Arqueología y pensamiento local en Lípez (Potosí, Bolivia). "Historias de ruinas" y gestión integral del patrimonio cultural en la modernidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En tanto que nexo entre pasado y presente, las ruinas juegan para los grupos humanos un papel activo en la representación de la realidad, con lo que queda su percepción racionalizada desde un triple conflicto psicosocial de identidad cultural, ubicación espacial y continuidad temporal. Partiendo de esta premisa, en el presente trabajo se aborda la incidencia del turismo en la revalorización del patrimonio entre las comu nidades rurales del altiplano de Lípez (departamento de Potosí, Bolivia). Tomando como caso de estudio las comunidades de Santiago K y Santiago Chuvica, así como el yacimiento arqueológico de Lakaya, se analiza la relación patrimonio-turismo desde un punto de vista local, con incidencia en esa lectura emic del concepto de progreso que, a partir de la ecuación turismo = desarrollo económico, ve en el pasado un potencial bien de consumo cultural que se puede explotar. Considerando distintas miradas sobre unas ruinas sentidas como propias por las comunidades, se trata de penetrar la lógica que guía su transformación en producto turístico-patrimonial, en la cual confluyen puntos de vista psicosociales, de identidad, estéticos, míticos, estratégicos y espaciales.
As a link between past and present, ruins play for human groups an active role intheir reality representation, leaving their perceptions rationalized under a triple psycho social conflict of cultural identity, spatial ubiquity and temporal continuity. From this proposal, we broach in this paper the tourism incidence on heritage revalorization among Lípez Highland rural communities (Department of Potosí, Bolivia). Taking the communities of Santiago K and Santiago Chuvica and the Lakaya archaeological site as study case, we analyze heritage-tourism relationship from a local point of view, falling into the emic lecture of the progress concept that sees in the past a potentialcultural consumer good to be exploited from tourism = economical development equation. Considering different glances on ruins that are perceived by communities as of their own, we try to grasp the logic that guide its transformation in a tourist heritage product, where aesthetic, identity, mythic, psychosocial, spatial, and strategic points of view come together.
As a link between past and present, ruins play for human groups an active role intheir reality representation, leaving their perceptions rationalized under a triple psycho social conflict of cultural identity, spatial ubiquity and temporal continuity. From this proposal, we broach in this paper the tourism incidence on heritage revalorization among Lípez Highland rural communities (Department of Potosí, Bolivia). Taking the communities of Santiago K and Santiago Chuvica and the Lakaya archaeological site as study case, we analyze heritage-tourism relationship from a local point of view, falling into the emic lecture of the progress concept that sees in the past a potentialcultural consumer good to be exploited from tourism = economical development equation. Considering different glances on ruins that are perceived by communities as of their own, we try to grasp the logic that guide its transformation in a tourist heritage product, where aesthetic, identity, mythic, psychosocial, spatial, and strategic points of view come together.
Palabras clave
Geography, Cultural Consumer Good, Cultural Identity, Economical Development, Emic, Heritage, Heritage Revalorization, Lakaya, Lípez, Progress, Reality Representation, Ruins, Spatial Ubiquity, Temporal Continuity, Tourism, Consumo Cultural, Continuidad Temporal, Desarrollo Económico, Emic, Identidad Cultural, Lakaya, Lípez, Patrimonio, Progreso, Representación de la Realidad, Revalorización Del Patrimonio, Ruinas, Turismo, Ubicación Espacial
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