Cuerpo y afecto en Noches de adrenalina (1981) de Carmen Ollé
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Este artículo plantea un análisis de Noches de adrenalina de la poeta peruana Carmen Ollé, a partir de la noción de cuerpo performático y afecto. El sujeto poético cuestiona los roles impuestos a las mujeres por la sociedad androcéntrica y manifiesta el desplazamiento migratorio de la periferia (Lima) a Europa (el centro). Asimismo, Ollé propone la liberación del cuerpo apoyada en teóricos de la Anti-Psiquiatría y la Psiquiatría Radical como una crítica implícita a la Psiquiatría, el Psicoanálisis y la religión. Por ello, postula la emergencia de un deseo queer.
This article presents an analysis of Nights of Adrenaline by the Peruvian poet Carmen Ollé based on the notion of performatic body and affect. The poetic subject questions the imposed roles to women by androcentric society and manifests the migratory shift from the periphery (Lima) to Europe (the center). Likewise, Ollé proposes body liberation based on Anti-Psychiatry and Radical Psychiatry theorists as an implicit criticism to Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and religion. For this reason, she postulates the emergence of a queer desire.
This article presents an analysis of Nights of Adrenaline by the Peruvian poet Carmen Ollé based on the notion of performatic body and affect. The poetic subject questions the imposed roles to women by androcentric society and manifests the migratory shift from the periphery (Lima) to Europe (the center). Likewise, Ollé proposes body liberation based on Anti-Psychiatry and Radical Psychiatry theorists as an implicit criticism to Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and religion. For this reason, she postulates the emergence of a queer desire.
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