Percepciones docentes sobre las prácticas pedagógicas de la disciplina positiva con niños del Nivel Inicial de una I.E. privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El tema de la presente investigación es acerca de las prácticas pedagógicas de la
disciplina positiva con niños del Nivel Inicial. Este estudio descriptivo y de enfoque
cualitativo surge a partir de la problemática que representa la aplicación de prácticas
pedagógicas de disciplina positiva en las aulas del Nivel Inicial a causa del poco
conocimiento por parte de los docentes sobre los fundamentos de esta y del impacto
positivo en las interacciones docente-niño a partir del desempeño de un rol
mediador. Ante ello, se plantea la pregunta de investigación ¿Cuáles son las
percepciones docentes sobre las prácticas pedagógicas de la disciplina positiva con
niños del Nivel Inicial de una I.E. privada de Lima? La técnica empleada para el
recojo de información es la entrevista de tipo semiestructurada, siendo las
informantes tres docentes que laboran en la referida Institución Educativa. El estudio
evidencia que el rol docente es fundamental para la aplicación de prácticas
pedagógicas de disciplina positiva; dado que contribuye con el proceso de desarrollo
personal, social y emocional de los infantes; así como favorece una convivencia
armoniosa para establecer relaciones interpersonales positivas y genera un sentido
de bienestar a nivel individual y colectivo de los mismos.
The subject of the present investigation is about the pedagogical practices of the positive discipline with children from pre-school education in a private Educational Institution of Lima. This descriptive study with a qualitative approach arises from the problem that represents the application of pedagogical practices of positive discipline in pre-schooler classrooms due to the lack knowledge on the part of teachers about the basis of this and the positive impact on interactions teacher-child from the performance of a mediating role. Therefore, the research question is posed what are the teaching perceptions on the pedagogical practices of the positive discipline with children from pre-school education in a private Educational Institution of Lima? The technique used was the semi structured interview, the informants being three teachers who work in the aforementioned Educational Institution. The study shows that the teaching role is fundamental for the application of pedagogical practices of positive discipline; since it contributes to the process of personal, social and emotional development of infants; as well as favors a harmonious coexistence in which they establish positive interpersonal relationships and generates a sense of well-being at the individual and collective level.
The subject of the present investigation is about the pedagogical practices of the positive discipline with children from pre-school education in a private Educational Institution of Lima. This descriptive study with a qualitative approach arises from the problem that represents the application of pedagogical practices of positive discipline in pre-schooler classrooms due to the lack knowledge on the part of teachers about the basis of this and the positive impact on interactions teacher-child from the performance of a mediating role. Therefore, the research question is posed what are the teaching perceptions on the pedagogical practices of the positive discipline with children from pre-school education in a private Educational Institution of Lima? The technique used was the semi structured interview, the informants being three teachers who work in the aforementioned Educational Institution. The study shows that the teaching role is fundamental for the application of pedagogical practices of positive discipline; since it contributes to the process of personal, social and emotional development of infants; as well as favors a harmonious coexistence in which they establish positive interpersonal relationships and generates a sense of well-being at the individual and collective level.
Palabras clave
Disciplina infantil, Educación de niños, Personal docente--Actitudes, Educación preescolar--Perú--Lima
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