Análisis del proceso de participación y empoderamiento de organizaciones infantiles en Lomas de Carabayllo, distrito Carabayllo, a través del Proyecto Participación protagónica de niños, niñas y adolescentes en su comunidad, Lima, período 2017 al 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El proyecto “Participación protagónica de niños, niñas y adolescentes en su
comunidad, Lima”, ejecutado durante el período 2017 al 2019, en Lomas de
Carabayllo, desarrolló un acompañamiento en la formación y desarrollo de
capacidades de los NNA, lo que permitió el empoderamiento de éstos, de manera
que pudieran intervenir en espacios seguros de participación democrática ejerciendo
sus derechos.
En ese sentido, la presente investigación se centra en el análisis en el proceso de
participación y empoderamiento de las organizaciones infantiles en Lomas de
Carabayllo, las acciones que se desarrollaron a través del proyecto para la
consecución de sus objetivos, así como identificar el nivel de participación de los
actores clave que contribuyeron o limitaron la participación de los NNA en su
comunidad. Una vez identificados las acciones y los actores claves, también se
detallará el impacto que ha tenido este proceso en la propia vida de los NNA.
La metodología de investigación del presente trabajo es de naturaleza cualitativa,
para lo cual se aplicaron técnicas como la entrevista abierta, semiestructurada,
historia de vida y revisión documental que permitieron adquirir u obtener la
información necesaria para cumplir con el objeto de la investigación. Para este
propósito se trabajó con 25 NNA, entre los 9 a 17 años que participaron en las
organizaciones infantiles formadas en Lomas de Carabayllo como son NEICE,
ONNSBA, JAC, Club de Lectura, Club de Tareas 1, Club de Tareas 4, también se
entrevistó al coordinador y facilitadores del proyecto de la ONG Warmi Huasi que
vienen a ser parte del equipo ejecutor y a otros actores involucrados como la
Municipalidad de Carabayllo y líderes comunitarios, que nos permitieron analizar los
factores que contribuyeron al proceso de participación y empoderamiento de las
organizaciones infantiles. Los hallazgos muestran que el proceso de participación y empoderamiento de las
organizaciones infantiles generó un impacto positivo en la comunidad de Lomas de
Carabayllo, pues se formaron líderes infantiles y adolescentes, que, de manera organizada realizaron actividades como recuperación de sus espacios públicos que
permitió reducir factores de riesgo que los posicionaba en situación de
vulnerabilidad, de la misma manera el desarrollo de talleres realizados junto con
Warmi Huasi les permitió desarrollar habilidades y capacidades para incrementar su
autoestima y diversificar sus actividades.
Finalmente, desde la gerencia social, se destaca la importancia de este proyecto
ejecutado con el fin de fortalecer los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, el
cual ha logrado un impacto positivo en los propios participantes, en su familia y
comunidad, el cual sirve como un hito para la posterior réplica para otros proyectos
que promueven la participación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes.
The project "Active participation of children and adolescents in their community, Lima", implemented during the period 2017-2019, in Lomas de Carabayllo, developed support for the training and capacity-building of children and adolescents, which enabled them to empower themselves so that they could intervene in safe spaces of democratic participation by exercising their rights. In this sense, this research focuses on the analysis of the process of participation and empowerment of children’s organizations in Lomas de Carabayllo, the actions that were developed through the project to achieve its objectives, and identify the level of participation of stake holders who contributed to or limited the participation of children and adolescents in their community. Once the key actions and actors have been identified, the impact this process has had on the lives of children and adolescents will also be detailed. The research methodology of this paper is of a qualitative nature, for which techniques such as open semi-structured interview, life history and documentary review were applied, that allowed to acquire or obtain the information necessary to comply with the object of the investigation. For this purpose, 25 children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 17 who participated in children’s organizations formed in Lomas de Carabayllo, such as NEICE, ONNSBA, JAC, Reading Club, Task Club 1, Task Club 4 were interviewed, besides, the implementing team represented by the NGO Warmi Huasi and other actors such as the Municipality of Carabayllo and community leaders were interviewed, that allowed us to analyze the factors that contributed to the process of participation and empowerment of the children’s organizations of the project. The findings show that the process of participation and empowerment of children’s organizations generated a positive impact in the community of Lomas de Carabayllo, as leaders of children and adolescents were trained, which, in an organized manner, carried out activities such as the recovery of their public spaces, which made it possible to reduce risk factors that placed them in a vulnerable situation, in the same way the development of workshops carried out together with Warmi Huasi allowed them to develop skills and abilities to increase their self-esteem and diversify their activities. Finally, from the social management, the importance of this project implemented with the aim of strengthening the rights of children and adolescents is highlighted, which has had a positive impact on the participants themselves, their families and communities, which serves as a milestone for subsequent replication for other projects that promote the participation of children and adolescents.
The project "Active participation of children and adolescents in their community, Lima", implemented during the period 2017-2019, in Lomas de Carabayllo, developed support for the training and capacity-building of children and adolescents, which enabled them to empower themselves so that they could intervene in safe spaces of democratic participation by exercising their rights. In this sense, this research focuses on the analysis of the process of participation and empowerment of children’s organizations in Lomas de Carabayllo, the actions that were developed through the project to achieve its objectives, and identify the level of participation of stake holders who contributed to or limited the participation of children and adolescents in their community. Once the key actions and actors have been identified, the impact this process has had on the lives of children and adolescents will also be detailed. The research methodology of this paper is of a qualitative nature, for which techniques such as open semi-structured interview, life history and documentary review were applied, that allowed to acquire or obtain the information necessary to comply with the object of the investigation. For this purpose, 25 children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 17 who participated in children’s organizations formed in Lomas de Carabayllo, such as NEICE, ONNSBA, JAC, Reading Club, Task Club 1, Task Club 4 were interviewed, besides, the implementing team represented by the NGO Warmi Huasi and other actors such as the Municipality of Carabayllo and community leaders were interviewed, that allowed us to analyze the factors that contributed to the process of participation and empowerment of the children’s organizations of the project. The findings show that the process of participation and empowerment of children’s organizations generated a positive impact in the community of Lomas de Carabayllo, as leaders of children and adolescents were trained, which, in an organized manner, carried out activities such as the recovery of their public spaces, which made it possible to reduce risk factors that placed them in a vulnerable situation, in the same way the development of workshops carried out together with Warmi Huasi allowed them to develop skills and abilities to increase their self-esteem and diversify their activities. Finally, from the social management, the importance of this project implemented with the aim of strengthening the rights of children and adolescents is highlighted, which has had a positive impact on the participants themselves, their families and communities, which serves as a milestone for subsequent replication for other projects that promote the participation of children and adolescents.
Palabras clave
Participación social--Niños, Organizaciones juveniles--Perú--Carabayllo (Lima : Distrito), Organizaciones no gubernamentales--Perú
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