El castellano amazónico en la novela Paiche. Análisis dialectológico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Tomando como punto de partida las peculiaridades que caracterizan el castellano amazónico peruano en sus diversas variedades, este trabajo se propone un análisis dialectológico de la novela Paiche, del escritor y pintor César Calvo de Araújo. En primer término, se examinan las estrategias empleadas por el autor para condensar y reproducir en la obra las principales marcas del sistema fonológico, y, en segundo término, se analiza la dimensión morfosintáctica, dedicando especial atención a los aspectos relacionados con los posesivos y la discordancia nominal.
Taking as a starting point the peculiarities that characterize the Peruvian Amazonian Spanish in its different varieties, this paper proposes a dialectological analysis of the novel Paiche by the writer and painter César Calvo de Araújo. Firstly, we examine the strategies used by the author to condense and reproduce the main items of the phonological system on the written page, and secondly, we analyze the morpho-syntactic dimension, paying special attention to the aspects related to the possessive and the nominal disagreement.
Taking as a starting point the peculiarities that characterize the Peruvian Amazonian Spanish in its different varieties, this paper proposes a dialectological analysis of the novel Paiche by the writer and painter César Calvo de Araújo. Firstly, we examine the strategies used by the author to condense and reproduce the main items of the phonological system on the written page, and secondly, we analyze the morpho-syntactic dimension, paying special attention to the aspects related to the possessive and the nominal disagreement.
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