Mirando al Estado desde la intersectorialidad y la intergubernamentalidad: El caso de la Iniciativa Aprende Saludable
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los últimos años, en el Perú se han ido forjando experiencias que han intentado buscar integración sectorial y coordinación intergubernamental. Este es el caso de la Iniciativa «Aprende Saludable», que desde 2013 ha buscado articular programas sectoriales de los Ministerios de Salud y de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social a las estrategias del Ministerio de Educación para la mejora de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes. El objetivo del artículo es analizar las posibilidades y los límites de la puesta en marcha de políticas públicas intersectoriales e intergubernamentales. Para ello se estudió la implementación de Aprende Saludable desde un enfoque cualitativo con el método de estudio de caso. El resultado principal es que Aprende Saludable es más una iniciativa de coordinación intersectorial, antes que una experiencia de intersectorialidad, apoyada en esfuerzos individuales más que institucionales. En ese sentido, ilustra las barreras de diseño institucional del Estado en un contexto de descentralización y los enfrentamientos de distintas tradiciones y culturas institucionales sectoriales.
In recent years, there have been forged in Peru years’ experience who have tried to move towards sectoral integration efforts and intergovernmental coordination. This is the case of Aprende Saludable an initiative that since 2013 has sought to articulate sectoral programs from Ministry of Health and Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion with the strategies of the Ministry of Education to improve student learning. The aim of the paper is to analyse the possibilities and limits of the implementation of public policies oriented to intergovernmental and inter-sectorial approaches. This requires the implementation of «Aprende Saludable» was studied from a qualitative approach with case study method. The main result is that «Aprende Saludable» is an initiative of inter-sectorial coordination, rather than an inter-sectorial experience, based on individual rather than institutional efforts. Barriers represent institutional design of the government in a context of decentralization and clashes of different traditions and cultures institutional sector.
In recent years, there have been forged in Peru years’ experience who have tried to move towards sectoral integration efforts and intergovernmental coordination. This is the case of Aprende Saludable an initiative that since 2013 has sought to articulate sectoral programs from Ministry of Health and Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion with the strategies of the Ministry of Education to improve student learning. The aim of the paper is to analyse the possibilities and limits of the implementation of public policies oriented to intergovernmental and inter-sectorial approaches. This requires the implementation of «Aprende Saludable» was studied from a qualitative approach with case study method. The main result is that «Aprende Saludable» is an initiative of inter-sectorial coordination, rather than an inter-sectorial experience, based on individual rather than institutional efforts. Barriers represent institutional design of the government in a context of decentralization and clashes of different traditions and cultures institutional sector.
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