacuri y Pariacaca, en su calidad de sujetos carentes, actúan como tricksters al tomar la figura de huacchas para obtener un objeto de deseo específico a través del cual se satisfaga su carencia: Cuniraya Huiracocha desea quedarse con la doncella Cahuillaca, lo cual conduce a la reorganización de la fauna andina; Huatiacuri, al incorporarse a un núcleo familiar, prepara la llegada de Pariacaca; y este último, al demostrar su poder y ser reconocido como deidad, busca instaurar y consolidar un orden nuevo regido por él mismo. Sobre esta base, exploramos un plan de salvación cristiano-andino por el paralelo existente entre Cuniraya y Dios Creador, Huatiacuri y Juan el Bautista, y Pariacaca y Jesús, en el cual comportarse como trickster ocupa un lugar central.
In this paper, I claim that Cuniraya Huiracocha, Huatiacuri and Pariacaca, which are lacking subjects, act as tricksters under the form of huacchas to obtain a particular object of desire through which their lack becomes fulfilled: Cuniraya Huiracocha tries to keep the maiden Cahuillaca, which leads to the reorganization of the Andean fauna; Huatiacuri, through his incorporation to a nuclear family, prepares Pariacaca’s arrival; and Pariacaca, through the demonstration of his power, and being recognized 318 Lexis Vol. XXXIX (2) 2015 and confirmed as deity, seeks to establish and consolidate a new regime, which he himself will rule. Based on this discussion, I explore a ChristianAndean plan of salvation due to the parallels between Cuniraya and the Creator God, Huatiacuri and John the Baptist, and Pariacaca and Jesus, where acting as trickster plays a crucial role.
In this paper, I claim that Cuniraya Huiracocha, Huatiacuri and Pariacaca, which are lacking subjects, act as tricksters under the form of huacchas to obtain a particular object of desire through which their lack becomes fulfilled: Cuniraya Huiracocha tries to keep the maiden Cahuillaca, which leads to the reorganization of the Andean fauna; Huatiacuri, through his incorporation to a nuclear family, prepares Pariacaca’s arrival; and Pariacaca, through the demonstration of his power, and being recognized 318 Lexis Vol. XXXIX (2) 2015 and confirmed as deity, seeks to establish and consolidate a new regime, which he himself will rule. Based on this discussion, I explore a ChristianAndean plan of salvation due to the parallels between Cuniraya and the Creator God, Huatiacuri and John the Baptist, and Pariacaca and Jesus, where acting as trickster plays a crucial role.
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