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ISSN: 2219-4142
e-ISSN: 2415-2498
Politai: Revista de Ciencia Política es una publicación académica editada por la Asociación Civil Politai, formada por estudiantes y egresados de la especialidad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su fundación en 2009, la Asociación Civil Politai tiene como objetivo promover la disciplina de la ciencia política en el Perú y América Latina. Desde 2010, publica semestralmente investigaciones y trabajos académicos originales e inéditos a través de los números temáticos de su revista académica.
Ítem Texto completo enlazado El accionar geopolítico de Estados Unidos y sus implicancias en la relación con América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Garrido Sánchez, Andrés MartínA lo largo de la historia, las relaciones políticas y económicas entre Estados Unidos y América Latina han tenido diferentes etapas y características. En el siglo XIX, con el interés estadounidense en mantener a las potencias europeas alejadas del continente, se dio inicio a dichas relaciones que evolucionaron hacia el expansionismo y hegemonía, al mismo tiempo que el poder nacional norteamericano crecía. A inicios del siglo XX, su influencia se apreciaba especialmente en áreas más próximas, con enorme impacto en las relaciones con México, Centroamérica y el Caribe, que permanecen como zonas de influencia inmediata. Por décadas, su poder económico y presencia mundial, sumada a factores geopolíticos, han llevado a Estados Unidos a presionar a los países latinoamericanos para que articulen sus intereses con los de su política global.En el marco de los diferentes cambios importantes en la historia de las relaciones internacionales, Estados Unidos, siempre por razones geopolíticas, ha dado mayor prioridad a otras regiones del mundo y ha prestado más atención a América Latina solo cuando ha visto amenazada su estabilidad e influencia en la región. Las actuales relaciones entre América Latina y Estados Unidos serían una muestra de ello; sin embargo, también se presentan como una buena oportunidad para replantearlas a fin de enfrentar desafíos comunes de cara al futuro.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Acoso sexual callejero como límite del ejercicio de la ciudadanía femenina: un análisis desde el pluralismo normativo y la necesidad de promover una ciudadanía diferenciada a partir del caso Villa El Salvador(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Basurto Basurto, Telma LuciaSexual street harassment is one of the most normalized types of gender violence in Peruvian society; however, little has been explored about its impact on the exercise of female citizenship. Using the case study of Villa El Salvador as a starting point, we analyse how this type of violence impacts on the capacity for agency of Salvadoran villa women, taking into account the parameters of Dhal's normative pluralism, which establishes minimum democratic conditions such as the possibility of (i) formulating preferences, (ii) publicly expressing preferences, and (iii) being treated equally in the political system. Finally, when contrasting the parameters established by Dhal with the exercise of citizenship by Salvadoran Villa women, it can be seen that although Salvadoran Villa women recognize the existence of sexual street harassment as a barrier to exercising their citizenship, they understand it as a "necessary evil to be overcome" if political representation in the political system of Villa El Salvador is their objective.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La Alianza del Pacífico y los efectos políticos de la interdependencia económica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Morales Giraldo, Juan FranciscoThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the unintended political effects of economic interdependence among South American members of the Alliance of the Pacific by tracing the evolution of their mutual trade in relation to the intensity of their military competitive dynamics from 2001 to 2015. Two measurement instruments are use: an intra-regional trade index based on commerce data, and a coordination index based on arms purchases. The question is if the formation of the Alliance and trade relations now embedded in it have had any effect on the cooperation-conflict political balance. Issues concerning the method are discuss as well as the implications of the research for the intertheory debate. Last section is dedicate to discuss briefly the historical understanding of regional conflicts and normative aims of regional integration.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Alianzas Socio-Técnicas y Políticas de Medicamentos: perspectivas desde la crisis Argentina del 2001(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-06) Santos, GuillermoThe aim of this article is to analyse the problem-solution dynamics linked to the availability of and access to medicines for the Argentine population as a result of the social, economic, political and health crisis that affected Argentina in 2001.It is interesting to analyse the scope, characteristics and limitations of the public policies implemented by the Argentinean government between 2002 and 2008, whose objectives were to solve the problem of the lack of access to medicines that affected the most vulnerable sectors of the Argentinean population.The analytical reconstruction of this socio-institutional dynamic will provide a better understanding of the process of co-construction of public policies, regulations, artefacts, economic interests, ideologies and inclusive techno-productive development dynamics, and will offer new explanations about the functioning/non-functioning of the public policies implemented to solve social problems linked to the population’s access to medicines.This article argues that public policy is not only the exercise of a vertical and centralised will, but rather the result of the alignment and coordination of a heterogeneous set of elements that are horizontally linked and that allow public policies to consolidate or destabilise.This article is framed within a socio-technical approach (Bijker, 1995; Pinch y Bijker, 2008; Thomas, 2008, Santos y Thomas, 2016), which combines analytical tools from constructivist sociology and public policy analysis. The descriptive and explanatory capacity of such an approach derives from the possibility of generating an analytical reconstruction of the complex relationships between users and tools, actors and artefacts, institutions and normative systems, ideologies and economic interests, where in the same act in which public policies are designed and implemented, legal-political orders, social organisations and techno-productive systems are constructed.Two key concepts guide the analysis of this article: ‘functioning/non-functioning’ and ‘socio-technical alliance’. The former is the result of a process of social and normative co-construction in which heterogeneous elements intervene, usually in a self-organised way: material conditions, systems, knowledge, regulations, financing, benefits, etc. It involves complex processes of tailoring responses/solutions to specific and particular historically situated socio-institutional articulations. The second concept, the socio-technical alliance, is an analytical reconstruction of a coalition of heterogeneous elements involved in the process of constructing the functioning/non-functioning of a public policy. In other words, a socio-technical alliance constitutes a movement of alignment and coordination of: artefacts, ideologies, regulations, knowledge, institutions, social actors, economic resources, environmental conditions, materials, etc. that make possible or impede the stabilisation of the socio-technical adequacy of a policy and its functioning.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Alicia del Águila Peralta 2013. La ciudadanía corporativa: Política, constituciones y sufragio en el Perú (1821-1896) Instituto de Estudios Peruanos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Arévalo León, RosaNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Análisis del comportamiento electoral en la ciudad de Cali utilizando fuzzy sets. Elecciones para la alcaldía municipal 2003-2011(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Abadía, Adolfo A.; Milanese, Juan PabloThis paper aims to demystify, empirically, a statement widely shared in the political imaginary of the citizens of Santiago de Cali: candidates, who predominate in the popular sectors of the population, are the ones who win the elections for mayor («Aguablanca elects the mayor»). From an analysis with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in their mode of fuzzy sets, it is shown that there are more complex scenarios of the electoral behavior in the elections for the municipal mayor in 2003, 2007 and 2011. Starting from this premise, from a«sociological perspective» it is proposed a classification of the strata of the city according to the pooled weighted average and candidate as elite/non elite, to analyze the electoral trends in terms of political preferences of each stratum. It also seeks to identify causal combinations that consents the election of a mayor, taking into account variables such as the profil elite/non elite of the candidates, levels of fragmentation in both segments of candidatures and finally, the dominance that each achieved in the different communes of the city.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Anuncios televisivos en tiempos de Internet: un análisis de las campañas presidenciales peruanas de 2006 y 2011(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011) Patriau Hildebrandt, Cesar EnriqueEl presente trabajo expone algunas ideas preliminares acerca del papel de la publicidad electoral televisiva en Perú en el contexto actual de las comunicaciones, marcado por el nuevo protagonismo de Internet. El argumento central puede resumirse en que, fuera de la importancia de Internet y las muy valiosas opciones que ofrece en materia de información y difusión, la televisión se mantiene como el medio dominante en la comunicación política nacional, aunque dicha preeminencia no siempre se justifique desde el punto de vista de los resultados electorales obtenidos. En el texto se analizan las pautas publicitarias televisivas de los partidos que compitieron en las últimas elecciones presidenciales de 2006 y 2011.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El aporte de la interseccionalidad a una política pública que responda a las necesidades de las mujeres indígenas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-30) Alayza Sueiro, AdelaidaIntersectionality is a useful tool for the development of public policies that reach populations such as indigenous women because it helps to incorporate different dimensions of exclusion and discrimination that prevent populations from escaping vulnerability and poverty-related barriers. First, I explain the functioning of social categories and their role in the distribution of power and resources in order to understand the frameworks in which intersections become relevant; in addition, I analyze the approach of the State and its policies in structural situations that distribute power addressing or not the needs of indigenous women. In short, I seek to identify how much indigenous women's needs are incorporated —or not— in Peruvian Equal Opportunity Policy, depending on the approach it uses and how inclusive it is.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Aprendizaje de políticas y COVID-19: La experiencia de vacunación en países latinoamericanos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-06) Paz-Gómez, Diana MarcelaThis article analyses policy learning processes in decision-making during the process of vaccination against COVID-19, defined in two phases: vaccine procurement and vaccination campaigns, in Latin American countries. On the one hand, it is argued that some of the strategies implemented are explained through policy diffusion mechanisms. Among these, we can consider the definition of priority population groups or the implementation of doses through COVAX. Other measures derive from the operational capacities previously created by governments, such as the deployment of mobile, cross-border or awareness-raising vaccination and health campaigns to address previous infections in the region. Methodologically, a descriptive review of the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain is proposed based on institutional information. In addition, reflections are made on the need for governments to acquire knowledge from their own or others’ experiences to strengthen the health system in the region.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una aproximación a la dinámica local en Lima: factores a considerar en el análisis de su situación actual(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-03) Camarena Miranda, JhasminBased on the media exposure of the number of authorities and ex-authorities prosecuted for corruption offenses at the regional and local level in 2014, interest in what was happening at these levels of government was resumed. Against this, the elimination of the possibility of immediate re-election in positions of popular election was taken as a measure. However, the problem around it requires an analysis of the dynamics that exist at these levels to understand what the factors that caused it were. In that sense, this article proposes an approximation to what happened in Lima through the analysis of the conditions in which the district municipalities acquired autonomy.This article identified that the dynamics in Lima - characterized by the transgression of local government entities - has been shaped by institutional weakness, lack of governability and the absence of an institutionalized party system. For local political actors, the district municipalities represented opportunities to concentrate power, because the autonomy they had in their jurisdictions was not controlled by offices with capacity or by an institutionalized party system that prevented its use for particular interests of the incumbent. In addition, they didn't hold accountable, since the voters cared to revert the imbalance between their social demands and the capacity of the government entities to attend them.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Aragón, Jorge y Yamilé Guibert. 2016. Metodología y diseños de investigación en Política Comparada. Escuela de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016) Encinas, DanielNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Arte de la invisibilidad terapéutica en política(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011) Aira Foix, Toni¿No tenemos líderes como los de antes o es que simplemente tenemos demasiada información sobre ellos? ¿Es posible mantener un liderazgo político, su efecto y su acción, a lo largo de los años y de las legislaturas, como pasaba en una era previa a la de la ‘democracia mediática’? (Muñoz-Alonso y Rospir, 1999) Difícil. No se da. Los políticos, y muy especialmente los líderes, son más vulnerables a un contexto social y mediático que los hiperexpone a una ‘nueva visibilidad’ teorizada con éxito por el sociólogo John B. Thompson. Su desgaste, así, es directamente proporcional a su nivel de exposición. Y con ellos, su entorno más directo, su equipo. Porque como apunta Seth Godin, referente en el estudio del marketing político, cada vez más, todo en el líder nos lo describe. También su equipo de asesores. ¿Serán solución o problema? ¿Ayudan más a construir o a deconstruir al líder? En buena parte, el secreto de su éxito o de su fracaso lo será también de su asesorado. Y su invisibilidad jugará un papel clave en ello.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La Asamblea Constituyente y la democracia en riesgo: corporativismo, rentismo y capitalismo político como pilares de la nueva Constitución boliviana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Ayo, DiegoDid the new Bolivian Constitution of 2009 influence a change on its democratic model? The thesis of the article claims that as a result of how the Constitution elaboration process was carried out on a frame of certain historical conditions, the product elaborated –The Constitution- by the Constituent Assembly had little substantial change in contrast to former Constitutions. Historical constrains of the Bolivian economy and the polarization of the actors involved on the elaboration process of the new Constitution had a great influence to prevent a substantially different new one. Progressive’s elements were introduced as a matter of result of the Bolivian revolution as Human Rights, Plurinationality, and Regional Autonomies, but certain constitutional prerogatives remained unchanged to preserve the status quo. The presence of corporatists, rentist and statist actors has been a trend along Bolivian history, which does allow the reproduction of the internal political relationships of the Bolivian model and inhibits the possibility of a substantial change or re-foundation. Furthermore, the pos-contitutional situation will consolidate a democracy that hardly would break the historical constrains thatrules its hybrid character.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El auge de la derecha en la crisis posneoliberal en América Latina: casos Brasil y Argentina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-12-01) Tipismana Arriola, José ArturoThis paper focuses on two case studies, Brazil and Argentina, in which, after several years of leftist governments, two right-wing candidates succeeded and became president. These are Jair Bolsonaro, who was a candidate of the Social Liberal Party and is the current president of Brazil; and Mauricio Macri, who won the presidency of Argentina with the right-wing Coalition Cambiemos. Considering the results of the last presidential elections, it seems that in Argentina this right turn could not be sustained over time; meanwhile, in Brazil, the Partido de los Trabajadores achieve a relevant presence in Parliament. This paper concludes that this turn to the right did not happen because it was not a political turn like the pink tide. Three explanatory factors are considered: economic performance, the credibility of leftist leaders and the strength of the right. From there, each case will be thoroughly analyzed, and then compared. The result of this process is the finding of substantial differences, especially regards the economic crisis and the strength of the right. Finally, the reflections regarding the findings sustain that these electoral results only represent the attrition of leftist governments due to the great corruption scandals and the curb economic growth, and not necessarily the beginning of a new era in Latin American politics.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Un balance panorámico del diseño normativo e institucional del actual proceso peruano de descentralización política (2002-2010)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2010) Friz Burga, Johnny ZasEl diseño del actual proceso de Descentralización política se basa en los gobiernos locales y regionales. Se planteó, en el inicio, que se realizase mediante una serie de etapas consecutivas que llevarían a una consolidación de las regiones como entidades autónomas fuertes, capaces de gestionar apropiadamente su territorio. No obstante, en el año 2005 los resultados del referéndum fueron negativos. Los departamentos no quieren ser regiones.En el presente artículo se plantean tres grandes procesos complementarios al de Descentralización que facilitarían su desarrollo: la modernización estatal mediante una reforma total del sistema, la incorporación de mecanismos de participación ciudadana y el desarrollo de políticas de integración regional. Así mismo, se analizarán las causas del estancamiento de la Descentralización producto del fracaso en 2005. Mediante esta lectura, se pretende introducir al lector a un análisis descriptivo del proceso de Descentralización, tomando en cuenta tanto el marco normativo como el institucional.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Barrenechea, Rodrigo. 2014. Beca, bases y votos. Alianza para el Progreso y la construcción partidaria subnacional en el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Caballero Chavez, Gian CarlosNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Las bases históricas del «milagro de San Martín»: control territorial y estrategias estatales contra el narcotráfico y subversión (1980-1995)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Manrique López, HernánThe present article demonstrates the historical bases previous to the success of alternative development in the region San Martín. It shows that anti-drug policy was unable to successfully function during the 1980s due to an absence of basic security conditions in the region. The ar- ticle’s main objective consists in presenting how the state managed to meet said security condi- tions. Thus, this article is divided into two periods of analysis. First, it focuses on the time period from 1980 to 1989 and shows how generalized state repression resulted counterproductive in the region because of strong subversive forces. Second, it presents the time period from 1989 to 1995 and demonstrates how the exercise of sequential period of focalized repression facilitated an environment to fight against drug trafficking. In this way, the focalized strategy and sequence permitted the state to resume security conditions that in a post-boom and post-conflict situation permitted the implementation of alternative development programs.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Bebbington, Anthohy , Martin Scurrah y Claudia Bielich. Los movimientos sociales y la política de la pobreza en el Perú. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, CEPES y Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Aragón Trelles, JorgeNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Bebbington, Anthony (Ed.) Industrias extractivas: conflicto social y dinámicas institucionales en la región andina. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima: 2012.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Quiñones, PatriciaNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Burga, Manuel (2008) La reforma silenciosa. Descentralización, desarrollo y Universidad regional. Lima: Red para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales en el Perú.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2010) Toral, PabloNo presenta resumen