Riesgos a la salud y ambiente por el uso de lámparas que contienen mercurio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP)
El presente estudio bibliográfico se desarrolló con el fin de analizar la gestión y manejo de lámparas que contienen mercurio e identificar los riesgos a la salud y ambiente. El mercurio es una sustancia natural y tóxica que una vez liberado al ambiente puede permanecer y circular en el aire, agua y suelo. Asimismo, ocasiona una amplia gama de efectos sistemáticos en los humanos (riñones, estómago, pulmones y sistema nervioso). En el Perú, las lámparas son consideradas como Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (RAEE) al finalizar su vida útil. El problema ambiental que presentan es su contenido en mercurio, no esencial para ningún proceso metabólico y bioacumulable en los seres vivos. Tomando en cuenta el riesgo que representa, se han asumido compromisos por diversos países del mundo, incluyendo Perú, mediante la firma del Convenio de Minamata, los cuales han venido implementando instrumentos de gestión y planificación nacional que permitan llevar a cabo medidas para el correcto manejo de los residuos con mercurio. Como parte de este compromiso asumido, Perú viene elaborando el Plan Nacional de Aplicación del Convenio de Minamata sobre el mercurio, que tiene como propósito concretar acciones a fin de proteger la salud humana y el ambiente de emisiones y liberaciones antropógenas de mercurio y sus compuestos. Se concluye que las lámparas, al finalizar su vida útil, constituyen un peligro debido a sucontenido de mercurio, por lo que se requiere un manejo adecuado para reducir los riesgos a la salud humana y ambiente.
This research was developed in order to analyze the management and management of mercury-containing lamps and to identify the health and environmental risks related to their mercury content. Taking into account that mercury is a natural and toxic substance, which once released into the environment it can remain and circulate in air, water and soil. It also causes a wide range of systematic effects in humans (kidneys, stomach, lungs and nervous system). In Peru, the lamps are considered as waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) at the end of their useful life. The environmental problem they present is their mercury content, is not essential for any metabolic process and is bioaccumulable in living beings. Taking into account the risk it represents, many countries of the world, including Peru, signed the Minamata Agreement, and have been implementing national planning and management instruments to implement a correct waste management of the mercury. As part of this commitment, Peru has been drafting the National Plan for the Application of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which aims to specify actions to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. It concludes that lamps, at the end of their useful life, constitute a hazard due to their mercury it contains; a proper management is an important factor to reduce the risks to human health and the environment.
This research was developed in order to analyze the management and management of mercury-containing lamps and to identify the health and environmental risks related to their mercury content. Taking into account that mercury is a natural and toxic substance, which once released into the environment it can remain and circulate in air, water and soil. It also causes a wide range of systematic effects in humans (kidneys, stomach, lungs and nervous system). In Peru, the lamps are considered as waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) at the end of their useful life. The environmental problem they present is their mercury content, is not essential for any metabolic process and is bioaccumulable in living beings. Taking into account the risk it represents, many countries of the world, including Peru, signed the Minamata Agreement, and have been implementing national planning and management instruments to implement a correct waste management of the mercury. As part of this commitment, Peru has been drafting the National Plan for the Application of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which aims to specify actions to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. It concludes that lamps, at the end of their useful life, constitute a hazard due to their mercury it contains; a proper management is an important factor to reduce the risks to human health and the environment.
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