Diagnóstico operativo empresarial de Electro Sur Este – región Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente tesis se realizó el diagnóstico operativo de la Empresa Electro Sur Este
a fin de identificar oportunidades de mejora para conseguir eficiencia y eficacia en los
procesos y generar beneficio a toda la cadena de distribución y la satisfacción de los
consumidores. Se describe la situación actual de la organización, el planeamiento de
productos, planeamiento de procesos, planeamiento de trabajo, así como la gestión
operacional y las propuestas de mejora. En los primeros capítulos se describe las
características organizacionales y operacionales, además describe las características
estructurales y de ubicación de la planta, así como su distribución a nivel de infraestructura.
A partir de esta información, se elaboró un análisis exhaustivo y con un soporte técnico se
plantea propuestas de mejora en rendimiento, reducción de costos y eficiencia, orientados a
generar ganancias adicionales que satisfagan las expectativas de los accionistas y del mercado
regional, lo que brindaría una ganancia de 30 al 50% de la inversión final.
Todo esto se centra en la propuesta de una nueva distribución de planta, nuevo
organigrama que plantea el área de inversión y proyecto, flujo de procesos de actividades que
optimice los procesos e incremente la productividad de los mismos. Asimismo, se propone
planeamiento con estrategias asertivas que mejore la productividad del capital humano, que
se transmita en eficiencia y eficacia de resultados. Por otra parte, se propone mejorar las
políticas de mantenimiento preventivo para reducir costos correctivos, lo que generaría una
reducción del 40 al 50 %, con un incremento del activo en 3 millones 360 mil. Finalmente se
plantea explorar y explotar nuevas alternativas de energía, renovable.
La implementación de nuevas políticas con estrategias asertivas utilizando los
recursos humanos especializados y motivados en forma eficiente podrá generar mayores
ganancias para la empresa, satisfacción laboral y calidad de servicio a los clientes, que
permita desarrollar nuevos proyectos energéticos dado que se incrementa la demanda de
energía eléctrica en conjunto con el desarrollo urbanístico que se viene incrementando en los
últimos años, así mismo cabe mencionar que los efectos del calentamiento global vienen
alterando los caudales hídricos de las principales fuentes de agua de los andes Peruanos, lo
que motiva a pensar en explorar nuevos proyectos. Para concluir, la generación de energías
limpias reduce los riesgos de impactos medio ambientales que deben ir de la mano con una
cultura de responsabilidad medio ambiental, la mejora de las normas y reglas de juego
respecto al uso, generación y distribución de la energía eléctrica y de esa forma garantizar la
disponibilidad del servicio para las futuras generaciones a costos accesibles
In the development of the present thesis the operative diagnosis of the Electro South East Company was carried out in order to identify improvement opportunities and provide operational guidelines to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the processes and generate profit for the entire distribution chain and satisfaction of consumers. It describes the current situation of the organization, product planning, process planning, work planning, as well as operational management and improvement proposals. The first chapters describe the organizational and operational characteristics, and describe the structural and location characteristics of the plant, as well as its distribution at the infrastructure level. Based on this information, an exhaustive analysis was developed and with technical support, it proposes proposals for improvement in performance, cost reduction and efficiency, aimed at generating additional profits that satisfy the expectations of shareholders and the regional market, which would provide a profit of 30 to 50% of the final investment. All this focuses on the proposal of a new distribution of plant, new organization chart that raises the area of investment and project, flow of processes of activities that optimize the processes and increase the productivity of the same. Likewise, planning is proposed with assertive strategies that improve the productivity of human capital, which is transmitted in efficiency and effectiveness of results. On the other hand, it is proposed to improve preventive maintenance policies to reduce corrective costs, which would generate a reduction of 40 to 50%, with an increase in assets of 3 million 360 thousand. Finally, it is proposed to explore and exploit new, renewable energy alternatives. The implementation of new policies with assertive strategies using specialized and motivated human resources in an efficient manner can generate greater profits for the company, job satisfaction and quality of service to customers, which allows the development of new energy projects as the demand for energy increases electricity in conjunction with the urban development that has been increasing in recent years, it is worth mentioning that the effects of global warming are altering the water flow of the main sources of water in the Peruvian Andes, which motivates to think about exploring new Projects. To conclude, the generation of clean energies reduces the risks of environmental impacts that must go hand in hand with a culture of environmental responsibility, the improvement of rules and rules of the game regarding the use, generation and distribution of electrical energy and in this way guarantee the availability of the service for future generations at affordable costs
In the development of the present thesis the operative diagnosis of the Electro South East Company was carried out in order to identify improvement opportunities and provide operational guidelines to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the processes and generate profit for the entire distribution chain and satisfaction of consumers. It describes the current situation of the organization, product planning, process planning, work planning, as well as operational management and improvement proposals. The first chapters describe the organizational and operational characteristics, and describe the structural and location characteristics of the plant, as well as its distribution at the infrastructure level. Based on this information, an exhaustive analysis was developed and with technical support, it proposes proposals for improvement in performance, cost reduction and efficiency, aimed at generating additional profits that satisfy the expectations of shareholders and the regional market, which would provide a profit of 30 to 50% of the final investment. All this focuses on the proposal of a new distribution of plant, new organization chart that raises the area of investment and project, flow of processes of activities that optimize the processes and increase the productivity of the same. Likewise, planning is proposed with assertive strategies that improve the productivity of human capital, which is transmitted in efficiency and effectiveness of results. On the other hand, it is proposed to improve preventive maintenance policies to reduce corrective costs, which would generate a reduction of 40 to 50%, with an increase in assets of 3 million 360 thousand. Finally, it is proposed to explore and exploit new, renewable energy alternatives. The implementation of new policies with assertive strategies using specialized and motivated human resources in an efficient manner can generate greater profits for the company, job satisfaction and quality of service to customers, which allows the development of new energy projects as the demand for energy increases electricity in conjunction with the urban development that has been increasing in recent years, it is worth mentioning that the effects of global warming are altering the water flow of the main sources of water in the Peruvian Andes, which motivates to think about exploring new Projects. To conclude, the generation of clean energies reduces the risks of environmental impacts that must go hand in hand with a culture of environmental responsibility, the improvement of rules and rules of the game regarding the use, generation and distribution of electrical energy and in this way guarantee the availability of the service for future generations at affordable costs
Palabras clave
Planificación de la producción, Producción--Administración
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