Impacto de la ingesta de residuos plásticos en peces
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP)
El presente estudio corresponde a una revisión bibliográfica sobre las investigaciones realizadas en base a la exposición de una diversidad de peces a diferentes concentraciones y tipos de residuos plásticos, ya sea a través de la ingesta directa, por exposición a ambientes contaminados o mediante su transferencia a través de la cadena trófica. En el desarrollo se presenta una descripción de los tipos y grados de afecciones que estos residuos ocasionan a los peces; asimismo, se ha incluido una comparación de los resultados obtenidos por algunos autores en sus experimentaciones. Producto del análisis realizado se ha llegado a la conclusión de que los residuos son fácilmente asimilables por los peces, independientemente de sus dimensiones, y que, por su diminuto tamaño, los microplásticos hacen las veces de vectores acuáticos capaces de transportar en su superficie materias orgánicas e inorgánicas potenciales de ocasionar daños a los organismos marinos que las absorban directa o indirectamente.
The present research corresponds to a review on the investigations carried out based on the exposure of a diversity of fish to different concentrations and types of plastic waste, either through direct intake, exposure to contaminated environments or by transferring them through the trophic chain. In the development, a description of the types and degrees of affectations that this waste causes to the fish is presented; likewise, a comparison of the results obtained by some authors in their experiments has been included. As a result of the analysis carried out, it has been concluded that the waste is easily assimilated by fish, regardless of their size and that due to their small size, microplastics act as aquatic vectors capable of transporting organic and inorganic materials on their surface to cause potential damage to marine organisms that absorb them directly or indirectly.
The present research corresponds to a review on the investigations carried out based on the exposure of a diversity of fish to different concentrations and types of plastic waste, either through direct intake, exposure to contaminated environments or by transferring them through the trophic chain. In the development, a description of the types and degrees of affectations that this waste causes to the fish is presented; likewise, a comparison of the results obtained by some authors in their experiments has been included. As a result of the analysis carried out, it has been concluded that the waste is easily assimilated by fish, regardless of their size and that due to their small size, microplastics act as aquatic vectors capable of transporting organic and inorganic materials on their surface to cause potential damage to marine organisms that absorb them directly or indirectly.
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