Plan de acción para mitigar riesgos sociales en el proceso de cierre de minera La Zanja
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Minera La Zanja es una empresa peruana subsidiaria de Compañía de Minas
Buenaventura, productora de oro a tajo abierto. El presente plan de consultoría ha sido
desarrollado con la finalidad de proponer un plan de acción para gestionar los riesgos
sociales que pueden ocasionar una paralización de operaciones en la fase de cierre de la
mina. El estudio se inició con un análisis de la situación actual de la compañía y luego se
presentó su visión, misión y valores. Asimismo, se identificaron los objetivos estratégicos
de la empresa con el fin de trabajar un plan de acción.
Seguidamente, se realizó el análisis externo e interno de la empresa. Referente al
primero y con el fin de determinar la influencia del entorno donde se desarrolla la empresa,
se identificó oportunidades que serían beneficiosas, tales como: nuevas normativas para
incentivar la exploración minera, capacidad de explotación minera, políticas de apertura al
diálogo social mediante la participación ciudadana y consulta previa, entre otras; así como
amenazas que deben evitarse como conflictos y problemas sociales, y variación de la
demanda internacional y/o sobreoferta de minerales. Referente al análisis interno, este se
orientó a capitalizar sus fortalezas (cultura corporativa, personal con experiencia y
altamente calificado, e indicadores financieros positivos) y neutralizar sus debilidades
(riesgo financiero frente a variación de precio de metales, disminución de los recursos y
reservas explotables y conflictos internos por sindicato de trabajadores); todo ello permitió
construir las ventajas competitivas.
Posteriormente, se realizó un plan de consultoría, que permitió encontrar la causa
raíz e identificar sus detonantes; y mediante un plan de respuesta se plantearon estrategias
de solución. Las soluciones planteadas buscan minimizar los impactos de los principales
detonantes, entre ellos se pueden mencionar los siguientes: desarrollar capacitaciones
virtuales para la reinserción laboral de los trabajadores mediante una alianza con municipios para el desarrollo de una bolsa de trabajo, capacitación en gestión empresarial
en el uso de nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo de la comunidad, brindar capital de
inversión a la empresa comunal transfiriendo activos cumpliendo con la debida diligencia
en derechos humanos, e implementar un proyecto integral para mejorar la comunicación de
la minera con las comunidades. A continuación, se elaboró un plan de implementación para
las soluciones propuestas donde se analiza la descripción de la solución, escenario futuro
que se espera obtener y los costos y el tiempo que acarrea la solución. Los resultados
obtenidos, permitieron validar que existe una necesidad latente en la implementación de
programas de capacitación y cooperación que ayuden a combatir los cuatro principales
detonantes de riesgo que se ha identificado para el proceso de cierre de MLZ: En primer
lugar, la disminución de la mano de obra, en segundo lugar la insuficiencia de programas
de responsabilidad social y valor compartido; en tercer lugar, la minería ilegal e informal y
finalmente, la insuficiente gestión del estado en el desarrollo de las comunidades.
Minera La Zanja is a subsidiary Peruvian enterprise of Buenaventura Mines Company, it produces gold using open pit operation. This consulting plan has been developed with the objective of proposing an action plan to manage social risk that can cause an operation stoppage the closing phase. This study started with an analysis of the company’s current situation and then a presentation about the view, mission and principles. The main strategic objectives of the company were identified and with this information an action plan was worked out. Then an external analysis has been done to determine the influence of environment where the enterprise operates. It was possible to identify opportunities that would be beneficial, such as: new regulations to encourage mineral exploration, mining capacity, policies for opening up to social dialogue through citizen participation and prior consultation, among others; as well as threats to avoid such as: conflicts and social problems, and variation in international demand and/or mineral oversupply. Next, an internal analysis has been done, which is oriented to capitalize its strengths (corporate culture, experienced and highly qualified personnel, and positive financial indicators) and neutralize its weaknesses (financial risk in metal prices variations, a decrease in exploitable resources and reserves and internal union conflicts), which will build competitive advantages. After that, a business plan was written which made it possible to find the root cause and identify its triggers. With a response plan, solution strategies were outlined. The potential solutions seek to minimize the impact of the triggers, for example, virtual training for workers’ labor reinsertion in Alliance with local councils to create a job holding pool; training for business technology management to benefit the community development; providing capital investment to the community enterprise by transferring assets complying with the due human rights diligence and implementing a comprehensive Project to improve the communication between the mining Company and the communities around. Next, a plan was written to implement the possible solutions. In this plan the current situation, a description of the solution, an expected future scenario, costs and time needed to implement the solution are analyzed. The results obtained by this study allowed us to validate that there is a latent need in the implementation of training and cooperation programs that help combat the four main risk triggers that we have identified for the MLZ closure process: the decrease in the labor force, insufficient social responsibility and shared value programs, illegal and informal mining and insufficient state management.
Minera La Zanja is a subsidiary Peruvian enterprise of Buenaventura Mines Company, it produces gold using open pit operation. This consulting plan has been developed with the objective of proposing an action plan to manage social risk that can cause an operation stoppage the closing phase. This study started with an analysis of the company’s current situation and then a presentation about the view, mission and principles. The main strategic objectives of the company were identified and with this information an action plan was worked out. Then an external analysis has been done to determine the influence of environment where the enterprise operates. It was possible to identify opportunities that would be beneficial, such as: new regulations to encourage mineral exploration, mining capacity, policies for opening up to social dialogue through citizen participation and prior consultation, among others; as well as threats to avoid such as: conflicts and social problems, and variation in international demand and/or mineral oversupply. Next, an internal analysis has been done, which is oriented to capitalize its strengths (corporate culture, experienced and highly qualified personnel, and positive financial indicators) and neutralize its weaknesses (financial risk in metal prices variations, a decrease in exploitable resources and reserves and internal union conflicts), which will build competitive advantages. After that, a business plan was written which made it possible to find the root cause and identify its triggers. With a response plan, solution strategies were outlined. The potential solutions seek to minimize the impact of the triggers, for example, virtual training for workers’ labor reinsertion in Alliance with local councils to create a job holding pool; training for business technology management to benefit the community development; providing capital investment to the community enterprise by transferring assets complying with the due human rights diligence and implementing a comprehensive Project to improve the communication between the mining Company and the communities around. Next, a plan was written to implement the possible solutions. In this plan the current situation, a description of the solution, an expected future scenario, costs and time needed to implement the solution are analyzed. The results obtained by this study allowed us to validate that there is a latent need in the implementation of training and cooperation programs that help combat the four main risk triggers that we have identified for the MLZ closure process: the decrease in the labor force, insufficient social responsibility and shared value programs, illegal and informal mining and insufficient state management.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas, Planificación estratégica
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