Las sentencias estructurales del Tribunal Constitucional peruano en el ámbito de los derechos socioeconómicos: salud y educación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En las últimas décadas se ha producido un fenómeno que alcanza a la jurisdicción constitucional de países con grandes desigualdades sociales. Parte de dicho fenómeno consiste en el uso de una figura creada jurisprudencialmente denominada sentencias estructurales, pasando por el caso Brown vs. Board of Education en los Estados Unidos debido a temas de segregación racial; Grootboom vs. República de Sudáfrica, por el derecho a una vivienda digna; y el de la Unión del Pueblo para las Libertades Civiles vs. Unión India y otros, por el derecho a una alimentación básica, hasta llegar a la sentencia T-025 de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia sobre desplazamiento forzado de personas. En el Perú, ha sido el Tribunal Constitucional el que ha dictado, en más de una docena de oportunidades, este tipo de sentencias, las que han recaído básicamente sobre derechos socioeconómicos. Pese a ello, su desarrollo en nuestro medio aún es incipiente, por lo que resulta pertinente analizar el camino que viene transitando.
In recent decades there has been a phenomenon that reaches the constitutional jurisdiction of countries with large social inequalities. Part of this phenomenon is the use of a jurisprudentially created figure called a structural judgment. Since Brown vs. Board of Education in the United States due to issues of racial segregation; Grootboom vs. Republic of South Africa, for the right to decent housing and that of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties vs. Indian Union and others, for the right to basic food, until reaching the judgment T-025 of the Constitutional Court of Colombia on forced displacement of persons. In Peru, it has been the Constitutional Court that has issued more than a dozen occasions such judgments, which have fallen mainly on socio-economic rights. Despite this, its development in our environment is still incipient, so it is pertinent to analyze the path that is going.
In recent decades there has been a phenomenon that reaches the constitutional jurisdiction of countries with large social inequalities. Part of this phenomenon is the use of a jurisprudentially created figure called a structural judgment. Since Brown vs. Board of Education in the United States due to issues of racial segregation; Grootboom vs. Republic of South Africa, for the right to decent housing and that of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties vs. Indian Union and others, for the right to basic food, until reaching the judgment T-025 of the Constitutional Court of Colombia on forced displacement of persons. In Peru, it has been the Constitutional Court that has issued more than a dozen occasions such judgments, which have fallen mainly on socio-economic rights. Despite this, its development in our environment is still incipient, so it is pertinent to analyze the path that is going.
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