La valoración de los diferentes actores en relación a la implementación de Programas No Escolarizados de Educación Inicial (PRONOEI) para niños de 3 a 5 años de edad, en Huánuco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe se enfoca en el análisis de la información recogida
durante el trabajo de campo realizado entre julio y diciembre de 2016, en un
total de 30 Programas No Escolarizados de Educación Inicial (PRONOEI), en la
región Huánuco, como parte del monitoreo realizado, desde el Ministerio de
Educación, que tenía la finalidad de conocer el nivel de implementación de
estos programas, en el marco de la mejora de la política educativa, enfocada
en las estrategias de educación inicial en zonas rurales.
Los PRONOEI cuentan en la actualidad con dos variantes conocidas
como Entorno Familiar y Entorno Comunitario, respectivamente. Fue durante
esta experiencia laboral, y debido a la cercanía con las madres y padres, las
autoridades locales y los promotores educativos comunitarios que se
relacionan con esta estrategia de atención educativa, que se pudo ahondar en
datos e información relevante que permitió repensar la importancia que este
tipo de servicios educativos podría tener para estos actores.
Es así que a través del entendimiento de la manera cómo este tipo de
programas impacta en las localidades y, principalmente en los niños y niñas de
3 a 5 años de edad, desde la mirada de los actores antes mencionados, se
pudo comprender cómo se configuran las buenas prácticas, beneficios,
lecciones aprendidas así como también las desventajas que tiene para ellos la
existencia y el acceso de los niños y niñas a educación inicial desde etapas
tempranas de su crecimiento, tomando como punto de partida los procesos de
socialización y la construcción de la valorización que estos programas tiene
para estos actores.
This report focuses on the analysis of the information collected during the fieldwork carried out between July and December 2016, in a total of 30 Non- School Initial Education Programs (PRONOEI), in the Huánuco region, as part of the monitoring carried out, from the Ministry of Education, which had the purpose of knowing the level of implementation of these programs, within the framework of the improvement of educational policy, focused on early education strategies in rural areas. These programs currently have two variants known as Family Environment and Community Environment, respectively. It was during this work experience, and due to the closeness with mothers and fathers, local authorities and community educational promoters who are related to this educational childcare strategy, that it was possible to delve into relevant data and information that allowed us to rethink the importance that this type of educational services could have for these actors. Thus, through the understanding of how this type of programs impacts communities and mainly children from 3 to 5 years of age, from the perspective of the aforementioned actors, it was possible to understand how good practices, benefits, lessons learned, as well as the disadvantages, etc. are configured regarding existence and access to preschool education from the early stages of their growth have on children, taking as a starting point the socialization processes and the construction of the assessment made by these actors regarding PRONOEI.
This report focuses on the analysis of the information collected during the fieldwork carried out between July and December 2016, in a total of 30 Non- School Initial Education Programs (PRONOEI), in the Huánuco region, as part of the monitoring carried out, from the Ministry of Education, which had the purpose of knowing the level of implementation of these programs, within the framework of the improvement of educational policy, focused on early education strategies in rural areas. These programs currently have two variants known as Family Environment and Community Environment, respectively. It was during this work experience, and due to the closeness with mothers and fathers, local authorities and community educational promoters who are related to this educational childcare strategy, that it was possible to delve into relevant data and information that allowed us to rethink the importance that this type of educational services could have for these actors. Thus, through the understanding of how this type of programs impacts communities and mainly children from 3 to 5 years of age, from the perspective of the aforementioned actors, it was possible to understand how good practices, benefits, lessons learned, as well as the disadvantages, etc. are configured regarding existence and access to preschool education from the early stages of their growth have on children, taking as a starting point the socialization processes and the construction of the assessment made by these actors regarding PRONOEI.
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