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ISSN: 2219-4142
e-ISSN: 2415-2498

Politai: Revista de Ciencia Política es una publicación académica editada por la Asociación Civil Politai, formada por estudiantes y egresados de la especialidad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su fundación en 2009, la Asociación Civil Politai tiene como objetivo promover la disciplina de la ciencia política en el Perú y América Latina. Desde 2010, publica semestralmente investigaciones y trabajos académicos originales e inéditos a través de los números temáticos de su revista académica.


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    Una mirada desde «la otra orilla»: explorando la influencia del Feminismo en la reforma del Estado a partir de los casos de España, Chile y Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018) Bensa Morales, Jessica Violeta
    Even though studies on state feminism have focused on its effects on the feminist movement, or in the progress of the gender agenda, its opposite relation has remained less explored: how does feminism influences the state? In this article I analyze the Spaniard, Chilean and Peruvian cases from the late 1970s to the present in order to look over the relationships between state feminism and the state´s reform. I propose that these influences can be traced in at least three aspects: the reform of the welfare models, the introduction of new concepts and management tools, questioning the-so-called neutrality of New Public Management and the way in which transnational or global feminism policies are translated or indigenized in different state contexts.
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    Los debates sobre la participación de las mujeres en el parlamento brasileño: subrepresentación, la violencia y el acoso
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016) Santos, Polianna Pereira dos; Barcelos, Júlia Rocha de; Gresta, Roberta Maia
    Women were one of the last social groups to conquer political rights in contemporary democracies. Although there are no more legal obstacles for female political participation (active and passive), women’s presence in Brazilian parliaments is minimal. In the Lower House of Parliament (Câmara dos Deputados), after 2014 Elections –that is, 19 years after gender quota regulations in Brazil– women still occupy less than 10% of the seats. That being the case, in this brief study, we revisit cultural, social and institutional variables which are commonly presented as a justification for female under-representation in Brazil. Subsequently, we address gender violence situations which took place in Brazil’s Lower House of Parliament, as well as how they were dealt with by this organization. Furthermore, in attempt to better understand the relations between gender, representation, violence and harassment in the political field, questionnaires were sent to representatives in the Lower House of Parliament, where the two paradigmatic cases which are object of this study took place. In this attempt, we also interview the Vice-Governor of a Brazilian state, a woman who can provide the perspective of the executive branch on the matter. The analysis of these results –including the percentage of answers– should allow us to raise a connection between gender violence in politics and female under-representation.
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    Género y violencia política en los gobiernos locales del Altiplano Central mexicano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016) Sam Bautista, María Magdalena
    In Mexico they are still few studies describing in detail the political violence against women. The aim of this paper is to describe the political violence that have faced síndicas in a State of Central Mexican Altiplano after his rise to office in January 2014. It should be noted that before parity was approved nationally in the selection Candidate / os to elected office, such a mechanism was approved for the election of municipal authorities in Tlaxcala. The agreement by the local election authority that resulted in the 2014-2016 triennium, women were elected in almost all of the receiverships. Of the 60 receiverships in the state, 56 of them were represented by women and 5 men, that is, 91% of this elected office. This circumstance led to changes in the power relationships inside and outside the hall that led to conflicts between the mayor and the ombudswoman, which in several cases were characterized, as noted by the Association of Councillors of Bolivia (ACOBOL) by aggressive behaviors caused physical, psychological or sexual harm against a woman in the exercise of political representation, to prevent and restrict the exercise of his office or induce her to make decisions against its will, its principles and the law. This research describes the strategies followed by the Syndic of Tlaxcala to deal with such behavior. The reflection is done from a gender perspective, ie considering the roles assigned to women generate discrimination and inequalities, which result in differential access to resources, and therefore power. This work was based on several interviews with actors / as relevant (president / is acting municipal and / or were, síndicas, among other) allowing learn about their views, experiences and strategies. I also used the hemerographic review to document the characteristics of the conflict. The findings point to visualize the consequences of questioning the way in which power is exercised in local government, the results of the absence of operational structures for the operation of the law and the need for equal numbers include women in order to build from local democracy.
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    Violencia sexual, guerra globalizada y el colapso de los espacios seguros
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Leatherman, Janie
    La violencia sexual tiene una larga historia dentro de los conflictos armados y aún sigue siendo uno de los crímenes más brutales que se cometen dentro de tales confrontaciones.  Esta violencia arruina la vida de sus víctimas y destruye su vínculo familiar, además de dejar atrás comunidades traumatizadas y destrozadas. En términos históricos, la violencia sexual ha sido un tema tabú, alrededor del cual diferentes actores han guardado silencio por diferentes motivos. No obstante, tal situación está cambiando gradualmente, principalmente gracias a los testimonios de sobrevivientes y al trabajo de los medios de comunicación y de los movimientos sociales a nivel local y global, los cuales han fomentado el establecimiento de tribunales internacionales y nacionales, además de promover cambios en legislaciones relevantes. Durante la última década, la lucha contra la violencia sexual se ha convertido en una causa que recibe creciente atención. Con el fin de entender la ruptura del tabú mencionado anteriormente, el presente artículo desarrolla tres líneas de investigación que buscan: 1) analizar las causas principales de la violencia sexual en conflictos armados; 2) entender cómo se desencadena este fenómeno en zonas de confrontación violenta; e 3) identificar qué se puede hacer para ayudar a las víctimas y para adelantar iniciativas de prevención en esta materia.
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    La pensión como una medida de protección social para reducir la desigualdad. Repensando el sistema peruano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-08-23) Carranza Acevedo, Renata; Romero Herrera, Julia
    In order to fulfill their obligations to guarantee fundamental rights and reduce inequalities States have a series of options; one of them, the implementation of policies aimed at improving the standard of living of their population; that is how the concept of social security gains relevance, but not as a social policy under the charity paradigm but as a state management strategy, under the comprehension that social security is a fundamental right. In that sense, the present article aims to denote that social security regarding pensions has a significant impact on reducing inequality and as a consequence it is necessary to apprehend it as a public protection policy centered on the person for the realization of their rights, with the management and control of the State from the implementation of redistributive measures such as the universalization of non-contributory pensions but hand in hand with policies that aim to reverse the causes of structural inequality that generate the lack of coverage and adequacy around access to pensions for the elderly, on which we will focus, as they are a group in a disadvantaged situation. Therefore, firstly, we will delineate the relationship between pensions as measure of social security and inequality, secondly, we will provide an overview of how the pension system for the elderly is constituted in Peru; finally, we will analyze the current panorama of coverage and sufficiency that result in the (in)satisfaction of the right to social security and in which women are especially relegated, since state interventions have to start from a diagnosis that identifies the main challenges that the pension system will have to deal with.
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    Mujeres y empleo extractivo en América Latina
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) De La Puente Burlando, Lorena
    Women in Latin America tend to bear greatest negative costs due to extractive industries. Mining and hydrocarbons transform the livelihoods of local populations and also, gender roles that condition access to opportunities for men and women. However, gender roles do not only operate in extractive localities. fte same industry is mainly organized around a masculine culture that allows the marginalization of women as their work force. fte case of direct and indirect employment (formal, informal and illegal) is used to present a series of pending questions despite a context of little information available to understand gender impacts of the extractive industry.