Desacuerdos. Semántica, Pragmática y Existencia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este trabajo ofrecemos una defensa de la existencia de desacuerdos en ámbitos del discurso que involucran la perspectiva de un agente, tal como los contempla la teoría semántica conocida como relativismo radical. Ante la idea deque tales desacuerdos existen y que solo pueden ser explicados a partir de una semántica relativista radical, los teóricos del marco contextualista han ofrecido argumentos, o bien para negar la existencia de los mismos, o bien para proveer una explicación de ellos sin necesidad de postular un alejamiento de la teoría semántica estándar. Estos argumentos serán nuestro blanco de crítica. Planteamos el debate en términos de la distinción entre aspectos semánticos y aspectos pragmáticos del desacuerdo, y defendemos una visión simple del desacuerdo, la cual creemos que el relativista debe tener en mente si quiere sostener que los desacuerdos que pertenecen a ámbitos que involucran la perspectiva de un agente pueden contar como evidencia a su favor.
In this article, we defend the existence of disagreements in areas of discourse that involve anagent’s perspective, as the semantic theory known as Radical Relativism” putsit. In the face of the idea that such disagreements exist and can only be explainedby a radical relativist semantics, contextualist theorists have offered arguments to deny their existence or to provide an explanation of them which does not imply departing from the standard semantic theory. These arguments will be our targetof criticism. We raise the debate in terms of the distinction between semantic andpragmatic aspects of disagreement, and we defend a simple vision of disagreement, which we believe the relativist must have in mind if he wants to argue that disagreements belonging to areas that involve an agent’s perspective can count as evidence in his favor.
In this article, we defend the existence of disagreements in areas of discourse that involve anagent’s perspective, as the semantic theory known as Radical Relativism” putsit. In the face of the idea that such disagreements exist and can only be explainedby a radical relativist semantics, contextualist theorists have offered arguments to deny their existence or to provide an explanation of them which does not imply departing from the standard semantic theory. These arguments will be our targetof criticism. We raise the debate in terms of the distinction between semantic andpragmatic aspects of disagreement, and we defend a simple vision of disagreement, which we believe the relativist must have in mind if he wants to argue that disagreements belonging to areas that involve an agent’s perspective can count as evidence in his favor.
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