Espacio y Desarrollo. Núm. 25 (2013)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Córdova Aguilar, Hildegardo; 3

  • Artículos
  • Por qué y cómo estudiar, y comparar las evoluciones de los territorios locales en un mundo globalizado Mesclier, Évelyne; 7-21
  • Características temporales y espaciales de los patrones de precipitaciones en la sierra norte del Perú. Un estudio de caso de las transiciones de La Niña a El Niño desde 2005 a 2010 Krois, Joachim; Schulte, Achim; Pajares Vigo, Edwin; Cerdan Moreno, Carlos; 23-48
  • El mapa de susceptibilidad a movimientos en masa: una herramienta para la gestión sostenible del territorio Obregón, Christian; Lara, Julio; 49-64
  • Revisión del método de valoración contingente: experiencias de la aplicación en áreas protegidas de América Latina y el Caribe Garzón, Lina Paola; 65-78
  • Migraciones humanas en la quebrada del Toro (departamento Rosario de Lerma, provincia de Salta). Período 1947-2001 Barbarán, Francisco R.; Arias, Humberto; 79-102
  • Sistema Ambiental Estratégico, modelo para la competitividad territorial. Caso: Bajo Urubamba Cacho Cruz, Rocío; Ríos Velarde, Jorge Antonio; 103-121
  • Determinacion de zonas potenciales para cultivos frutícolas en la región Tacna, mediante sistemas de análisis espacial Alva Huayaney, Miguel Ernesto; Beraun Chaca, John James; 123-135
  • Percepciones de los niños de la zona de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape acerca del bosque aledaño Hinojosa, Milagros; 137-156
  • Nuevos retos y perspectivas del puerto de Matarani en el contexto regional en el marco de la globalización Fernández Ibarra, Elder Junior; 157-171
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 10
    • Ítem
      Nuevos retos y perspectivas del puerto de Matarani en el contexto regional en el marco de la globalización
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Fernández Ibarra, Elder Junior
      The permanent and each time fastest scientific innovations, as well as technological and telecommunications in the industrialized countries, irreversible influence the productive patterns of the underdeveloped countries. This pushes them to insert themselves and to include withinthis new world order that brings the globalization. These changes are dramatic in countries like ours, whose productive structure is still traditional. The transformation of these structurescomes together with the increment of social inequalities and therefore territorial expressed in hierarchies. However, this will depend on the adaptability capacity of each social group to the new economic context.Peru is not foreign to this type of harbor system that generates a series of dynamics in the role of harbor cities, enhancing them as spatial logistics at global level, where the public and private enterprises’ intervention, as well as the role of the State as local and regional subsidiary agent. These dynamics that result from the network system, the spatial configuration patterns and production of these traditional spaces, and the changes that may occur when insert themselves to a more sophisticated stage than the actual one, is focus of economic development understood as the bettering of the peoples quality of life, are the elements for this research.
    • Ítem
      El mapa de susceptibilidad a movimientos en masa: una herramienta para la gestión sostenible del territorio
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Obregón, Christian; Lara, Julio
      This study aims to show the importance of Landslide Susceptibility Map as a tool for land use planning, prevention and risk mitigation. This will be shown through MM evaluation processes affecting high sector of El Paraíso gorge - Villa María del Triunfo (Lima - Peru).The work consisted of two phases: in the first one (field) the intrinsic characteristics of geology and geomorphology were identified. The second one, included the Landslide Susceptibility Map generation, using the multivariate Heuristic Model consisting of overlapping maps variables (Carrara et al. 1995, Lain et al. 2005), developed in a GIS environment through algebra layer (geoprocessing operations).The results of Landslide Susceptibility Map in general, give us geoscience information that will contribute to land management, and in a timely manner, with the development of specific studies, prevention and / or mitigation measures to ensure the physical stability of identified critical areas.
    • Ítem
      Percepciones de los niños de la zona de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape acerca del bosque aledaño
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Hinojosa, Milagros
      The Cerros de Amotape National Park (CANP) is a vast Natural Protected Area (NPA) in northwestern Peru, which contains a great diversity of plants and animals, many of which are endangered and are unique in our country. Currently, this park is being reduced due to logging and cattle ranching. Most of the studies in the area have identified the inhabitants of the buffer zone of the CANP as responsible for its degradation, without investigating exhaustively their points of view and knowledge, which is considered essential for understanding social and environmental problems. This is the reason why I decided to investigate the deterioration ofthis park from the people´s perspective (adults and children) of the villages «Los Encuentros de Pilares» (LEP) and «El Chaylo» (ECH), both settled in the buffer zone of the park. My focusin this paper is only on the children’s perception of these villages about the CANP. The main objective is to explain the behavior linked to the park by the population of both villages, and the specific objectives are to characterize their perceptions and knowledge regarding the CANP. Researches on the perception of the populations of the NPA, and specifically the children, are very rare in our country. Thus, this study aims to provide a small contribution to the knowledge of the subject. On the methodological side, I adopted the approach and instruments of the geography of perception, and used a qualitative methodology, which demonstrated to be very effective in understanding the problematic. Also, the use of mental maps proved to be a quite valuable resource that allowed children to reveal their perceptions in a fun and dynamic way. Among the results, I found that the children’s perceptions from the two villages are contrasting. Whereas the children from ECH possess a strong ownership and identification with the CANP, they have not been instructed about their problems; in LEP instead, the children do make a difference between their village and the park, and they have a strong awareness oftheir problems and the importance of their protection.
    • Ítem
      Características temporales y espaciales de los patrones de precipitaciones en la sierra norte del Perú. Un estudio de caso de las transiciones de La Niña a El Niño desde 2005 a 2010
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Krois, Joachim; Schulte, Achim; Pajares Vigo, Edwin; Cerdan Moreno, Carlos
      The climatic conditions of the northern Sierra of Peru are marked by the interaction of different macro- to mesoscale climatic features such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCCs) and the seasonally shifting Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), but also by local scale climatic features such as inhomogeneous topography and local wind fields. The region under investigation, located in the vicinity of the South America Continental Water Divide (CWD), provides the opportunity to study interactions of western and eastern disturbances in a high mountain environment and their effects on rainfall variability. In general, rainfall variability is related to diurnal convection patterns, enhanced by valley breeze systems and modulated by local scale wind anomalies. Spillover of low-level air masses of Pacific origin passing over the Andean ridges is frequent. Although direct effects of ENSO on high Andean rainfall variability are in debate, our findings show that the majority of rain gauges used in this study follow an El Niño/dry and a La Niña/wet signal. However, high elevation areas on the western escarpment of the Andes benefit from abundant nocturnal rainfall that partly offsets the rainfall deficits during El Niño. Our data suggest that the spatial extent of this easterly wet pulse is limited to areas located above 3000 m asl. ENSO cycles contribute to rainfall variability near the CWD in the northern Sierra of Peru by modulating the seasonal rainfall regime and causing a positive temperature anomaly.
    • Ítem
      Determinacion de zonas potenciales para cultivos frutícolas en la región Tacna, mediante sistemas de análisis espacial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Alva Huayaney, Miguel Ernesto; Beraun Chaca, John James
      The Agro-Ecological Zonation (ZAE) defines areas based on soil, physiography and climatic characteristic combinations (FAO, 1997). To do this, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by using the Help Systems for Spatial Decision (SADE) are a tool of fundamental importance in topics related to the agrarian development. This allows us to manage the variables of the physical environment where this activity is made, such as the climate, soil, and water; each one is characterized by the spatial variation of the territory. Climate is mainly influenced by the place topography; soil is considered as a potential resource but also as a hindrance to the cultigens’ growth; water is considered as one of the main shortages for the Tacna Region, and its influence on crops is analyzed according to its availability and quality. All these variables should be spatialized within the study area to integrate them in function to its degree influence to the wealthy growth of crops, especially at present where there are very favorable conditions to the Region. This condition is accentuated because our country has Free Trade Agreements with several countries that are potential markets for some fruit.The second part of the project covers the modeling in GIS to evaluate potentials and limitations of the main crops of the region for export: cantaloupe, water melon and other cucurbitaceous, oregano and onion of the Region Tacna (Agro-Ecological Zonation). This consists on the formulation of four sub models: physical-geographical, climatic, agro-ecologic and hydric,which are next integrated to formulate the Agro-Ecological Zoning (ZAE).
    • Ítem
      Por qué y cómo estudiar, y comparar las evoluciones de los territorios locales en un mundo globalizado
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Mesclier, Évelyne
      Globalization is not only a transformation of the economical world, but also of geographical space in its totality. The local territories participate in this transformation. To study and compare their evolution can help us to analyze the globalisation as well as its construction, its effects and in its limits, as the existence of social and political dynamics which are not globalized. This reflexion rests on case studies in Peru, made in collaboration with other French and Peruvian researchers.
    • Ítem
      Sistema Ambiental Estratégico, modelo para la competitividad territorial. Caso: Bajo Urubamba
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Cacho Cruz, Rocío; Ríos Velarde, Jorge Antonio
      The objective of this paper is to show the Strategic Environmental System (SAE) as a tool to strategic planning, and a model to territorial competitivity applied in practice with long run objectives to integrate the environmental aspects in the development planning processes, increasing the knowledge level about the environmental context and the interrelations with other dimensions of sustainable development.
    • Ítem
      Presentación. Espacio y Desarrollo; Núm. 25 (2013)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Córdova Aguilar, Hildegardo
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Migraciones humanas en la quebrada del Toro (departamento Rosario de Lerma, provincia de Salta). Período 1947-2001
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Barbarán, Francisco R.; Arias, Humberto
      Using census information, we verified that quebrada del Toro’s population diminished 35% between 1980 and 2001. In Rosario de Lerma Department, the rural population was 75% in 1947 and 25% in 2001. Considering urban inhabitants, that percentage was exactly the opposite. The weak productive structure and the isolation promote the emigration. On the other hand, the Indian claims for lands, show that not everybody wants to leave. So, it is necessary the implementation of development projects, using the renewable natural resources in a sustainable way, within viable economic and social objectives.
    • Ítem
      Revisión del método de valoración contingente: experiencias de la aplicación en áreas protegidas de América Latina y el Caribe
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013) Garzón, Lina Paola
      The environmental goods and services cannot be valued through markets economically defined. Therefore, it has been necessary to implement methodologies such as contingent valuation for this purpose. This method was proposed 66 years ago and it has been widely used in different fields such as conservation of protected areas. The aim of this article is to provide a theoretical review of the contingent valuation method and to show experiences of its application in the assessment of Protected Areas in Latin America. In the sixties and seventies contingent valuation began to acquire greater importance for estimates of non-use values. Then, there was a cross-disciplinary integration of elements to strengthen the development of surveys and in the nineties appeared a criticism of its validity .Moreover, contingent valuation studies in Latin American countries have had positive results in determining the willingness to pay for recreational value, environmental services value, social benefits and public management of protected areas.