Revista Ensayo
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ISSN: 2413-9726
e-ISSN: 2710-2947
ENSAYO Revista de arquitectura, urbanismo y territorio es una publicación anual que busca promover y enriquecer la cultura disciplinar al desarrollar temas de interés en el ámbito local, regional y latinoamericano. Ofrece documentos sobre arquitectura, urbanismo y territorio a modo de debates actuales, reflexiones relativas al pensamiento teórico y proyectual, investigaciones históricas, así como exploraciones de carácter tecnológico
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Reflexiones sobre densidad urbana y centralidades en la metrópoli de Lima, siglo XXI(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-12-18) Fernández de Córdova, Graciela; Vilela, MartaThis research proposes to study centralities based on how they relate to urban density. It starts with Lima’s urban process, where there are four important plans. The first plan guided expansion beyond the walls of the city. The second one constituted a single traditional metropolitan centrality. The third one lowered urban density by extending urban limits. Finally, the fourth one proposes a conceptual scheme to integrate large expansion areas through comprehensive service centers, thus marking an urban structure with a single large centrality and different agglomerations of houses that are dispersed as they expand in the periphery. In the last decade, there has been a consolidation of a continuous territory that is still functionally dispersed in terms of its equipment and morphology. Within the framework of urban compactness, we propose a methodological approach to create integration centralities. The analysis considers urban scales oriented towards the study of urban restructuring, the center’s functional and spatial articulation – in relation to other surrounding centers and areas – and the habitability of public space as support for everyday activities in these centers. This study contributes to the identification of features needed to create integration centralities.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Editorial(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-12-18) Belaunde, PedroNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Eduardo Neira Alva. Aportes profesionales para el debate sobre el desarrollo territorial y la ecología urbana en América Latina, 1961-1998(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-12-18) Huapaya, José CarlosThe exceptional professional career of Peruvian architect and urbanist Eduardo Neira Alva (1924-2005) was not only limited to Peru. Between 1960 and 1980, Neira worked with important Latin American institutions created to promote economic development in the countries of the region such us the Center of Development Studies (Cendes), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES). The positions he held enabled him to know professionals from several countries and different ways and methods used to promote economic development in each reality. The main purpose of this article is to understand the development of his ideology and his contributions in Latin America. To do so, this research analyzes the most representative texts that Neira wrote in the aforementioned professional contexts (including both published and unpublished works) between 1961 and 1998. These texts reveal his eagerness to understand the link between architecture and human habitat, and his concern to «expand scales», from regional development to territorial planning, and discuss issues that had not been discussed before, such as eco-development.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Thomas Reed. Un arquitecto del siglo XIX(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-12-18) Saldarriaga, AlbertoThomas Reed, who was born in 1817 in the Tortola Island, in the Caribbean, and passed away in Daule, Ecuador in 1878, worked as an architect and engineer in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador between 1843 and 1878. Most of his works were requested by the governments of these three countries, and some of them are renowned for their exceptional quality at the time. That is why his name always appears in textbooks regarding the history of architecture in the 20th century in these three countries, and in each of them he is appreciated in a different way. Thomas Reed was an architect of his time with a solid academic background. He was also a talented engineer, well versed in structural principles and management of materials. Among his works, the most exceptional ones include the San Pablo Theater in Caracas, which was never built; the National Capitol and the former Panopticon, which is now the National Museum of Colombia in Bogotá; the Panopticon and School of Fine Arts in Quito, and the Jambelí Bridge in Ecuador. His work, inspired on the historicism of the 19th century, does not reflect nostalgia, but rather the way of thinking during his time. The historical time of his work is the present.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El star system arquitectónico(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-12-18) Gorostiza, JorgeThe term star system, which has been applied to a few famous architects for some time, comes from the movie star system created by large film studios. This is why this paper beings with the first movie “star”, Florence Lawrence, and then analyzes the popularity of architects in different media. It initially analyzes fiction films narrating the story of real architects. Then, it focuses on the appearance of architects in other media, such us the cover of popular magazines like Time, American post-age stamps, Google doodles and advertisements with pictures of architects. Star architects also have a theme park, Vitra, with buildings that most of them created. The following section focuses on awards, such as the Pritzker award, that launch architects to fame. The last section is about one of the most famous starchitects in the world, Frank O. Gehry, his own heroic legend, his appearances in two animated series, Arthur and The Simpsons, and his leading role in the hagiographic documentary Sketches of Frank Gehry, directed by Sidney Pollack. The paper ends with Florence Lawrence’s tragic end and her fall into oblivion.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El potencial maderero y la ecología de los bosques amazónicos del Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-12-18) Takahashi, LuisPeru’s Amazon rainforest is being destroyed because the timber industry only uses 3% of trees per hectare. Therefore, timber companies cannot be established in the forest, and 97% of trees are unused. These trees are eventually burned to clear land for formal and informal agriculture. This article proposes to use more trees given that records of the last 40 years show that all tree species can be used for some purpose if they are processed appropriately with simple sawmill and drying techniques. The analysis shows that if less than 7% of the available trees is used, it will be financially and economically feasible to establish primary industries in the forest itself. This creates permanent job positions and enables a sustainable use and renovation of the forest; thus ensuring the preservation of the Amazon rainforest, which does not allow growing any foreign tree species.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Pueblos de indios del antiguo Obispado del Cusco(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015-12-18) Viñuales, Graciela MaríaThe former Bishopric of Cusco used to serve and encompass over 200 towns that now belong to the Departments of Cusco, Apurímac and part of Arequipa. They were the so called «pueblos de indios» («town of indigenous people») that had been formed during the colonial period. In order to delimit this portion of the land, this study focuses mainly on documents from the late 18th century. Three types of supplementary documents contributed to this research: numeric records, maps and descriptive texts. Some of these jurisdictions have changed, but we decided to maintain the division from the 1780’s, and use it to organize this study. The documentation gathered was not equally distributed; therefore, we had to resort to maps, current photographs and surveys, as well as anient photographs and engravings. Satellite images were used to get an idea of urban maps and determine details regarding the surroundings, access to and connections between towns. In a few cases, these images confirmed that certain areas had been abandoned or had disappeared. This paper is a synthesis that involves the preexistence of indigenous communities and considers social, economic, architectural, artisanal, and religious issues. It also mentions important people such as Bishop Mollinedo, and proposes certain policies for heritage recovery.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Revisitando el legado de John F. C. Turner(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-12-12) Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin; Vega Centeno, PabloNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Fim de semana y Loteamiento clandestino: aproximaciones al universo popular de la vivienda en São Paulo (1970-1990)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-02-15) Aravecchia-Botas, Nilce; Veiga De Castro, Ana ClaudiaThis article is based on the analysis of two films by architect and urbanist Ermínia Maricato Fim de semana (1975) and Loteamento clandestino (1979) to reflect on some relations established in São Paulo, the largest South American metropolis, with the work by John Turner, Freedom to Build (published in 1977). It seeks to show the coincidences and departures between those who dedicated themselves to think social housing in Latin America, defending popular participation in its elaboration. Maricato, following the trail opened by other researchers at the University of São Paulo, elaborates an ethnographic approach to the outskirts of São Paulo, recording the construction of the house of the poor. This look reveals the impossibility of those subjects to access the formal housing market. In the late 1980s, the first municipal administration of the redemocratization period had Maricato as its housing secretary, and during her management, self-construction became state policy. It was a paradox: To support self-construction was to throw water into the windmill of precariousness or to defend libertarian ideas in the face of the oppression of the authoritarian state? Here we intend to discuss these issues, relating the Brazilian intellectual production with a more general movement, seeking to contribute to the debate.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Hacia un urbanismo holístico: legado y topicalidad del pensamiento de John F. C. Turner en los asentamientos autoconstruidos del Cono Norte, Lima. El Ermitaño y Pampa de Cueva como casos de estudio para la activación de memoria urbana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-02-15) Golda-Pongratz, KathrinThe increasing urban fragmentation and the lack of a holistic and inclusive vision of large Latin American agglomerations are, at the same time, their main contemporary challenges. The potential and value of community building and the need to include urban self-building that architect John F. C. Turner in his years in Peru described as «housing resources» and «architecture that works» remain unrecognized in the Peruvian urban and territorial planning.Starting from the documentary A Roof of My Own (Turner Movshon, 1964), filmed by the United Nations on the process of self-construction of El Ermitaño, in the Northern Cone of Lima, in 2016 a memory activation project has begun in the neighborhood. It is the basis of a new documentary entitled City Unfinished. Voices of El Ermitaño (Golda-Pongratz Flores, 2018), portraying this same place from a contemporary perspective that the author understands as a tool of placemaking. On the one hand, it is a question of understanding the current socio-urban dynamics by resorting to the urban memory of the inhabitants. On the other hand, it tests to what extent a less well-known part of Turner's work, his thinking toward a holistic concept of building places and his work on a universal tool to explain placemaking processes, will be applicable in emblematic places such as Pampa de Cueva or El Ermitaño on the self-built periphery of Lima.This documentary and research work encompasses the entire territory of Lima as an interrelated system and seeks to design strategies with which all inhabitants, especially in key, ecologically important and physical areas actively participate as actors and actors responsible for the protection of the cultural heritage and the ecological balance of their habitat.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Examinando la relación entre la planeación y la urbanización periférica en Lima(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-02-15) Lambert, RitaHighlighting the particularities of the urbanisation of the peripheral slopes of Lima, this paper offers a counterpoint in three main fronts to the way auto-constructed settlements are often approached. Firstly it challenges the approach through informality arguing that in effect this lens places human settlements out of focus: on the one hand, it hides the hybridity of conditions involved in such processes of urbanisation; on the other, it positions these settlements tangentially to «formal» legal structures thus limiting the possibility of advancing an understanding of the relationship between planning and «informal» urbanisation processes. Although many cities of the global South get built through this form, this mode of urbanisation is predominantly seen to occur outside of, in violation of, or as a failure of planning. Secondly, the paper questions unintended outcomes and more specifically the production and reproduction of risk as separate from planning, often positioned as the result of haphazard land occupation and lack of knowledge and technical capacities of auto-constructors.Thirdly, it challenges the attribution of responsibility for «informal» urbanisation processes to the urban poor, calling for a relational as well as a socio-material perspective to better understand the urbanisation of the slopes.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una profesión en desarrollo: John F. C. Turner en Arequipa(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-02-15) Gyger, HelenThis article explores the intersection of aided self-help housing and modernist architectural culture through the early career of the English architect John F. C. Turner, who emerged as a prominent theorist of aided self-help housing beginning in the 1960s. The focus is on Turner’s development of an architectural practice following his arrival in Peru in 1957, at the invitation of architect and planner Eduardo Neira. Turner spent the next couple of years in Arequipa, working for a government agency charged with regularizing the city’s urbanizaciones populares. This culminated in a trial aided self-help housing project initiated after an earthquake in 1958 caused widespread damage to Arequipa’s housing stock. The article explores how these seminal on-the-ground experiences informed Turner’s later theoretical writings.Ítem Texto completo enlazado John F. C. Turner y su visión relacional de la vivienda(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-02-15) Oyón, José LuisThe article reconstructs the relational conception of housing by John F. C. Turner, a thought about inhabiting where as important as the housing physical object are the relationships that its inhabitants maintain with the environment. This vision, taken in essence from Patrick Geddes, began to be forged in the late 1940s, was taking shape during his stay in Peru between 1957 and 1964 and reached his definitive theoretical expression when he moved to the United States. The article finally reflects on the important role played by the Peruvian and American anthropologists with which he collaborated in Lima, and the figure of Charles Abrams in that Turnerian conceptionÍtem Texto completo enlazado Entender la desigualdad urbana en Lima Metropolitana: historia, multidimensionalidad y pistas para combatirla(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-28) Rodriguez Rivero, Luis; Ramirez Corzo Nicolini, Daniel; Desmaison Estrada, BelénIn Lima, as in other large Latin American cities, the daily experience of its inhabitants is framed by relations of inequality that go beyond the great economic differences normalized in capitalist societies. Urban inequality is presented as a multidimensional phenomenon in which its main components and the way they interact with each other is not universal, but have been constructed and structured throughout the history of each society, following the specific characteristics of each urban center, so we can refer of an intersectional inequality. A review of the urban history of Lima is proposed, which seeks to demonstrate how urban inequality has been constructed, and to show how the production of the city and the production of inequality have been two sides of the same process. Inequality and its relationship with fragmentation will be characterized, and then a conceptual model will be tested in accordance with the multidimensional nature of both. Finally, some clues to confront this analytical approach in a city like Lima will be pointed out.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Goodbye Lima. Un llamado al desarrollo de modelos urbano-rurales, para habitar el territorio peruano(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-30) Nogales, LucíaThe displacements produced mainly from the capital to other areas of Peru during the period of quarantine to face the COVID-19 have once again highlighted the lack of capacity of the capital to guarantee a good quality of life for its inhabitants. This article takes these displacements as a symbol of Lima's overflow, and proposes to understand and address the rest of the urban centers of the territory. After reviewing the heterogeneity of these centers, the article questions their true urban character, joining the criticism of hegemonic Euro-American urban theories, which consolidate the traditional urban-rural binomial. The article calls for the development of systems that blur or even dissolve the boundaries between urban and rural, integrating resilient urban-rural systems with a better relationship with their environment and sources of supply in order to face the great challenge of the 21st century, the environmental crisis and its derivatives.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Breve genealogía de la desigualdad urbana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-30) Rodríguez Rivero, Luis; Desmaison Estrada, Belén; Gallardo Jara, LucianaNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La apropiación como condición del derecho a la ciudad. El caso de la política de mejoramiento barrial de Villa Jardín, Municipio de Lanús, Buenos Aires(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-30) Jaime, Eugenia; Salvarredy, JuliánDuring the last twenty years, public policies for neighborhood improvement have been developed in the region with the purpose of urbanizing precarious settlements. However, these interventions have affected a relevant mass of inhabitants to fully develop their right to the city. On the other hand, the obstacles that faced the settlers to transit these processes in an appropriate manner are significant, according to Lefebvre's terms, as a condition for a just and democratic production.This article reflects, based on the work of the civil association Proyecto Habitar, in alliance with the Defensoría General de la Nación Argentina during 2018, on the role played by appropriation in urbanization processes that include population relocation, specifically the implementation of a public policy of neighborhood improvement in Villa Jardín - Lanús in Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. For the analysis, three dimensions were established: technical-constructive aspects, the socio-organizational aspect and, finally, the political and institutional aspects. This multidimensional approach seeks to identify the role of ownership in achieving and realizing the right to the city.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La arquitectura como medio de empoderamiento cívico(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-30) Maccaglia, MartaIn Peru there are 48 native languages, 11 ecological regions, 84 of the 117 different «life zones» in the world. Can architects operate from an active and participatory action with respect that strengthens the social habitat to combat inequality? If architecture is an art that generates spaces for better living, architects have the responsibility to understand and respect the territory and the people, to propose spaces that represent the culture and spirit of each place.However, in cities we live between physical walls that highlight inequalities and make visible the fear we have of others. In the peripheral areas and, even more, in the rural areas of the country, we contribute a system than abandon the most vulnerable communities. Faced with this scenario, we believe that the first wall we have to tear down is a wall in our minds, and this is only possible through equal access to education. For this reason, we are interested in educational architecture projects: the school, the first place after the home, where children can develop by learning in society.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una perspectiva de diseño y desarrollo urbano: intervenciones, luchas y democratización de las ciudades(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-30) DAS, PKNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Los barrios de Arequipa: Crónica de una ciudad fragmentada(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-30) Zeballos Velarde, CarlosThis article seeks to understand the characteristics of the physical and social fragmentation of the city of Arequipa by exploring the historical evolution of its neighborhoods, which are fundamental elements of the city, both in their physical-spatial and socio-cultural configuration. The analysis of the structure of the neighborhoods, their configuration and transformation can contribute to understanding the dynamics and characteristics of the city. To this end, we explore the evolution of the pre-Hispanic, colonial and republican city from the generation of neighborhoods, and the implications that this had on the social divisions in Arequipa. It then discusses the role of urban planning since the second half of the twentieth century and how, on many occasions, it has emphasized dismemberment, fragmentation and marginality instead of being an agent of articulation. Finally, an urban renewal alternative is proposed that promotes social, urban and environmental integration in the periphery of Arequipa, through the development of a network of neighborhood centralities.