Autoridades locales y comunidades indígenas en el Perú del siglo XIX. Una aproximación desde la sierra centro y norte del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva Agüero
Este artículo aborda las transformaciones del vínculo institucional entre las poblacionesperiféricas (rurales e indígenas) y el Estado durante la creación e implementación de ungobierno republicano que intentaba cambiar las instituciones y prácticas del Estado colonialperuano. Desarrolla el tránsito de los cabildos de indios como instancias de representaciónétnica y de autoridad local hacia nuevas formas comunitarias de representación,fundadas en lazos de propiedad antes que por ámbitos jurisdiccionales. Propone que latransformación de las instituciones de gobierno indígena en los espacios rurales del centroy norte peruanos pasó por tres procesos sucesivos: 1) una etapa inicial de tolerancia de dosmodelos de organización de la autoridad indígena, uno moderno, que adoptó las nuevasformas institucionales republicanas y otro tradicional, que reprodujo las formas colonialesde autogobierno; 2) una etapa intermedia que buscó institucionalizar las nuevas autoridadesen medio de las disputas por el control y la propiedad del territorio; y 3) la consolidación delmodelo municipal republicano, marcado por la expulsión de los indígenas y los modeloscolectivos de gobierno del Estado, lo que generó la separación de espacios y jurisdiccionesentre la autoridad municipal y los propietarios territoriales.
This paper deals with the transformation of the institutional link between peripheral populations(rural and indigenous) and the state, in the context of the creation and implementationof a republican government trying to change former institutions and practices of the colonialPeruvian state. It addresses the transition from councils of Indians as instances of ethnic representationand local authority towards new forms of community representation, based onties of ownership rather than by jurisdictions. It is proposed that the transformation of indigenousgovernment institutions in rural areas of central and northern Peru went through three successive processes: 1) an initial stage of tolerance of two organization models of indigenousauthority, a modern one that adopted new republican institutional forms, and a traditional onethat replicated colonial self-government institutions; 2) an intermediate stage which sought toinstitutionalize the new authorities in the middle of disputes concerning territorial control andland property; and 3) the consolidation of the republican municipal model, marked by the expulsionof indigenous people and collective models of state government, which produced theseparation of spaces and jurisdictions between municipal authorities and landowners.
This paper deals with the transformation of the institutional link between peripheral populations(rural and indigenous) and the state, in the context of the creation and implementationof a republican government trying to change former institutions and practices of the colonialPeruvian state. It addresses the transition from councils of Indians as instances of ethnic representationand local authority towards new forms of community representation, based onties of ownership rather than by jurisdictions. It is proposed that the transformation of indigenousgovernment institutions in rural areas of central and northern Peru went through three successive processes: 1) an initial stage of tolerance of two organization models of indigenousauthority, a modern one that adopted new republican institutional forms, and a traditional onethat replicated colonial self-government institutions; 2) an intermediate stage which sought toinstitutionalize the new authorities in the middle of disputes concerning territorial control andland property; and 3) the consolidation of the republican municipal model, marked by the expulsionof indigenous people and collective models of state government, which produced theseparation of spaces and jurisdictions between municipal authorities and landowners.
Revistas generales, Historiografía—Revistas, Filosofía--Revistas, Indigenous Communities, Municipal Government, Land Property, Civil Authorities, Traditional Authorities
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