¿Autoritarismo subnacional en países unitarios? Una reflexión sobre dos casos peruanos (2006-2014)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo del artículo es comprender los alcances conceptuales y explicativos de la literatura sobre autoritarismos subnacionales —generada en casos federales— para países con configuraciones unitarias. De esta manera, se analizan los casos de Áncash y Loreto (2006-2014); cuyos gobernadores regionales estuvieron involucrados en escándalos de corrupción y autoritarismo, y, posteriormente, fueron removidos de sus cargos antes de culminar su mandato. Proponemos que la forma como aparecen estos fenómenos en países unitarios demanda mayor atención sobre su carácter sistémico antes que observar la formación de regímenes diferenciados. Para ello, complementamos la literatura previa centrando el análisis tanto en la competencia electoral (acceso al poder) como en las dinámicas de gobierno (ejercicio del poder). Argumentamos que, en un contexto de debilidad partidaria, la divergencia entre el tejido social subnacional y los tipos de actores dominantes en este escenario constituyen sistemas políticos diferentes, condicionando las estrategias de gobierno y sus relaciones con otros actores.
The paper’s objective is to understand the conceptual and explanatory scope of subnational authoritarianism literature - generated in federal cases - for unitary-system countries. In this way, we analyze the cases of Áncash and Loreto (2006-2014). In these cases, governors were involved on corruption and authoritarianism scandals before being removed from office without completing their term. We propose that the way this phenomenon appears in unitary countries demands greater attention on its systemic character rather than just observing the formation of differentiated regimes. In that way, we complement previous perspectives focusing our analysis in both electoral competition (access to power) and government dynamics (exercise of power). We argue that, in a context of weak political parties, the divergence between the subnational social fabric and the dominant types of actors in these scenarios constitute different political systems, conditioning government strategies and their relations with other actors.
The paper’s objective is to understand the conceptual and explanatory scope of subnational authoritarianism literature - generated in federal cases - for unitary-system countries. In this way, we analyze the cases of Áncash and Loreto (2006-2014). In these cases, governors were involved on corruption and authoritarianism scandals before being removed from office without completing their term. We propose that the way this phenomenon appears in unitary countries demands greater attention on its systemic character rather than just observing the formation of differentiated regimes. In that way, we complement previous perspectives focusing our analysis in both electoral competition (access to power) and government dynamics (exercise of power). We argue that, in a context of weak political parties, the divergence between the subnational social fabric and the dominant types of actors in these scenarios constitute different political systems, conditioning government strategies and their relations with other actors.
Palabras clave
Gobierno, Democracia, Corrupción, Política Subnacional, Perú, Áncash, Loreto
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