El patrimonio material y espiritual en el proceso de formación de dos provincias de la Patagonia argentina
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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Las provincias de Río Negro y Neuquén están ubicadas en la porción septentrional de la Patagonia argentina. Una de ellas -Neuquén- se recuesta sobre la cordillera de los Andes, mientras que la otra -Río Negro- se extiende desde este cordón monta ñoso hasta el Atlántico.A pesar de su vecindad, sus patrimonios materiales y espirituales presentan particularidades que otorgan a cada una de las provincias una identidad propia. En el caso neuquino, su territorio se caracteriza por albergar los yacimientos de hidrocarburos más ricos del país, haciendo de esta provincia la primera productora de petróleo y gas. Esto le significa al Gobierno de Neuquén un importante ingreso por las regalías-aproximadamente el 80% de su presupuesto-, y para la sociedad en general, unaeconomía fuertemente dependiente de los recursos provenientes de los hidrocarbu ros, así como dependiente del Estado. Río Negro, por su parte, se caracteriza por una economía más diversificada: recursos paisajísticos que han promovido un importante desarrollo turístico, fruticultura y pesca, con una mayor participación del sector pri vado. En cuanto al patrimonio espiritual, si bien tienen puntos de contacto en lo que respecta al proceso de organización territorial, también presentan especificidades a partir del momento en que ambos territorios toman el carácter de provincias. Con respecto a Neuquén, factores políticos y culturales determinan incentivos locales para el desarrollo que conducen a la formación de una sociedad regional diferente de su vecina rionegrina. Un partido político local no enrolado en ninguna de las corrientes nacionales mayoritarias jugará un rol decisivo a partir de los años sesenta en el desa rrollo y definición de la identidad regional. En el caso rionegrino, los grupos migratorios -mayoritariamente europeos- han incidido fuertemente en el proceso de formación de los incentivos locales para el desarrollo.La ponencia explora estos grandes tópicos con el fin de efectuar un análisis comparativo con respecto al proceso de formación de los incentivos locales para el desarrollo y de sus resultados.
The provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén are located in the northern Argentinean Patagonia. One of them, Neuquén, is at the foothills of the Andes; meanwhile, the other extends from this mountain chain to the Atlantic Ocean. In spite of their vicinity, their material and spiritual patrimonies are different enough to give each their own identity. At Neuquén, the richest petroleum deposits of Argentina are found, which provide most of the oil and gasto the country, giving a good share to Neuquén of the revenues from taxes collected. Furthermore, Neuquén also has other means for its economy based on landscape resources that have attracted the development of many tourist resorts. Lastly, it has fruit agriculture and flsheries with a heavy share of investment from the prívate sector.In relation to their spiritual patrimony, even if the two provinces have contactpoints due to their territorial organization, they have also differences since both territories acquired the rank of provinces. In Neuquén, political and cultural factors determine local incentives toward development that leads to the formation of a regio nal society different from that of Río Negro. A local political party not enrolled in national parties plays a decisive role in development after the 1960s, and in the deflnition of the regional identity. At Río Negro, the migratory groups, especially Europeans, have heavily influenced in the formation of the local incentives to development. This paper explores ideas around these topics and tries to make a comparative analysis with respect to the formation of the local incentives and their development.
The provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén are located in the northern Argentinean Patagonia. One of them, Neuquén, is at the foothills of the Andes; meanwhile, the other extends from this mountain chain to the Atlantic Ocean. In spite of their vicinity, their material and spiritual patrimonies are different enough to give each their own identity. At Neuquén, the richest petroleum deposits of Argentina are found, which provide most of the oil and gasto the country, giving a good share to Neuquén of the revenues from taxes collected. Furthermore, Neuquén also has other means for its economy based on landscape resources that have attracted the development of many tourist resorts. Lastly, it has fruit agriculture and flsheries with a heavy share of investment from the prívate sector.In relation to their spiritual patrimony, even if the two provinces have contactpoints due to their territorial organization, they have also differences since both territories acquired the rank of provinces. In Neuquén, political and cultural factors determine local incentives toward development that leads to the formation of a regio nal society different from that of Río Negro. A local political party not enrolled in national parties plays a decisive role in development after the 1960s, and in the deflnition of the regional identity. At Río Negro, the migratory groups, especially Europeans, have heavily influenced in the formation of the local incentives to development. This paper explores ideas around these topics and tries to make a comparative analysis with respect to the formation of the local incentives and their development.
Palabras clave
Geography, Andes, Atlantic Ocean, Economy, Gas, Neuquén, Oil, Petroleum Deposits, Prívate Sector, Regional Identity, Río Negro, Spiritual Patrimonies, Atlántico, Cordillera de Los Andes, Economía, Desarrollo Turístico, Identidad Regional, Fruticultura, Gas, Pesca, Petróleo, Provincia de Río Negro, Provincia de Neuquén, Sector Privado,Yacimiento de Hidrocarburos
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