El habla habla. El Heidegger del pensar onto-histórico y la pregunta por el origen de la significación lingüística
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El presente artículo aborda la concepción del lenguaje en el pensaronto-histórico de Heidegger. Para tratar esta temática, se parte de la pregunta por el origen de la significación lingüística, que en este autor se identifica con la pregunta por la esencia del lenguaje en relación con el esenciarse del ser. El análisis inicia con la consideración de la determinación metafísica de la relación entre lenguaje y ser en Aristóteles, para contraponer sus rasgos a los distintivos de la comprensión heideggeriana.
The present article discusses Heidegger's conception of language within the frame of his onto-historical thought. In order to address this issue he starts from the question about the origins oflinguistic significance which he identifies with the enquiry into the essence of language in relation with the act of essencialization” of being. The analysis begins considering the metaphysical determination of the relationship between language and being in Aristotle to oppose its features to Heidegger’s distinctive one.
The present article discusses Heidegger's conception of language within the frame of his onto-historical thought. In order to address this issue he starts from the question about the origins oflinguistic significance which he identifies with the enquiry into the essence of language in relation with the act of essencialization” of being. The analysis begins considering the metaphysical determination of the relationship between language and being in Aristotle to oppose its features to Heidegger’s distinctive one.
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