Arte y transgresión : el papel del arte y el activismo peruano de la diversidad sexual en la representación social hegemónica (2000-2015)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo indagar sobre la producción artística reciente en
el Perú alrededor de la diversidad sexual, en específico sobre su capacidad de transgredir los
sistemas de representación social, entendidos como los sistemas que instalan en el sentido
común de la sociedad una “verdad” generalmente a partir de supuestos esencialistas como los
estereotipos, los cuales, particularmente sitúan a la diversidad sexual en la marginalización y
en el no reconocimiento de sus derechos; a través del análisis de imágenes de las propuestas
estéticas y de los discursos de artistas de formación, artistas autodidacticas, activistas, etc.
Con este fin, la investigación se realizó con un enfoque cualitativo y se diseñaron entrevistas
semiestructuradas para explorar abiertamente el problema de investigación. Asimismo, se
realizó un análisis de las imágenes como discurso que complementaron los hallazgos. Los
resultados se dividen en tres dimensiones: 1) arte, activismos y diversidad sexual en el Perú, 2)
revuelta a la representación social desde el arte: experiencias en el contexto peruano y 3) la
práctica artística colectiva, comunitaria e interdisciplinaria: nuevos horizontes creativos. En
estas, se reflejan que las practicas activistas y artísticas alrededor de la diversidad sexual se
encuentran en un proceso de cambio, en principio, por el agotamiento de las formas
convencionales en las que opera el activismo, y por otro, por las lógicas del mercado neoliberal
que se apropian de las luchas por el reconocimiento de las identidades, esto en el marco de una
creciente estetización, venta y consumo de modelos de vida. Donde, las producciones culturales
alrededor de la diversidad sexual tienen como principal preocupación transgredir los sistemas
de representación que producen imágenes, estereotipos e identidades hegemónicas, a partir de
los mecanismos de la representación misma, proliferando nuevos modos de representación y
The objective of the present investigation was to explore the recent artistic production in Peru around sexual diversity, specifically about its ability to transgress social representation systems, understood as systems that install ‘truth’ in society's common sense. Generally based on essentialist assumptions such as stereotypes, which particularly, place sexual diversity in marginalization and in the non-recognition of their rights; through the analysis of images of aesthetic proposals and the speeches of training artists, self-taught artists, activists, etc. To this end, the research was conducted with a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews, that were designed to openly explore the research problem. Likewise, an analysis of the images was made as discourse that complemented the findings. The results are divided into three dimensions: 1) art, activism and sexual diversity in Peru, 2) revolt to social representation in art: experiences in the Peruvian context, and 3) collective, community and interdisciplinary artistic practice: new creative horizons. In these, they reflect that activist and artistic practices around sexual diversity are in a process of change, in principle, by the exhaustion of the conventional ways in which activism operates, and on the other, by the logic of the neoliberalist market that appropriates the struggles for the recognition of identities, this within the framework of a growing aestheticization, sale and consumption of life models. Where, cultural productions around sexual diversity have as their main concern to transgress the systems of representation that produce images, stereotypes and hegemonic identities, from the mechanisms of representation itself, proliferating new modes of representation and subjectivity.
The objective of the present investigation was to explore the recent artistic production in Peru around sexual diversity, specifically about its ability to transgress social representation systems, understood as systems that install ‘truth’ in society's common sense. Generally based on essentialist assumptions such as stereotypes, which particularly, place sexual diversity in marginalization and in the non-recognition of their rights; through the analysis of images of aesthetic proposals and the speeches of training artists, self-taught artists, activists, etc. To this end, the research was conducted with a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews, that were designed to openly explore the research problem. Likewise, an analysis of the images was made as discourse that complemented the findings. The results are divided into three dimensions: 1) art, activism and sexual diversity in Peru, 2) revolt to social representation in art: experiences in the Peruvian context, and 3) collective, community and interdisciplinary artistic practice: new creative horizons. In these, they reflect that activist and artistic practices around sexual diversity are in a process of change, in principle, by the exhaustion of the conventional ways in which activism operates, and on the other, by the logic of the neoliberalist market that appropriates the struggles for the recognition of identities, this within the framework of a growing aestheticization, sale and consumption of life models. Where, cultural productions around sexual diversity have as their main concern to transgress the systems of representation that produce images, stereotypes and hegemonic identities, from the mechanisms of representation itself, proliferating new modes of representation and subjectivity.
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