Los notarios Pedro Quispe y Pedro de la Carrera: variación lingüística en el Cuzco del siglo XVI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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En el Cuzco de la última veintena del siglo XVI ejercían su labor de escribanos públicos de cabildo Pedro Quispe y Pedro de la Carrera. El primero de ellos, de origen indígena, dejó un libro de protocolo en que trataba los asuntos particulares de los indígenas que habitaban la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Purificación del Cuzco. Pedro de la Carrera realizará la misma labor en el cabildo del Cuzco llevando, sobre todo, los asuntos privados de los habitantes españoles, criollos y mestizos cuzqueños. Los documentos que un día configuraron sus respectivos libros de protocolo sirven de corpus para el presente trabajo. Partiendo de dicha documentación se realiza una aproximación al panorama de variación lingüística en la ciudad de Cuzco en la última veintena del siglo XVI. Variación lingüística que hallamos en el español empleado por indígenas con diferente formación y contrastamos con el castellano de españoles, criollos y, tal vez, algún mestizo de la misma época y ciudad. El corpus documental empleado es original y autógrafo, y está constituido por documentos pertenecientes a una misma tradición discursiva, factores estos que, debidamente aprovechados, contribuyen a la fidelidad de la muestra.
In the last twenty Cuzco sixteenth century they exercised their work of public notaries of Pedro Quispe council and Pedro de la Carrera. The first, of Indian origin, left a protocol book that was private affairs of Indians who inhabited the parish of Our Lady of Purificación of Cuzco. Pedro de la Carrera held the same job at the town hall of Cuzco carrying especially the private affairs of the Spanish inhabitants, Creoles and mestizos Cuzco. These two books serve corpus protocol for this study. Based on this documentation it is done to approximate picture of linguistic variation in the city of Cuzco in the last twenty sixteenth century. Linguistic variation we find in the Spanish used by indigenous people with different backgrounds and contrast with Castilian Spanish, Creole and perhaps a mestizo from the same era and city. The documentary corpus employee is original and autograph, and consists of documents belonging to the same discursive tradition, these factors which, if properly harnessed, contribute to the fidelity of the sample.
In the last twenty Cuzco sixteenth century they exercised their work of public notaries of Pedro Quispe council and Pedro de la Carrera. The first, of Indian origin, left a protocol book that was private affairs of Indians who inhabited the parish of Our Lady of Purificación of Cuzco. Pedro de la Carrera held the same job at the town hall of Cuzco carrying especially the private affairs of the Spanish inhabitants, Creoles and mestizos Cuzco. These two books serve corpus protocol for this study. Based on this documentation it is done to approximate picture of linguistic variation in the city of Cuzco in the last twenty sixteenth century. Linguistic variation we find in the Spanish used by indigenous people with different backgrounds and contrast with Castilian Spanish, Creole and perhaps a mestizo from the same era and city. The documentary corpus employee is original and autograph, and consists of documents belonging to the same discursive tradition, these factors which, if properly harnessed, contribute to the fidelity of the sample.
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