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ISSN: 2219-4142
e-ISSN: 2415-2498

Politai: Revista de Ciencia Política es una publicación académica editada por la Asociación Civil Politai, formada por estudiantes y egresados de la especialidad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su fundación en 2009, la Asociación Civil Politai tiene como objetivo promover la disciplina de la ciencia política en el Perú y América Latina. Desde 2010, publica semestralmente investigaciones y trabajos académicos originales e inéditos a través de los números temáticos de su revista académica.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
  • Ítem
    Tecnocracias sociales: El surgimiento de una tecnocracia en el Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Vela, Estelí; Becerra, María Gracia; García, Sebastián; Ruiz, Gabriela; Roca, Pablo
    This article analyzes the technocracy emergence in social sector, through the study of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion case, created in 2011 in response to one of the essential themes of Ollanta Humala’s electoral campaign: social inclusion. This paper aims to determine which factors led to the establishment of a technocracy linked to social policy in a country where it has been traditionally linked to political usage and patronage. There are three factors that explain the positioning of a technocracy in this ministry addressed throughout the article. On one hand, there was the presence of a consensus about the need for a technical management of this sector in the search of generating legitimacy and autonomy. On the other hand, it happened to be a favorable political environment characterized by a wide political support from the government. Finally, the wide discretion of the technical team in the design of MIDIS and during formation of the first ministerial body of bureaucrats allowed the emergence of a technocratic institution. To this end, this article describes development of the stages of the creation of the institution, design, approval and implementation and shows a corroboration of the technocratic profile of the initial top management team of this ministry.
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    Entrevista a Henry A. Dietz: «El partido continúa a pesar del líder»
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Ruiz, Gabriela; Samaniego Velásquez, Nathaly
    No presenta resumen.
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    La disciplina y efectividad de las bancadas de oposición en el Parlamento en los casos de interpelaciones durante los gobiernos de Toledo, García y Humala (2001-2013)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Vela, Estelí; Ruiz, Gabriela; García, Sebastián; Roca, Pablo
    This article discusses the use of the mechanism of parliamentary control of interpellation to ministers in the Peruvian case, with the objective of stablish which factors determine the effectives of opposition groups to approve the motions of interpellations they present during the post- Fujimori goverrnments of Alejandro Toledo, Alan García and Ollanta Humala (2001-2013). Taking into account the size, discipline and the number of motions presented, this research argues that the most effective parliamentary groups have high levels of discipline and present a reasonable number of motions, in relation to their capacity to approve them. The levels of discipline and effectiveness of each parliamentary group were calculate through the recompilation ofdata from 85 motions and 36 debates about the admission of the process.
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    La fortaleza del sistema de partidos en los 80 y el auge de la antipolítica en los 90 en el Perú: un análisis estadístico descriptivo del nivel subnacional
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Ruiz, Gabriela; García, Sebastián; Mercado Córdova, Lucía; Vela, Estelí
    This paper explores two important topics among the political parties and party system literature in Peru: The strength and stability of the political party system in the 80’s and the decade of the 90’s, better known as the «decade of the antipolitics». The contrast between the literature reviewed and the quantitative data from the 7 Municipal Elections, that took place among this time period, attempts to find if this phenomena occurred also at the subnational level. In the decade of the 80’s, the political party system stayed stable with rule of the four most important political parties (APRA, Acción Popular, Izquierda Unida y PPC); however, individually these political parties did not have the same performance. In the decade of the 90’s, the concept «in- dependent» did not fit equally among all the cases and together with the fujimorismo depicted the political scenario of the 90’s.
  • Ítem
    Los límites de la articulación de los movimientos antimineros en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013) Ruiz, Gabriela; Vela Cáceres, Estelí; Mercado Cordova, Lucía; Cruz Sarmiento, Marylia; Sosa Villagarcia, Paolo; Pérez Pinillos, Jeniffer
    The present article discusses the enviromental conflicts related to the mining during the recent past years, with the purpose of identify the limits and the difficulties that have been present in the articulation of a national anti-mining social movement in Peru. The questioning about the reach of the anti-mining movement arises from the constants outbreaks of conflicts that are determinate by local dynamics. The confrontation between the mining company and peasant´s communities has been occurring in different areas of the country, and that is why the analysis focuses in the cases of the ‘Aymarazo’ in Puno, Conga in Cajamarca, and the contrast of informal mining in Madre de Dios. The analysis of the cognitive frameworks, the structure of organization, the window of opportunities, allow this work to recognize the character of the anti-mining mobilizations that occurs in every conflict.