Cambios en el rol docente y el uso de herramientas virtuales para la consolidación, integración, debate y cocreación del aprendizaje de las instituciones del derecho de familia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Lograr el aprendizaje en los/as estudiantes, a través de una educación virtual, es todo un desafío para los/as docentes, más aún cuando esta modalidad no se tenía prevista en el semestre universitario. Para cumplir con los objetivos del curso se tuvo que investigar e implementar diversas herramientas virtuales, lo que nos permitió identificar las que mejor se adaptaban a nuestra metodología de enseñanza. La estrategia que se presenta en este artículo es la utilización del foro de preguntas y respuestas, ya que, tanto para las autoras como para los/as estudiantes, fue la que tuvo mejores resultados, puesto que permitió alcanzar distintos niveles de aprendizaje como la consolidación de conceptos, la integración, el debate y la cocreación. La experiencia exigió un mayor tiempo de dedicación al curso, tanto en la planificación de las actividades de intercambio como en el desarrollo de instrucciones claras para cada foro, la elaboración de los criterios de evaluación, el monitoreo de las participaciones, la elaboración de síntesis al final del foro, así como la retroalimentación a los/as estudiantes. Sin embargo, la experiencia nos enriqueció al contribuir a que nuestros/as estudiantes se conviertan en los actores principales de su aprendizaje en una sociedad cada vez más competitiva.
Achieving learning in students, through virtual education, is a challenge for teachers, even more so when this modality was not planned in the university semester. To meet the objectives of the course, various virtual tools had to be investigated and implemented, which allowed us to identify the ones that best suited our teaching methodology. The strategy that will be presented in this article is the use of the Question and Answer Forum, since, for both the authors and the students of the course, this virtual tool had the best learning results. The use of this type of forum allowed to reach different levels of learning such as the consolidation of concepts, integration, debate and co-creation. The experience required more time spent on the course, both in the planning of the exchange activities, as well as in the development of clear instructions for each forum, the elaboration of the evaluation criteria, the monitoring of the participations, the elaboration of synthesis at the end of the forum, as well as feedback to the students. However, the experience enriched us by helping our students to become the main actors of their learning, in an increasingly competitive society.
Achieving learning in students, through virtual education, is a challenge for teachers, even more so when this modality was not planned in the university semester. To meet the objectives of the course, various virtual tools had to be investigated and implemented, which allowed us to identify the ones that best suited our teaching methodology. The strategy that will be presented in this article is the use of the Question and Answer Forum, since, for both the authors and the students of the course, this virtual tool had the best learning results. The use of this type of forum allowed to reach different levels of learning such as the consolidation of concepts, integration, debate and co-creation. The experience required more time spent on the course, both in the planning of the exchange activities, as well as in the development of clear instructions for each forum, the elaboration of the evaluation criteria, the monitoring of the participations, the elaboration of synthesis at the end of the forum, as well as feedback to the students. However, the experience enriched us by helping our students to become the main actors of their learning, in an increasingly competitive society.
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