Criterios de selección de los cuentos audiovisuales en un aula de 3 años de una Institución Educativa Pública del distrito de San Miguel
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El interés que motiva esta investigación se debe a que actualmente nos encontramos
en una situación atípica, en donde la educación ha dado un giro inesperado debido al
brote de la COVID-19. Por ello, la presente investigación descriptiva y con enfoque
cualitativo tiene como objetivo general analizar los criterios de selección de los
cuentos audiovisuales en las actividades con niños y niñas de 3 años de una
institución educativa pública en el distrito de San Miguel en la modalidad de educación
a distancia del cual surgen dos objetivos específicos: identificar las características de
los cuentos audiovisuales que se utilizan en un aula de 3 años en la modalidad de
educación a distancia e identificar los criterios que emplea la docente para la selección
de los mismos, empleando como método de investigación el estudio de caso, puesto
que permite profundizar detalladamente en la problemática. Para ello, es crucial que
la docente, en el marco de la educación a distancia, conozca las características que
poseen los cuentos audiovisuales, así como los criterios de selección de los mismos,
puesto que son los recursos más empleados por ella. En ese sentido, a partir de los
resultados obtenidos, se puede afirmar que la docente tiene conocimiento de las
características y criterios de selección del cuento audiovisual, aunque ello no se
evidencia en todos los cuentos analizados. Lo que busca el presente estudio es
permitir la reflexión de las docentes de nivel de educación inicial acerca de la
relevancia que se le debe dar a la selección de cuentos audiovisuales en el marco de
la educación a distancia.
The interest that motivates this research is due to the fact that we are currently in an atypical situation, where education has taken an unexpected turn due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Therefore, the general objective of this descriptive research with a qualitative approach is to analyze the selection criteria of audiovisual stories in activities with 3-year-old children in a public educational institution in the district of San Miguel in the distance education modality, from which two specific objectives emerge: to identify the characteristics of the audiovisual stories used in a 3-year-old classroom in the distance education modality and to identify the criteria used by the teacher for their selection, using the case study as a research method, since it allows a detailed study of the problem. For this purpose, it is crucial that the teacher, within the framework of distance education, knows the characteristics of audiovisual stories, as well as their selection criteria, since they are the resources most used by her. In this sense, from the results obtained, it can be affirmed that the teacher has knowledge of the characteristics and selection criteria of the audiovisual story, although this is not evident in all the stories analyzed. The purpose of this study is to allow early childhood education teachers to reflect on the relevance that should be given to the selection of audiovisual stories in the framework of distance education.
The interest that motivates this research is due to the fact that we are currently in an atypical situation, where education has taken an unexpected turn due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Therefore, the general objective of this descriptive research with a qualitative approach is to analyze the selection criteria of audiovisual stories in activities with 3-year-old children in a public educational institution in the district of San Miguel in the distance education modality, from which two specific objectives emerge: to identify the characteristics of the audiovisual stories used in a 3-year-old classroom in the distance education modality and to identify the criteria used by the teacher for their selection, using the case study as a research method, since it allows a detailed study of the problem. For this purpose, it is crucial that the teacher, within the framework of distance education, knows the characteristics of audiovisual stories, as well as their selection criteria, since they are the resources most used by her. In this sense, from the results obtained, it can be affirmed that the teacher has knowledge of the characteristics and selection criteria of the audiovisual story, although this is not evident in all the stories analyzed. The purpose of this study is to allow early childhood education teachers to reflect on the relevance that should be given to the selection of audiovisual stories in the framework of distance education.
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