Capacidades democráticas para la gobernanza de las áreas naturales protegidas. El caso de la Reserva Natural de Salinas y Aguada Blanca (2015 – 2017)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP)
Las áreas naturales protegidas son espacios que cuentan con un valioso patrimonio ecosistémico, genético y biológico, en los cuales la diversidad cultural y étnica aporta valiosos conocimientos tradicionales con respecto a sus usos y propiedades. Gestionar estas áreas implica reconocer que son espacios multiculturales donde confluyen actores con múltiples intereses; requiere también que se garantice no solo que todos los involucrados estén representados en las instancias de gestión, sino que, además, todos tengan las capacidades necesarias para participar activamente en el proceso de toma de decisiones. ¿Cuáles son aquellas capacidades que permiten la participación de todos en igualdad de condiciones? En el estudio que se presenta en este artículo se identifican diez capacidades, a las que se les denominan capacidades democráticas; y se analiza si estas están presentes en los actores involucrados en la gestión de la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca en el período 2015-2017. El estudio concluye que las capacidades de diálogo y de manejo intercultural tienen un buen desarrollo: mientras que las capacidades de habilidad lectora, manejo del lenguaje de las comunidades, actitud y disposición para brindar información permanentemente, análisis del entorno, toma de decisiones, solución de conflictos, e incidencia, tienen un desarrollo medio, y que aún hay debilidades en la capacidad sobre el cumplimiento de los acuerdos.
Protected natural areas are spaces that have a valuable ecosystemic, genetic and biological heritage and in which cultural and ethnic diversity provides valuable traditional knowledge regarding their uses and properties. Managing these areas implies recognizing that they are multicultural spaces where actors with multiple interests converge; it also requires that not only be guaranteed that all those involved are represented in the management instances, but also that everyone has the necessary capacities to participate actively in the decision-making process. What are those capacities that allow the participation of all under equal conditions? The study identifies ten capacities, which are called “democratic capacities”; and it is analyzed if these are present in the actors involved in the management of the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca in the period 2015-2017. The study concludes that the capacities for dialogue and intercultural management are well developed. While the abilities: reading ability; management of the language of the communities; attitude and willingness to provide information permanently; surrounding analysis; decision making; conflict resolution; and incidence have a medium development, and there are still weaknesses in the capacity to comply with the agreements.
Protected natural areas are spaces that have a valuable ecosystemic, genetic and biological heritage and in which cultural and ethnic diversity provides valuable traditional knowledge regarding their uses and properties. Managing these areas implies recognizing that they are multicultural spaces where actors with multiple interests converge; it also requires that not only be guaranteed that all those involved are represented in the management instances, but also that everyone has the necessary capacities to participate actively in the decision-making process. What are those capacities that allow the participation of all under equal conditions? The study identifies ten capacities, which are called “democratic capacities”; and it is analyzed if these are present in the actors involved in the management of the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca in the period 2015-2017. The study concludes that the capacities for dialogue and intercultural management are well developed. While the abilities: reading ability; management of the language of the communities; attitude and willingness to provide information permanently; surrounding analysis; decision making; conflict resolution; and incidence have a medium development, and there are still weaknesses in the capacity to comply with the agreements.
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