El prohibitivo en las lenguas mayas cholanas y tseltalanas: un estudio microtipológico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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Este artículo describe la estructura morfosintáctica de construcciones prohibitivas (imperativas negativas) en cinco lenguas mayas del subgrupo cholano-tseltalano. Estas lenguas, aunque son estrechamente emparentadas, utilizan al menos tres distintas estrategias gramaticales para expresar el significado prohibitivo. El análisis corrobora la observación tipológica de que la naturaleza semántica del prohibitivo es más compleja que una simple combinación de la polaridad negativa y la modalidad imperativa. La variación se estudia bajo el enfoque “microtipológico” que, en este caso particular, es superior a un estudio “macrotipológico” basado en un amplio muestreo de lenguas, ya que permite obtener una perspectiva más detallada y trazar hipótesis sobre posibles cambios diacrónicos.
This article describes the morphosyntactic structure of prohibitive (negative imperative) constructions in five Mayan languages of the Cholan-Tseltalan subgroup. These closely related languages use at least three different grammatical strategies to express the prohibitive meaning. The analysis corroborates the typological observation that the semantic nature of the prohibitive is more complex than a simple combination of the negative polarity and the imperative modality. The variation is studied under the “micro-typological” approach that, in this particular case, is superior to a “macro-typological” study based on a wide sampling of languages since it allows obtaining a more detailed perspective and plotting hypotheses about possible diachronic changes.
This article describes the morphosyntactic structure of prohibitive (negative imperative) constructions in five Mayan languages of the Cholan-Tseltalan subgroup. These closely related languages use at least three different grammatical strategies to express the prohibitive meaning. The analysis corroborates the typological observation that the semantic nature of the prohibitive is more complex than a simple combination of the negative polarity and the imperative modality. The variation is studied under the “micro-typological” approach that, in this particular case, is superior to a “macro-typological” study based on a wide sampling of languages since it allows obtaining a more detailed perspective and plotting hypotheses about possible diachronic changes.
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