THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho. Núm. 71 (2017)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Consejo Ejecutivo; 4

  • Artículos
  • El recurso de anulación de laudo y el derecho a patalear Núñez del Prado Chaves, Fabio; 13-30
  • Arbitraje deportivo: la experiencia del tribunal Arbitral du sport Rosero Espinosa, Nicolás; 33-46
  • Consolidación y suspensión: mecanismos procesales ante los arbitrajes de partes y contratos múltiples de la Flor Puccinelli, Nicolas; 47-56
  • El arbitraje laboral económico como mecanismo de solución de conflictos en el Perú Girao La Rosa, Juan Carlos; 57-68
  • ¡Yo no firme nada!: los no-signatarios del convenio arbitral. La estructura del artículo 14 de la Ley Arbitral Peruana Córdova Schaefer, Jesús; 69-89
  • No pain, no gain: nueve propuestas para mejorar el futuro del arbitraje internacional de la Jara, José María; Olórtegui, Julio; 91-107
  • ¿Quién consumiría el arbitraje de consumo?: el problemático caso a favor del acceso a la justicia de consumo Rodríguez García, Gustavo M; 109-115
  • Revisar o no revisar, he ahí el dilema: breves reflexiones sobre la impugnabilidad de las decisiones de los dispute boards en la vía arbitral Valverde, Gianpierre; Márquez, Nadine; 117-132
  • Arbitraje y múltiples contratos Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, José Luis; 135-152
  • La relación subsidiaria y complementaria entre los sistemas nacionales de protección de derechos humanos y el sistema interamericano Lengua Parra, Adrián; 153-165
  • El poder oculto de la prueba ilícita: una aproximación psicológica Iñiguez Ortiz, Eduardo; Feijoó Cambiaso, Raúl; 167-182
  • Precedentes sin precedente: los casos sustancialmente iguales como causal de rechazo de los recursos de agravio constitucional Cruces Burga, Alberto; 183-193
  • El rol de la justicia en el procedimiento y conclusión de los marcs y el proceso judicial Rivas Caso, Gino; 195-208
  • La prueba científica Simons Pino, Adrián; 209-226

  • Interdisciplinarias
  • Un análisis de racionalidad legislativa comparada: España (2005) y Perú (2014) sobre el debate en torno a la unión civil y matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo Sotomayor Trelles, José Enrique; 231-238
  • Fortuna accidental: recursos naturales y creación de regímenes de bienes en las américas Arribas Irazola, Guillermo; 239-255
  • «¿El dinero cura todas las heridas? Me parece que no» Reflexiones sobre el daño moral Linares Avilez, Daniel; 257-271

  • Mesa Redonda
  • Mesa redonda: posturas encontradas En el arbitraje internacional Remón, Jesús; Virgós, Miguel; Bottini, Gabriel; López de Argumedo, Álvaro; Fatás, José Miguel; 275-288
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 19
    • Ítem
      Un análisis de racionalidad legislativa comparada: España (2005) y Perú (2014) sobre el debate en torno a la unión civil y matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Sotomayor Trelles, José Enrique
      This article studies the parliamentary debate over the approval of a legislative change on the Spanish Civil Code, which gave permission to Same-Sex marriages since 2005. The author tries to approach to Congress debates as complex processes, in which different levels of rationality (as of irrationality) are intersperse in the argumentations of senators and deputies.In order to clarify this confounding scenario, the tools of ‘legisprudential studies’ or legislative rationality are of utmost importance, because they allow us to group the reasons in typologies, and to analyze possible counter-arguments or voids relating to supporting evidence. That is why the approach of this work, in relation to the substance of the matter, is neutral and rather points to demonstrate the immense methodological potential of legislative rationality models, and how these could contribute to illuminate the ongoing discussion on our country.
    • Ítem
      El arbitraje laboral económico como mecanismo de solución de conflictos en el Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Girao La Rosa, Juan Carlos
      The amount of labor law arbitrations has significantly increased through the last years. This has concurred with a legal modification that establishes specific causes for facultative arbitration.In this paper, the author analyzes this normative change while clarifying the polemics over its juridical nature and inquiring about its future effects regarding labor relationships disputes resolution.
    • Ítem
      El recurso de anulación de laudo y el derecho a patalear
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Núñez del Prado Chaves, Fabio
      Is it advisable for a State to eliminate the annulment action of its Law of Arbitration? Can the parties, by virtue of their party autonomy, waive the annulment action?.In the present article, the author demonstrates that the annulment action has a psychological and a legal-political basis, since, on the one hand, it satisfies the psychological need to challenge or contradict, which is inherent of human beings and; on the other, within the framework of Constitutional State it constitutes a democratic tool that guarantees the control of power.
    • Ítem
      Arbitraje y múltiples contratos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, José Luis
      The globalized world demands increasingly complex contractual operations. In that context, businesses have implemented multiple related contracts with the aim of achieving a common goal.In this paper, the authors analyze the complex situation of the arbitration regarding multiple contracts. Through the review of relevant case-law, the various solutions that characterize arbitration between multiple contracts are described. Finally, the authors address the overlap of non-signatory parties in the context of multiple contracts.
    • Ítem
      La prueba científica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Simons Pino, Adrián
      The scientific advances have greatly influenced the perception of the facts, generating some objectivation of the perception of the proof . In the past, many decisions were made on the basis of common sense and presumptions. This is reduced by the performance of more reliable evidence, which can generate a better conviction in the judge or legal operator.In this article, the author develops the effects that scientific evidence has had on legal practitioners, such as judges. Also, a theoretical framework will be proposed to understand this type of test, taking as reference emblematic cases.
    • Ítem
      Arbitraje deportivo: la experiencia del tribunal Arbitral du sport
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Rosero Espinosa, Nicolás
      Often arbitration has been closely related to issues that are likely to be arbitrated, including commercial, corporate or investment matters.However, the sporting matter has been less related to arbitration issues.In the present article, a relatively new and very interesting issue is develop: the sport arbitration, which has been gaining space in various sport organizations to become an instrument of great importance in the sports world. In this way, the author, through the experience of the Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport, shows us the way that sports arbitration has followed, its strengths, its composition and the importance it has achieved in these issues until forging an integral and solid relationship between arbitration and sport.
    • Ítem
      El poder oculto de la prueba ilícita: una aproximación psicológica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Iñiguez Ortiz, Eduardo; Feijoó Cambiaso, Raúl
      In the present article, the authors evaluate the psychological effects of the “illicit test”. To do this, they start delimiting their concept, and then analyze if it has any influence on the judge when resolving a case. Based on psychological considerations, in particular, the so-called “motivated reasoning” theory and the “motivated justice hypothesis”, they evaluate by an empirical study if the judges take this test into account when deciding, despite being legally bound to Not do it. In addition, they propose some mechanisms that could be used, both by litigants and by legal systems, to mitigate the effects of illicit veidence.
    • Ítem
      Mesa redonda: posturas encontradas En el arbitraje internacional
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Remón, Jesús; Virgós, Miguel; Bottini, Gabriel; López de Argumedo, Álvaro; Fatás, José Miguel
      Are the criti cisms to investment arbitrati on valid?. Is the annulment acti on an indispensable mechanism?. Can the acts of ius imperium of the States be submitted to arbitration?.This round table respond to each of these questi ons by addressing many controversial issues in itnernati onal arbitration.
    • Ítem
      Fortuna accidental: recursos naturales y creación de regímenes de bienes en las américas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Arribas Irazola, Guillermo
      Why are some countries of Latin America poor despite their great wealth? From the colony to the republic, many Latin American economies have focused on the extraction of natural resources.In the following article, the author will develop a historical analysis of the Spanish conquest. Specially focusing on the Peruvian case, the author will explain how this background shaped a top-down property regime with longstanding effects.To duly explain the “Accidental Fortune”, a constant comparison will be make between the Spanish conquest of the Americas, and the British colonization of North America. The author will show how the found resources guided each case into different directions.
    • Ítem
      El rol de la justicia en el procedimiento y conclusión de los marcs y el proceso judicial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-24) Rivas Caso, Gino
      In the face of a conflict, citizens can follow different ways to solve it. But, how justice is configurated in the conclusion of a specific conflict? what guarantee that the procedure of the mechanism is fair? We can think here in the due process of law; nevertheless, due process of law does not reach all mechanisms of conflict resolution.This paper, therefore, focuses in the study of the role of justice in (i) the procedural scope of judicial process and ADR mechanisms; and in (ii) the conflict resolution generated by them.