Adaptación y debilidad del Estado: El caso de la escasez de agua subterránea en Ica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde fines de los años 2000 se ha hecho más agudo el problema de la escasez de agua en la cuenca del río Ica. Los factores que causan esta situación son el fuerte crecimiento agroexportador, el crecimiento poblacional y los efectos del cambio climático. Asimismo, la política pública desde los años 90 ha promovido la inversión privada y la agro-exportación en la costa peruana; y es responsable en parte de la escasez de agua en Ica y deterioro de los acuíferos. Sin embargo, dado el problema, la capacidad de Estado para enfrentar la emergencia hídrica está relativamente neutralizada dentro de las relaciones de poder existentes en Ica; y presenta debilidad incluso para el cumplimiento de sus propias disposiciones como es el caso de la restricción a perforar nuevos pozos de agua a fin de garantizar la sostenibilidad de los acuíferos.
Since the end of the 2000s the problem of water scarcity in the Ica river basin has worsened. The factors causing this situation are the strong agro-export growth, the population growth and the climate change effects. Furthermore, public policy since the 90s has promoted private investment and agro-export in the Peruvian coast; and is partially responsible for the shortage of water in Ica and degradation of the aquifers. However, the capacity of the State to deal with the water emergency has relatively neutralized within the existing power relations in Ica; and it presents weakness even for fulfilling its own arrangements like in the case of the restriction of drilling new water wells to guarantee the sustainability of the aquifers.
Since the end of the 2000s the problem of water scarcity in the Ica river basin has worsened. The factors causing this situation are the strong agro-export growth, the population growth and the climate change effects. Furthermore, public policy since the 90s has promoted private investment and agro-export in the Peruvian coast; and is partially responsible for the shortage of water in Ica and degradation of the aquifers. However, the capacity of the State to deal with the water emergency has relatively neutralized within the existing power relations in Ica; and it presents weakness even for fulfilling its own arrangements like in the case of the restriction of drilling new water wells to guarantee the sustainability of the aquifers.
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