Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente

URI permanente para esta comunidad

ISSN: 2523-2894
e-ISSN: 2709-3689

La Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente es la revista de investigación arbitrada del Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (INTE-PUCP), indizada en LATINDEX, DOAJ, REDIB y otros. Recientemente indizada en SCOPUS (noviembre 2022) y en SciELO (marzo 2023).

Kawsaypacha es una voz quechua que significa “Tierra viva”. Desde esta revista, el INTE-PUCP busca aportar al debate académico que analiza la relación entre la sociedad y medio ambiente desde diferentes perspectivas, y promover una reflexión interdisciplinaria que brinde nuevos enfoques y herramientas para comprender la creciente complejidad de nuestra relación con la naturaleza y la sostenibilidad socioambiental. Para ello adoptamos estándares internacionales de comunicación científica y prácticas de ciencia abierta.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
  • Ítem
    Interpretaciones sobre la deforestación en áreas naturales protegidas en la Amazonía del Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-26) Dourojeanni, Marc
    This note comments and criticizes some aspects of a recent publication (Cotrina A. et al. 2021. «Peruvian Amazon disappearing: Transformation of protected areas during the last two decades (2001-2019) and potential future deforestation modeling using cloud computing and MaxEnt approach». Journal for Nature Conservation, Elsevier) that analyzes year by year deforestation in Peruvian Amazon protected natural areas and in their buffer zones. Their results are interesting and they generally confirm what is known on the subject. However, in addition to making inaccurate statements, the authors of this work draw alarmist conclusionsthat are not consistent with their own results or with the reality of managing protected natural areas in Peru and other tropical countries.
  • Ítem
    Para democratizar y fortalecer el aprovechamiento forestal en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-11-03) Dourojeanni, Marc
    Exceptions aside, the production of timber from natural forests in Peru does not result from the application of sustainable forest management. Therefore, wood exploitation degrades the forest and contributes to severely reduce its ecosystem services. The most evident direct cause of degradation has been the transfer of responsibility for forest management to the private sector, which, under the current and predicable economic and social context, is unable to carry out a sustainable management that is also profitable (Dourojeanni 2019, 2020). In the context of a new national forest policy that prioritizes the maintenance of environmental services (Dourojeanni et al 2021, CNF 2022) it is being proposed to gradually transfer this responsibility to the State and local communities, without undermining the private role in the extraction, transformation, and commercialization phases. Forest management would be carried out through local management units with full participation of local actors and administrative and financial autonomy, based on the public auction of standing trees. This note describes the proposal, discusses its justification, its advantages, and eventual disadvantages, and proposes a practical alternative for its implementation.