Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente
URI permanente para esta comunidad
ISSN: 2523-2894
e-ISSN: 2709-3689
La Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente es la revista de investigación arbitrada del Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (INTE-PUCP), indizada en LATINDEX, DOAJ, REDIB y otros. Recientemente indizada en SCOPUS (noviembre 2022) y en SciELO (marzo 2023).
Kawsaypacha es una voz quechua que significa “Tierra viva”. Desde esta revista, el INTE-PUCP busca aportar al debate académico que analiza la relación entre la sociedad y medio ambiente desde diferentes perspectivas, y promover una reflexión interdisciplinaria que brinde nuevos enfoques y herramientas para comprender la creciente complejidad de nuestra relación con la naturaleza y la sostenibilidad socioambiental. Para ello adoptamos estándares internacionales de comunicación científica y prácticas de ciencia abierta.
Ítem Texto completo enlazado A modo de introducción del dossier «Cosmopolíticas y emancipación en América Latina»(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-30) Rueda Barrera, Eduardo A.After exploring the practical-political meaning that underlies the idea of “cosmopolitics” and describing its impact on the transformative agendas of Latin America, its links with cosmopolitanism are explained. At the end, the work of the Dossier is briefly reviewed.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Actual y futura disponibilidad del agua en un contexto de inseguridad hídrica en la subcuenca de Parón, cuenca del río Santa, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Izaguirre Liviac, Marcos Fabio; Drenkhan, Fabian; Timaná, MartínWater security in Andean watersheds depends on adaptive water management in the face of glaciohydrological and socioeconomic impacts. The Parón sub-basin in the Santa River basin (Ancash, Peru) is a suitable case in this respect. Water is regulated by a floodgate in the Parón lake, which has become a focal point of social conflict. This study analyzes the water balance of this sub-basin using a semi-distributed hydrological model for the present (2006-2016) and future (2030-2050), considering different scenarios of precipitation variation, glacial melting, and increased water demand. Without regulation of the lake, the sub-basin would enter into a strong water deficit in the dry months (June-August). Until 2030 (2050), assuming a maximum regulation of 2.6 m³/s, a 15% (35%) increase in precipitation, and a 10% (26%) decrease in the glacier contribution to the annual flow, water availability would be reduced by 37% (35%). In a pessimistic scenario with a 15% (35%) decrease in precipitation, water availability would still be reduced by 47% (56%) annually. These results highlight the need to keep a socially acceptable minimum water flow (>2 m³/s) to avoid critical levels of water scarcity in the dry months and to address the needs of local water users.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Análisis crítico del uso de macroinvertebrados bentónicos como bioindicadores de la calidad del agua en el Sistema Nacional de Gestión Ambiental(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2022-05-26) Lazo Oscanoa, Carlos Alberto; Piscoya Torres, José Alfredo; Roa Changana, Piero JoseDue to the worrisome water context at domestic and global level, it is imperative to establish actions for protecting and conserving aquatic ecosystems and water resources in Peru, such as establishing a comprehensive assessment of water quality. In this context, bio indicators, especially benthic macroinvertebrates, represent an important tool for efficient water assessment. This essay analyzes how the use of these bio indicators is being managed at international level and within the framework of the National Environmental Management System (SNGA) of Peru, with special emphasis on the National Water Resources Management System (SNGRH), since one of its objectives is to achieve an adequate management of water resources in the country, to contribute to the conservation, preservation and recovery of water and its associated goods, and to have the conservation and protection of water quality as one of its purposes. In this way, it was evident that these bio indicators are being considered in some of the SNGA management instruments. However, in some of these, their use is not very developed or is limited because they do not have a strong legal basis, since they have not yet been incorporated in the regulatory framework of water resources and, therefore, in the protocols that address their use.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Análisis de la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres en el departamento de Piura para hacer frente al Fenómeno El Niño(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-13) Prada-Álvarez, Aldair Edison; Arrieta-Padilla, Hector LewisThe objective of this research is to describe disaster risk management in the department of Piura to address the El Niño phenomenon. A qualitative approach was employed, focusing primarily on the collection of information regarding the damages and losses caused by this phenomenon, the identification of exposed zones and elements (such as population, housing, and infrastructure) susceptible to floods and landslides associated with rains from this event, as well as public spending on vulnerability reduction and emergency response to natural disasters in each province of the department of Piura in 2023. Additionally, measures were proposed to strengthen resilience, aligned with activities and investment projects that could be carried out in Piura. The provinces with the highest number of critical points with the greatest potential for flooding were Sullana, Morropón, Paita, and Piura. Moreover, in a flood risk scenario associated with El Niño rains, the provinces that have exposed elements (such as population centers, population, housing, and other infrastructures) at high to very high levels of susceptibility to flooding were Piura, Morropón, Sullana, and Sechura, while the provinces of Ayabaca and Huancabamba have exposed elements at high and very high levels of susceptibility to landslides. Additionally, of all the provinces in the department of Piura, Talara and Sechura executed less than 80% of their allocated budget for 2023. Regarding budget execution in investment projects, only the provinces of Piura and Ayabaca have executed more than 80% of their designated budget for this purpose.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Análisis del derecho penal sobre ecocidio: un estudio de caso de la guerra en Ucrania(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-07) Haltsova, Viktoriia V.; Volodina, Oksana O.; Hordieiev, Volodymyr I.; Samoshchenko, Igor V.; Orobets, Kostiantyn M.While actions leading to environmental degradation already have global consequences threatening the very existence of humanity, the war in Ukraine has once again proved the effectiveness of existing international environmental protection mechanisms. The purpose of this study is to analyze existing international environmental protection mechanisms from the perspective of the possibility of criminalizing the crime of ecocide. Based on the analysis of the domestic law of countries that have incorporated ecocide as a crime, it follows that national approaches to addressing this issue depend on historical conditions and have significant differences. These differences hinder the prosecution of ecocide in the absence of appropriate international legal mechanisms, while the consequences of ecocide cause global damage. An analysis of the state of international regulations has shown that despite the existence of an extensive environmental protection mechanism, it remains imperfect, thus making it impossible to prosecute ecocide unless it is done in connection with war crimes. An assessment of the data presented in the reports on the war in Ukraine shows that participation in relevant international conventions does not in any way guarantee that the aggressor country will not violate its international obligations. It is shown that recognizing ecocide as a crime at the international level remains the only effective means to bring perpetrators to justice. The results of the study can be used to further improve the legal mechanisms for prosecuting ecocide, in teaching legal disciplines, and in further academic research.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Aproximación ambiental al Código Civil(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2018-09-14) Foy Valencia, Pierre ClaudioEn este artículo se plantean nuevos escenarios legales en relación con el aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales y una moderna mirada del Código Civil. Asimismo, se realiza una interpretación ambiental en relación con determinadas figuras clásicas del Derecho Civil y se tratan temas como el derecho de propiedad, la servidumbre, la responsabilidad civil extracontractual, los derechos de vecindad, cláusulas sucesorias, entre otros.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una aproximación hacia la seguridad hídrica en los Andes tropicales: desafíos y perspectivas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2023-08-31) Drenkhan, Fabian; Castro-Salvador, SofíaThe tropical Andes represent a key region in terms of biodiversity, cultural diversity, and multiple ecosystem services. They serve as the foundation for human subsistence for millions of inhabitants, which is increasingly affected by growing water insecurity due to the coupled impacts of land cover and climate changes. In recent years, important efforts focused on headwaters in highland areas, implementing payments for environmental services and natural infrastructure, have created several opportunities to address water insecurity in the tropical Andes. However, there is insufficient knowledge to assess levels of water security at spatio-temporal scales suitable for developing locally relevant adaptation strategies. This limitation is due to a scarcity of data combined with inconsistent concepts and metrics, and incomplete approaches to integrate all components of water security within a common framework. In addition, there is a need to align public policies that fit local needs. This study explores current limitations and prospects for studying and increasing water security in the region. The establishment of monitoring and data collection networks, including participatory and diverse knowledge designs, is crucial. Modeling water security modeling requires creating strong linkages between the different components of the water cycle and water users. These efforts should be integrated into a transdisciplinary collaborative framework involving science, policy, and community, faciliting effective, robust, and locally tailored adaptation pathways.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Árboles, religión y cambios socioambientales en los Andes centrales: El caso del "Schinus molle" L. en la Cordillera Negra, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2023-08-29) González-Hunt, FernandoBased on the study of the history and Catholic cult of the Holy Cross of Ampushino, the article presents some preliminary findings, and proposes lines of future research, regarding the conceptualizations of nature among the inhabitants of the locality of Pamparomás (Cordillera Negra, Central Peru). To this end, the research traces the natural and cultural history of Schinus molle in the central Andes, the tree from whose branches the Cross of Ampushino’s emerged according to local tradition. It is hypothesized that the supernatural powers attributed to the cross by its devotees are closely related to pre-Hispanic religious traditions of this Andean region. Considering this historical and cultural background, ongoing environmental and social transformations in the area are described. Finally, the importance of a future research agenda is emphasized, one that highlights the study of ethical-environmental perspectives of local residents regarding environmental change, and the conjecture of the possible emergence of new visions of nature.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Biodiversidad y áreas naturales protegidas en la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental: avances y temas pendientes(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2022-05-25) Aldana Durán, Martha InésThis article analyzes biodiversity within the environmental impact assessment process, with special emphasis on its application in Protected Areas (PA). Additionally, it introduces the applicable international standards on the subject and reviews the applicable Peruvian national regulations. A sample of evaluation reports done by the National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP) which is the governing authority in the field of PA, is presented in order to identify the existing regulatory needs in this matter with a view to proposing the development of required objective criteria.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Brecha del servicio de limpieza pública en el distrito del Callao, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2022-05-26) Rossell Taype, Carlos Enrique; Mejia Juárez, José Alexander; Jamett Salazar, Oscar ErnestoThe purpose of this research is to get to know the people’s satisfaction regarding the quality of the public cleaning service provided by the Provincial Municipality of Callao, for the year 2021. The methodology used was the data collection technique through surveys. The results showed that the surveyed population considers that they have a predominantly "fair" and "poor" quality level of the cleaning, sweeping and collection service. Regarding the level of cleanliness, respondents consider that parks and markets have an acceptable level. Meanwhile, neighbors rated the separated collection service as "very bad." In addition, more than 50% of surveyed people do not comply with their obligation to pay municipal taxes and this action affects tax collection in the Municipality of Callao, because it does not allow to cover all the expenses of providing public cleaning services. Finally, there is a service quality gap that the Municipality must attend to by implementing an adequate waste management plan and environmental awareness and education programs, so that people act responsibly and thus improve the level of public cleaning service.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Buenas prácticas ambientales en hogares de Valparaíso Metropolitano, Chile(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Castañeda-Meneses, Patricia LorenaIn Chile, the main issues affecting the quality of life of the population include air pollution, scarcity and contamination of water resources, degradation, loss, and pollution of soils, nuisance noise, solid waste management, and loss of biodiversity. In response to this situation, good environmental practices emerge in households, which can be characterized as simple and useful measures that individuals can adopt in their daily lives to reduce the negative environmental impact of their activities. In this context, the article presents the results of a qualitative research aimed at identifying and classifying the environmental practices carried out in households in Metropolitan Valparaíso, Chile. Methodologically, an exploratory-descriptive approach study was conducted, gathering information from 64 households through semi-structured interviews. The results show the implementation of good environmental practices in the household, related to the recycling of organic and non-organic waste, reusing organic and non-organic waste, and reducing the consumption of natural resources. It is concluded that the environmental practices developed by individuals in their households are motivated by a deep concern for environmental issues and seek to reduce the long-term negative consequences that will affect the living conditions of future generations. From an integrated perspective, the good environmental practices carried out in the household represent a silent and persevering microsocial dynamic that challenges the devastating actions of global economic, political, and technological actors regarding the use of natural resources.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cambio de uso de tierra y su impacto en la cobertura vegetal del Parque Nacional Tingo María entre los años 2006-2021(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-09-07) Zuloaga-Obregón, José Luis; Gabriel-Campos, Edwin NatividadThis article is developed with the purpose of analyzing land use changes and their impact on vegetation cover within the Protected Natural Area (PNA) Tingo María National Park (TMNP) and identifying the territorial actors and agents linked to these changes, between the years 2006 and 2021. To achieve this, qualitative methodologies have been applied, including semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation, as well as quantitative methodologies through the processing of satellite images to determine land use change rates. The results show that during the studied years, there are changes in the intervened soil cover and vegetative cover, both located in the Special Use and Buffer Zones of the National Park, which are associated with extensive agricultural practices for subsistence and local markets. Local population, organized with park managers, universities, and local and regional institutions, participate in the management of TMNP. It is concluded that, over the studied period, the coverage changes, unlike other PNAs, have not been significant as in others due to the joint actions of institutional actors and the local population that have halted the emergence of illegal and unauthorized activities that could directly impact the vegetative cover of TMNP. This represents an effective management model for a natural space that provides various ecosystem services.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Capacidades democráticas para la gobernanza de las áreas naturales protegidas. El caso de la Reserva Natural de Salinas y Aguada Blanca (2015 – 2017)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2019-06-19) Mayo D’Arrigo, Maritza JesúsLas áreas naturales protegidas son espacios que cuentan con un valioso patrimonio ecosistémico, genético y biológico, en los cuales la diversidad cultural y étnica aporta valiosos conocimientos tradicionales con respecto a sus usos y propiedades. Gestionar estas áreas implica reconocer que son espacios multiculturales donde confluyen actores con múltiples intereses; requiere también que se garantice no solo que todos los involucrados estén representados en las instancias de gestión, sino que, además, todos tengan las capacidades necesarias para participar activamente en el proceso de toma de decisiones. ¿Cuáles son aquellas capacidades que permiten la participación de todos en igualdad de condiciones? En el estudio que se presenta en este artículo se identifican diez capacidades, a las que se les denominan capacidades democráticas; y se analiza si estas están presentes en los actores involucrados en la gestión de la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca en el período 2015-2017. El estudio concluye que las capacidades de diálogo y de manejo intercultural tienen un buen desarrollo: mientras que las capacidades de habilidad lectora, manejo del lenguaje de las comunidades, actitud y disposición para brindar información permanentemente, análisis del entorno, toma de decisiones, solución de conflictos, e incidencia, tienen un desarrollo medio, y que aún hay debilidades en la capacidad sobre el cumplimiento de los acuerdos.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ciencia y gobernanza de ecosistemas con áreas naturales protegidas: el ejemplo de los Everglades (EE.UU.)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2019-06-19) Mitchell, Carol L.La ciencia es clave para asumir el reto principal del manejo de ecosistemas para el desarrollo sostenible: ¿cómo lograr los beneficios que resultan de la transformación y explotación de ecosistemas, y al mismo tiempo conservar los servicios ecosistémicos y las áreas naturales protegidas? En el ecosistema de los Everglades, humedal subtropical localizado en el sur de Florida (Estados Unidos), ocurrió una transformación económica y ambiental a mediados del siglo XX. Hoy, el Programa de Restauración de los Everglades está abordando el reto de mantener los beneficios del ecosistema transformado y, al mismo tiempo, proteger y restaurar el Parque Nacional Everglades. Un análisis de la ciencia y gobernanza del Programa de Restauración de los Everglades nos permite entender este proceso. Las decisiones fuertes sobre el programa son tomadas por una comisión especial diversa, compuesta al nivel más alto del gobierno, equivalente al nivel de ministros. El rol de la ciencia en el diseño, ejecución y monitoreo está escrito dentro de la ley y reglamento que rige el Programa. Finalmente, todas las agencias miembros de la Comisión emplean técnicos y científicos calificados, cuyo trabajo es el de hacer, recopilar y sintetizar investigaciones científicas. Este sistema reduce la distancia entre los científicos y los tomadores de decisiones. Al mismo tiempo, el sistema de gobernanza del Programa permite que los actores con menor poder financiero o político puedan ejercer poder por medio de sus resultados científicos, logrando así un balance entre los beneficios económicos y los beneficios ambientales del Programa.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Las ciencias forestales y su relación con la justicia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-08-23) Arce Rojas, Rodrigo SeveroThis article deals with the relationship between forestry sciences and justice with the aim of enriching the theoretical and operational framework of forestry sciences and of contributing to a better relationship between society and its forests. For this purpose, a specialized bibliographic review is carried out and complemented by contrasting it with the forestry reality in Peru. This shows that -from a forestry discipline perspective- forestry sciences consider that they do not have much to do with the issue of justice, which would correspond to other fields of knowledge. However, different types of justice are an integral part of their theory and practice when forests are understood as socio-ecosystems, a product of coupled systems that include forests, society and culture. The strongly anthropocentric conception of forestry science, which translates into public administration and forestry operations, makes ecological justice invisible. Other more human-related justice such as cognitive/epistemic justice or linguistic justice are absent.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cogeneración solar utilizada para procesos en la industria alimentaria(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2019-06-19) De Montreuil Estupiñan, Christian André; Vargas Guevara, Erick EduardoMediante la investigación que da origen a este artículo se busca demostrar la viabilidad técnica, financiera y legal del uso de la cogeneración solar para el sector de industrias alimentarias en nuestro país; para esto se procederá con una cuantificación de la energía eléctrica y térmica obtenida mediante un ciclo Rankine convencional, con la particularidad de que el agua usada para condensar el vapor saliente de la turbina será utilizada para los procesos requeridos en las plantas industriales, debido a la elevada temperatura obtenida del intercambio térmico con el vapor. Todo ello se realizará detallando los procesos en los que se aprovechará la energía obtenida y la cantidad de equipos a utilizar en este sistema, así como las especificaciones necesarias y parámetros termodinámicos para el correcto funcionamiento del sistema de cogeneración. Además, demostraremos la viabilidad legal de optar por un sistema de cogeneración solar en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano, y, en vista de la importancia de este proyecto, plantearemos un esquema legal y administrativo por medio del cual puede ser llevado a cabo. En ese sentido, el proyecto es interdisciplinario, pues implica la conjunción de planteamientos jurídicos y de ingeniería.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Comparación de los niveles de ruido, normativa y gestión de ruido ambiental en Lima y Callao respecto a otras ciudades de Latinoamérica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2020-09-08) Gamero Motta, Héctor GuillermoDebido al vertiginoso crecimiento económico, demográfico y a las constantes migraciones a la capital, Lima se ha convertido en un conglomerado de focos donde el ruido sobrepasa los niveles recomendados por la OMS. De ahí la importancia de hacer un análisis del ruido en la capital, con el fin de compararlo con otros países y estudiar la normativa que regula la contaminación acústica, para así dar a conocer las razones por las cuales la problemática del ruido debe ser solucionada. De la comparación hecha entre las ciudades elegidas (Lima, Bogotá y Santiago), se determinó que el ruido en Santiago es menor y está mejor controlado que en Lima y Bogotá, mientras que estos dos comparten realidades similares respecto a niveles de ruido. En el marco legal, los tres países tienen un sólido sistema normativo, pero en el caso del Perú, este empezó al menos una década tarde, ya que Chile y Colombia empezaron a preocuparse por ese problema desde los noventa. Es más, Chile sigue llevando la ventaja ya que posee un plan de gestión del ruido ambiental en donde expone medidas para su control. Todos estos factores hacen sentido en que la sociedad chilena está más a la vanguardia en temas de gestión de la contaminación acústica que la peruana, y su realidad se alinea más a los países referentes en acústica en el mundo.Bajo este modelo, es importante que las autoridades reflexionen sobre la problemática ambiental del ruido y puedan tomar como punto de partida el análisis brindado en este estudio para una mejor gestión del ruido ambiental en Lima y el resto del Perú.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Las condiciones de gobernanza para la implementación de las contribuciones nacionalmente determinadas: El caso del Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), 2018-09-14) Lanegra, IvanLa presente ponencia propone un marco de análisis para la dimensión de la gobernanza en la implementación en el Perú de las Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas derivadas del Acuerdo de París (NDC por sus siglas en inglés). Los países menos desarrollados, como el señalado, agregan a las dificultades tecnológicas y de financiamiento para implementar las NDC, las debilidades institucionales. En dicho contexto, el análisis de las condiciones de gobernanza debe considerar los factores políticos de corto plazo, las constricciones al desarrollo institucional, así como elementos de economía política. Esto nos lleva a considerar tanto la dinámica sectorial y territorial, como los distintos papeles que los actores con poder económico y político juegan alrededor de la política climática.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Conectividad vial y economías ilícitas en la Amazonía peruana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-08-26) Salazar Valdivia, Ciro Abelardo; Florián Lozano, JessicaIn the last five decades, the expansion of road connectivity in Peru, particularly in its Amazon region, has contributed to the growth of illicit economies. This relationship, however, has been little studied and therefore has not been incorporated into the framework of public policies with the aim of avoiding or reducing its occurrence. This research seeks to expose what conditions have made this relationship possible in the Peruvian Amazon and what are the current risks that this region faces, taking into account that if the road initiatives currently planned in this region are executed, its stock of roads would increase fivefold in the present decade. A set of criteria is proposed with the aim of avoiding initiatives that can be considered high risk as well as actions to mitigate the growth of illicit economies in the areas of influence of new road projects.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Conocimiento y prácticas sobre manejo de residuos sólidos en estudiantes de una universidad pública del Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-13) Urure Velazco, Isabel Natividad; Pacheco Villa García, Luisa Antonia; Llerena Ururi, Karen Leticia; Berrocal Pacheco, Pedro LuisSolid waste management is a problem common to all institutions and also to the university. The objective was to determine the level of knowledge and practices on solid waste management in university students from a public university in Peru. The study was non-experimental, quantitative, correlational and prospective, with a sample of 228 students, using 2 nationally validated questionnaires as an instrument, adapted to our reality, with Kuder-Richardson reliability of 0.755 and Alpha Cronbach 0.823 for knowledge and practice respectively. Within the results, the age group of 20-24 years (86%), and the female sex (89%) predominated. Knowledge about solid waste was medium level 62.3%, the question with the highest accuracy according to the arithmetic average was the recovery of solid waste (X ̅ = 0.92, DS 0.25), and the one with the least success was the generation of solid waste (X ̅ = 0.34, SD 0.47). The practices on solid waste management were of a good level 71.5%, the most performed practice was using a cloth bag to make purchases (X ̅ = 4.07, DS 1.27). A very low negative correlation was found between the study cycle and the level of knowledge and practices (p<0.05), no significant relationship was found with age, sex and marital status (p>0.05). It is concluded that the relationship between knowledge and solid waste practices is significant and behaves in a moderately positive way (r = 0.412, p = 0.000), that is to say that, at a higher level of knowledge, solid waste management practices are better.