Descontento general en toda la tierra y notable daño a la Real Hacienda”: El virrey Francisco de Toledo, su red de criados y el acceso a los bienes de comunidad y censos de indios
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Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades
El gobierno de Francisco de Toledo como virrey del Perú (1569-1581) implementó reformas para la administración del territorio y población andina con el objetivo de establecer un orden político y económico que generara mayores ingresos y envíos de remesas a la monarquía. Como parte de ese plan, el virrey llevó a cabo la reducción y organización de la población nativa en pueblos o comunidades de indios, así como la reglamentación del tributo indígena y el funcionamiento del sistema de mitas. Estas medidas generaron un aumento significativo en la circulación de dinero y bienes en el entorno de las comunidades de indios, de allí que las cajas de comunidades de indios se incrementaran y cobraran un nuevo significado como fuente de recursos susceptibles a ser usados. En este artículo se analiza la transformación e institucionalización de la administración de las cajas de comunidad durante el gobierno del virrey Toledo, el proceso de copamiento en su control y manejo por parte de autoridades nombradas del entorno cercano al virrey, el uso particular que los criados y el propio virrey hacen de estos dineros y bienes, y la crisis que terminó enfrentando al virrey con la Corona, por la investigación y acusación de cobros y apropiaciones indebidas de estos fondos que enfrentó a su regreso a España.
The government of Francisco de Toledo as viceroy of Peru (1569-1581) implemented reforms for the administration of the Andean territory and population aiming the establishment of a political and economic order that would generate greater income and remittances to the monarchy. As part of this plan, the viceroy carried out the congregation and organization of the native population into towns or Indian communities, as well as the regulation of the indigenous tribute and the operation of the mita system. These actions generated a significant increase in the circulation of money and goods within the Indian communities, hence the so-called cajas de comunidad increased and took on a new meaning within the Toledo model, as a source of resources that could be used. This article analyzes the transformation and institutionalization in the administration of the cajas de comunidad during Toledo`s administration, the process of takeover in their control and management by authorities appointed within the viceroy`s close circle, the particular use that these servants and the viceroy himself made of these moneys and assets, and the crisis that ended up confronting the viceroy with the Crown, due to the investigation and accusation of collections and misappropriations of funds that he faced upon his return to Spain.
The government of Francisco de Toledo as viceroy of Peru (1569-1581) implemented reforms for the administration of the Andean territory and population aiming the establishment of a political and economic order that would generate greater income and remittances to the monarchy. As part of this plan, the viceroy carried out the congregation and organization of the native population into towns or Indian communities, as well as the regulation of the indigenous tribute and the operation of the mita system. These actions generated a significant increase in the circulation of money and goods within the Indian communities, hence the so-called cajas de comunidad increased and took on a new meaning within the Toledo model, as a source of resources that could be used. This article analyzes the transformation and institutionalization in the administration of the cajas de comunidad during Toledo`s administration, the process of takeover in their control and management by authorities appointed within the viceroy`s close circle, the particular use that these servants and the viceroy himself made of these moneys and assets, and the crisis that ended up confronting the viceroy with the Crown, due to the investigation and accusation of collections and misappropriations of funds that he faced upon his return to Spain.
This work is a product of the project Failure. Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th–19th Centuries; REVFAIL (Grant Agreement No. 823998), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 MSCA program
Palabras clave
Perú, Siglo XVI, Virrey Francisco de Toledo, Criados, Cajas de comunidad, Censos indígenas, Peru, 16th century, Viceroy Francisco de Toledo, Servants, Cajas de comunidad, Indigenous census
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