Quechuismos en la Histórica Relación del Reino de Chile de Alonso de Ovalle
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El presente estudio analiza las voces procedentes del quechua en la obra de Alonso de Ovalle, jesuita y cronista de Indias del siglo XVII. Aunque la Histórica Relación ha sido estudiada desde diversos puntos de vista, hasta la fecha no se ha prestado atención al aspecto lingüístico. En nuestro análisis se examina la supervivencia de dichas voces en diversas obras lexicográficas publicadas en los últimos ocho años —Academia Argentina de las Letras (2008), Álvarez Vita (2009), Asociación de Academias de la LenguaEspañola (2010), Academia Chilena de la Lengua (2010), Real Academia Española de la Lengua (2014), Miño-Garcés (2016), Calvo Pérez (2016)—, así como la presencia de otros americanismos.
The present study analyzes the Quechua loanwords used in the work of Alonso de Ovalle, a 17th century jesuit chronicler of the Indies. Although the Histórica Relación has been studied from different points of view, to date no attention has been paid to the linguistic aspect. The present analysis examines the survival of these words in several lexicographic works published in the last eight years – the Argentinian Academy of Language (2008), Álvarez Vita (2009), Association of Academies of the Spanish Language(2010), the Chilean Academy of Language (2010), the Royal Spanish Academy of Language (2014), Miño-Garcés (2016), Calvo Pérez (2016) –, as well as the presence of other Americanisms.
The present study analyzes the Quechua loanwords used in the work of Alonso de Ovalle, a 17th century jesuit chronicler of the Indies. Although the Histórica Relación has been studied from different points of view, to date no attention has been paid to the linguistic aspect. The present analysis examines the survival of these words in several lexicographic works published in the last eight years – the Argentinian Academy of Language (2008), Álvarez Vita (2009), Association of Academies of the Spanish Language(2010), the Chilean Academy of Language (2010), the Royal Spanish Academy of Language (2014), Miño-Garcés (2016), Calvo Pérez (2016) –, as well as the presence of other Americanisms.
Palabras clave
Quechuismos, Alonso de Ovalle, Histórica Relación del Reino Chile, Americanismos
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