Revista de Química

URI permanente para esta comunidad

ISSN: 1012-3946
e-ISSN: 2518-2803

La Revista de Química (PUCP) es una publicación que tiene como objetivo la divulgación de la Química y busca difundir los principales avances científicos en Química y áreas afines con objeto que la sociedad actual, sin necesidad de tener una formación científica completa, pueda conocer los descubrimientos más destacados de estas ciencias. No se aceptan trabajos de investigación experimental pero sí trabajos de revisión que hayan sido escritos con objeto de divulgación. Consulte más detalles aquí.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 8 de 8
  • Ítem
    Obtención de términos energéticos : acoplamiento de Russell - Saunders
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2001) Flores Vásquez, Jaime A.; Arroyo Cuyubamba, Juan L.
    A first need for the interpretation of atomic spectra lead physicist and chemists towards a continuous development of models in order to understand the order, known as electronic configuration, within an atom. Since Bohr's model, it was accepted that a signa! in a spectrum corresponds to an electronic transition; nowadays the complexity of energy levels, generated by unpaired electrons in an orbital, can be understood in terms of L and S coupling in lighter atoms. This article details the extent of the use of such diagrams, expecting to be a reference in order to achieve the method and its results.
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    Olimpiada peruana de Química: Veinte años promocionando la química entre los jóvenes del Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) San Martín, Luis Ortega
    The Peruvian Chemistry Olympiad celebrates its 20th anniversary and, in this report, a short review of the student participation in the event along with their origin and the international results obtained by each year’s winners is given.
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    Métodos para determinar la configuración absoluta de una molécula
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2008) Cedrón, Juan Carlos
    Methods for the assignment of the absolute configuration of an organic molecule: The assignment of the absolute configuration of chiral molecules represents a great challenge for organic chemists. There are several techniques in order to establish it, and they are described in this work, as well as examples of how they can be applied in the assignment of the absolute configuration of natural products.
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    La maca: la química detrás de su secado tradicional
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Esparza, Eliana; Hadzich, Antonella; Cosio, Eric
    Maca’s (Lepidium  meyenii) post harvest processing is key in generating a metabolic profile that will result in its well reported nutraceutical properties. This article presents how different metabolic processes generate these changes.
  • Ítem
    Gestión integral de residuos químicos generados en actividades industriales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2009) Loayza-Pérez, Jorge; Silva-Meza, Marina
    Integral management of chemical wastes generated in industrial activitiesThe integral management of chemical wastes allows to d iminish the amount of generated wastes, to reutilize wastes so as to diminish their danger, and to make safe use of the final disposition of those wastes that cannot be reduced. Here we present the principies of chemical wastes management, the analysis of the service I ife of a waste and diverse treatment options (physical, chemical, thermal and biological) for its final disposition
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    Arsenic geochemistry and its impact in public health: the Bangladesh case
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2008) Sánez, Juan
    Considered the king of poisons, arsenic occurs naturally in the environment being present in air, soil, water and food. Its presence in drinking water is of global concern. Initial chronic exposure is manifested by skin lesions. Additionally, arsenic consumption impairs certain visceral organs: bladder, liver, prostate, etc. More over, arsenic is a recognized carcinogenic substance.When in Bangladesh started the program to lead safe drinking water in the 60’s, they never imagined the catastrophic consequences. Water wells were drilled in the whole country. The arsenic problem was recognized recently in the 90’s.  In order to understand the nature of arsenic  in the environment and how it could possibly reach groundwater in Bangladesh, this work explains some chemical characteristics of arsenic, the geological formation of the basin, and its mobility.The origin of arsenic contamination in the Bangladesh Delta is due to the geologic nature of the basin rather than the possibility of an arsenic rich mineral. The profile of sediments shows that the Delta is not homogeneous, but rather heterogeneous even in closer areas. The driving process for arsenic mobility is mainly the reduction by iron oxyhydroxides coupled with organic matter, including other factors such as particle size, depth, morphology, metal content, as well
  • Ítem
    Una nanoventana abierta hacia la curación del cáncer
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Hernández García, Yulán; Moros, María
    Nowadays, cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, the cure of which makes it one of the most important targets of modern medicine. Conventional therapies are, either highly invasive (surgery) or little selective (chemo- and radiotherapy), which diminishes the effectiveness of these treatments leading to undesired secondary effects. Nanomaterials, due to its nano size, possess new special features that may provide several advantages for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease in all of its forms. These new systems, have great potential for leading to an early detection of cancer and the design of personalized therapies working only at target zones, improving the results obtained.
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    Artículos científicos de la sección química de la PUCP, 2018 (2a parte)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-02-28) editorial, Comité
    Here you will find the first page and the link to all scientific papers published in international journals by members of the PUCP’s Chemistry Section during the second half of 2018.