Estudiantes como agentes de cambio en el ámbito digital: experiencia docente en torno a la ejecución de un perfil de intervención virtual en el curso ciudadanía y responsabilidad social de EEGGLL - PUCP
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este artículo, se expone la experiencia docente en torno a la ejecución de un perfil de intervención virtual por parte de alumnos de pregrado que fueron guiados por las jefas de práctica del curso Ciudadanía y Responsabilidad Social de Estudios Generales Letras de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). La experiencia parte de un proceso de virtualización del curso en el contexto de emergencia sanitaria por la COVID-19. Tomando en cuenta que los y las estudiantes son nativos digitales y que el perfil de intervención es una actividad de incidencia que pretende sensibilizar, informar y reflexionar sobre una problemática específica de la realidad social peruana, se adaptó la propuesta para su aplicación en redes sociales.El artículo desarrolla los objetivos del curso, los tres enfoques en los cuales se enmarca (ciudadanía, responsabilidad social y desarrollo humano), el paso de la presencialidad a la virtualidad y el desarrollo del perfil de intervención virtual a partir de lo acontecido en el semestre 2020-1.
This article presents the teaching experience around the execution of a virtual intervention by undergraduate students and guided by the teaching assistants of the course "Citizenship and Social Responsibility" of the Faculty of General Studies in Humanities of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The experience stems from a process of virtualization of the course in the context of a health emergency due to COVID-19. Taking into account that the students are digital natives, the virtual intervention is an incidence activity that seeks to sensitize, inform and reflect on a specific problem of the Peruvian social reality, and in this case applying it through social media. This article develops the goals of the course, the three approaches in which it is framed (citizenship, social responsibility and human development), the passage from face-to-face to virtuality and the development of the virtual intervention profile based on what happened in the 2020-1 semester.
This article presents the teaching experience around the execution of a virtual intervention by undergraduate students and guided by the teaching assistants of the course "Citizenship and Social Responsibility" of the Faculty of General Studies in Humanities of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The experience stems from a process of virtualization of the course in the context of a health emergency due to COVID-19. Taking into account that the students are digital natives, the virtual intervention is an incidence activity that seeks to sensitize, inform and reflect on a specific problem of the Peruvian social reality, and in this case applying it through social media. This article develops the goals of the course, the three approaches in which it is framed (citizenship, social responsibility and human development), the passage from face-to-face to virtuality and the development of the virtual intervention profile based on what happened in the 2020-1 semester.
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