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ISSN: 2219-4142
e-ISSN: 2415-2498

Politai: Revista de Ciencia Política es una publicación académica editada por la Asociación Civil Politai, formada por estudiantes y egresados de la especialidad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su fundación en 2009, la Asociación Civil Politai tiene como objetivo promover la disciplina de la ciencia política en el Perú y América Latina. Desde 2010, publica semestralmente investigaciones y trabajos académicos originales e inéditos a través de los números temáticos de su revista académica.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 41
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    Tecnocracias sociales: El surgimiento de una tecnocracia en el Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Vela, Estelí; Becerra, María Gracia; García, Sebastián; Ruiz, Gabriela; Roca, Pablo
    This article analyzes the technocracy emergence in social sector, through the study of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion case, created in 2011 in response to one of the essential themes of Ollanta Humala’s electoral campaign: social inclusion. This paper aims to determine which factors led to the establishment of a technocracy linked to social policy in a country where it has been traditionally linked to political usage and patronage. There are three factors that explain the positioning of a technocracy in this ministry addressed throughout the article. On one hand, there was the presence of a consensus about the need for a technical management of this sector in the search of generating legitimacy and autonomy. On the other hand, it happened to be a favorable political environment characterized by a wide political support from the government. Finally, the wide discretion of the technical team in the design of MIDIS and during formation of the first ministerial body of bureaucrats allowed the emergence of a technocratic institution. To this end, this article describes development of the stages of the creation of the institution, design, approval and implementation and shows a corroboration of the technocratic profile of the initial top management team of this ministry.
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    Lógicas privadas y lógicas locales, una mirada a la presencia de las industrias extractivas desde las historias comunales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Burneo, María Luisa; Huamán, Alejandra
    The present article discusses the way we approach the process of change in rural communities with active presence of extractive industries. As an example, it presents a study about a peasant community from the Peruvian northern coast where a petroleum extraction project is being developed. The case analysis suggests that, in such contexts, different and conflicting patterns of resource, such as land usage, valuation, access and appropriation are configured, leading to a very complex scenario for the decision making process about the future of these resources. The article thus states that categories such as social-environmental management, conflict resolution, and negotiation can lead to a simplified interpretation of reality. In this sense, by presenting some critical issues, it argues the importance of adopting anthropological and sociological approaches in order to consider the way spatiality and temporality are being conceived, as well as to integrate the historical process of land appropriation into the analysis.
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    La resistencia del movimiento social indígena colombiano como contrapeso del poder
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Sánchez Montenegro, Angélica María
    In order to speak of indigenous resistance and understand it in the Colombian context, wemust take into account not only the conditions of conflict but also how state power is configured. So, we should address the structural failure of the state and understand how it leads to incomplete state intervention in the whole Colombian territory, which in turn, causes unfulfillment of basic needs and lack of legitimacy in peripheral areas. Due to this failure of the state, indigenous communities native to those areas are forced to meet their needs by means of alternative routes, such as the formation of their own government, which is legitimate and legal on constitutional terms. They are able to do so with support from organizations such as the Regional Indigenous Council of the Cauca (CRIC) or the imposed link with illegal armed groups (imposed because it is not legitimate but a reality close to indigenous communities) who use their coercive force to replace public institutions and provide services such as health, safety and the maintenance of order under their particular logics.Indigenous communities have developed self-government with identity and territoriality, which leads to new forms of organization of power. An example of this is the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, which represents the interests of all indigenous communities of the Cauca and promotes communication with indigenous people from other areas. This work pays significant attention to the CRIC since it contains characteristics of power such as resistance, discourses of truth and a link with law.
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    Organizaciones políticas no institucionalizadas y Estado de Derecho en el Perú post-Fujimori: Una propuesta para la investigación
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Cameron, Maxwell A.; Sosa Villagarcia, Paolo
    Political science literature has focused itself mostly on the «pro-democracy» role of political parties, identifying them as essential instruments for representation. We agree, but we believe this is not the only aspect to focus on. Democratic parties do not only achieve power through regular elections, but they also aspire to rule within a democratic regime. In that sense, the functioning of political parties can be analyzed not only in terms of their contribution to electoral competition. In order to fulfill their democratic functions, parties need a strong constitutional order that allows them to provide two goods: the achievement of power through legalways and good governance within the Rule of Law.
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    Análisis del comportamiento electoral en la ciudad de Cali utilizando fuzzy sets. Elecciones para la alcaldía municipal 2003-2011
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Abadía, Adolfo A.; Milanese, Juan Pablo
    This paper aims to demystify, empirically, a statement widely shared in the political imaginary of the citizens of Santiago de Cali: candidates, who predominate in the popular sectors of the population, are the ones who win the elections for mayor («Aguablanca elects the mayor»). From an analysis with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in their mode of fuzzy sets, it is shown that there are more complex scenarios of the electoral behavior in the elections for the municipal mayor in 2003, 2007 and 2011. Starting from this premise, from a«sociological perspective» it is proposed a classification of the strata of the city according to the pooled weighted average and candidate as elite/non elite, to analyze the electoral trends in terms of political preferences of each stratum. It also seeks to identify causal combinations that consents the election of a mayor, taking into account variables such as the profil elite/non elite of the candidates, levels of fragmentation in both segments of candidatures and finally, the dominance that each achieved in the different communes of the city.
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    La Asamblea Constituyente y la democracia en riesgo: corporativismo, rentismo y capitalismo político como pilares de la nueva Constitución boliviana
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Ayo, Diego
    Did the new Bolivian Constitution of 2009 influence a change on its democratic model? The thesis of the article claims that as a result of how the Constitution elaboration process was carried out on a frame of certain historical conditions, the product elaborated –The Constitution- by the Constituent Assembly had little substantial change in contrast to former Constitutions. Historical constrains of the Bolivian economy and the polarization of the actors involved on the elaboration process of the new Constitution had a great influence to prevent a substantially different new one. Progressive’s elements were introduced as a matter of result of the Bolivian revolution as Human Rights, Plurinationality, and Regional Autonomies, but certain constitutional prerogatives remained unchanged to preserve the status quo. The presence of corporatists, rentist and statist actors has been a trend along Bolivian history, which does allow the reproduction of the internal political relationships of the Bolivian model and inhibits the possibility of a substantial change or re-foundation. Furthermore, the pos-contitutional situation will consolidate a democracy that hardly would break the historical constrains thatrules its hybrid character.
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    El papel de las comunidades de conocimiento en la formación de la política económica exterior en Latinoamérica: Una revisión de literatura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Jiménez Peña, Gabriel
    This paper is organized as follows. The introduction determines what Foreign Economic Policy is. Then, it builds a theoretical framework about Foreign Economic Policy formulation in developing countries, with a focus in Lain America. This discusses three different approaches: system-centered, society-centered and state-centered. Then, it explores literature about epistemic communities in Latin America in order to determine to what extent this has focus on Foreign Economic Policy formulation. Finally, it explores the importance of studying the role of epistemic communities in public agencies in charge of foreign economic relations in the region.
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    La judicialización de la política en el Perú: Una observación del Tribunal Constitucional y sus decisiones frente a la píldora del día siguiente (2001-2010)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Loaiza, Pamela
    This article analyzes the judicial behavior and the importance of judges in policy making in Peru regarding the case of the magistrates of the Constitutional Tribunal and its decisions regarding the morning after pill. We will focus our research on the shift in orientation of two veredicts issued by this judicial institution; one in favor of its state sponsored distribution (2006) and one against it (2009). In order to analyze the circumstances that led to this two different outcomes, we state that the morning after pill, a case of consciousness, made the judges decide based on their strategic alliances inside the tribunal or their own personal trajectories. In order to solve these dilemmas, the analysis of the kind of judges in the tribunal was crucial to understand the relationship between the elected judges and the interests of political parties in parliament. We believe that the shift in orientation of the veredicts lies in the fact that, for cases of consciousness, the Tribunal uses its sitting judges.
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    Ética ambiental y gestión de los recursos naturales: entendiendo la base de la problemática económica
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Arbulú Villanueva, Italo
    The discussion about this global framework of rights and duties, between humans and other living things and nonliving things, has given rise to a fascinating body of literature in the field of ethics that has been called environmental ethics. The aim of this paper is twofold, first it seeks to present the current elements in the field of environmental politics governing the definition of economic policies on the use of environment and natural resources. Second, it suggests the appearance of other thinking that can influence the way society evaluates the human-nature relationship.
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    Ganar, gobernar y perder: Aportes para entender el desempeño electoral de los partidos de gobierno peruanos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Mas Castillo, Luis
    The article tries to explain the performance of peruvian incumbent parties in the immediate electoral process after their term. To do this, the limitations of two possible explanations are explored: retrospective voting and party institutionalization. Against this, the article proposes that, to explain the peruvian government parties poor performance, it is necessary to stressed the importance of the party leader and the presidential candidate. These are key factors that can affect the electoral chances of the Peruvian ruling party in a high caudillism.