Conexión. Núm. 15 (2021)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Daniel, Camila; Ugueto-Ponce, Meyby; Gonzales Matute, Sharún; 9-13

  • Dosier
  • Cantovivência y sus manifestaciones artísticas Gonçalves Villanova, Victoria Cristina; 17-33
  • El pensamiento feminista negro y el blog “Blogueiras Negras” Pereira da Silva, Thais; 35-57
  • El mito de la belleza y los cuerpos negros Moreno Gómez, Diana Katherine; Amador Campusano, Isis Yael; 59-79
  • Tamaño y difusión. Construcciones antirracistas en alta resolución para medios peruanos Solís López, Augusto Pavel; 81-103
  • Racismo estructural, línea divisoria, representaciones, estereotipo y discriminación contra los afroperuanos en la publicidad Mendoza Cuéllar, Héctor José; 105-125

  • Liberación, autocuidado y autonomía: narrativas de mujeres negras, indígenas y a
  • Presentación Daniel, Camila; Ugueto-Ponce, Meyby; Gonzales Matute, Sharún; 129-132

  • Artículos
  • La categoría político-cultural de amefricanidad Gonzalez, Lélia; Cabanzo Chaparro, Maria Pilar; Daniel, Camila; 133-144
  • Escritura poética de la insurgencia antirracista Aire, Ketty; Cobo Echenagucia, María Mercedes; Pirela Aguiar, Merlyn; 185-192

  • Entrevista
  • Autodenominarnos: representar y resistir la «cuota de color» de los medios. Conversación con Sofía Carrillo Zegarra Gonzales Matute, Sharún; 145-151
  • Reflexionar sobre la estética es hacer política. Conversación con Casimira Monasterio Perozo Díaz, Franklin; 153-161

  • Ensayo
  • Cafunga: self preservation Piña Narváez Funes, Iki Yos; 163-165
  • Interrumpir la vida esclavizada - liberar el alma de un(a) hijo(a): narrativas insurgentes en las artes sobre el uso político del cuerpo en mujeres esclavizadas Ugueto-Ponce, Meyby Soraya; 167-184
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 13
    • Ítem
      Reflexionar sobre la estética es hacer política. Conversación con Casimira Monasterio
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Perozo Díaz, Franklin
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Escritura poética de la insurgencia antirracista
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Aire, Ketty; Cobo Echenagucia, María Mercedes; Pirela Aguiar, Merlyn
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Interrumpir la vida esclavizada - liberar el alma de un(a) hijo(a): narrativas insurgentes en las artes sobre el uso político del cuerpo en mujeres esclavizadas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Ugueto-Ponce, Meyby Soraya
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      El pensamiento feminista negro y el blog “Blogueiras Negras”
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Pereira da Silva, Thais
      This article aims to reflect on the production of knowledge based on the epistemology of black feminist thought, proposed by Patricia Hill Collins, which is configured as a critical theory produced by black women in their struggles against three articulated dimensions of oppression: economic, political and ideological. In this paper, we analyze the ideological dimension, or the cultural dimension. For this, we use the Netnografia research method, from the analysis of the case study of the blog “Blogueiras Negras” (BN), which was carried out in the period from March 2013 to December 2014. Representative of the tradition of black printing and two movements of black women, or BN is a collaborative platform that brings together about 400 authors. In addition, the bibliographic research includes the following authors (s), also two cited: Sueli Carneiro, Lélia Gonzalez, among others.
    • Ítem
      Autodenominarnos: representar y resistir la «cuota de color» de los medios. Conversación con Sofía Carrillo Zegarra
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Gonzales Matute, Sharún
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Tamaño y difusión. Construcciones antirracistas en alta resolución para medios peruanos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Solís López, Augusto Pavel
      This essay discuss on how the digital high-definition of our screens is a phenomenon that combines with the notion of symbolic racism, through the building of pleasurable experiences of audiovisual brands. This happens because the HD is bound to digital neoliberal structures that lead to income and fidelity, but build paradoxes of self-regulation and immutable racist structures. Such interaction of media, producers and audiences are supported by what has been called audiovisual ignorances. These are false beliefs or absence of real beliefs which are consistent with questionable anti-racist practices that place the racist problem in the circumstantial, without reaching critical or structural reconfigurations.
    • Ítem
      Racismo estructural, línea divisoria, representaciones, estereotipo y discriminación contra los afroperuanos en la publicidad
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Mendoza Cuéllar, Héctor José
      The goal of this essay is to reflect on the different representations of Afro-descendant children, adolescents, and adults in Peruvian advertising. Thus, the following are proposed as guiding questions: How does advertising represent Afro-Peruvians? What role does it play in maintaining or changing these images? In this way, theoretical constructs such as racism, structural racism, dividing line, representation, stereotype and discrimination will be used to qualitatively analyze advertising spots for Peruvian trademarks broad-cast in a time frame of approximately 10 years on free-to-air television, and, in some cases, from the Internet. This essay does not seek to establish a canon. On the contrary, it is aware of its limitations, but questioning the role of advertising in the Afro-Peruvian struggle is a way to start a path to take a position and be an ally of change.
    • Ítem
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Daniel, Camila; Ugueto-Ponce, Meyby; Gonzales Matute, Sharún
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      La categoría político-cultural de amefricanidad
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Gonzalez, Lélia; Cabanzo Chaparro, Maria Pilar; Daniel, Camila
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Cantovivência y sus manifestaciones artísticas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-05) Gonçalves Villanova, Victoria Cristina
      The article aims at the beginning of a consolidation of the cantovivência concept and the development of its uses. It is a word created during monographic writing and which has been cited as a possibility of representation and configuration of what is the interpretation of a black life, in this case having as analysis the interpretation of songs, which at times can be called protest songs. The objective is to demonstrate a constant and secular struggle that racialized people fight against white, heteronormative, racist and sexist supremacy. This struggle is represented by their black, afrodis-poric, resistant and artistic bodies. The living and singing of black and brown lives are political.