Espacio y Desarrollo. Núm. 40 (2023)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Tavares Correa, Carlos; Alarcón Álvarez, Marcelo; 3-4

  • Artículos
  • Un bosque urbano en el desierto: conservación de la biodiversidad en Lima, Perú Orellana Asenjo, Giancarlo Jeremy; Gamarra Bustamante, Julio André; Móstiga Rodríguez, Maricel Jadith; Morales Moquillaza, Luisa Grisell; Bulnes Soriano, Carlos Fernando; Yancce Velarde, Rocío Yovana; 5-35
  • Microplásticos en sedimentos fluviales en la cuenca baja del río Rímac, Perú Huanaco Huamán, Raúl; Gamboa Fuentes, Nadia Rosa; 36-57
  • ¿Cuál es el efecto del rol de las mujeres rurales sobre la adecuada cloración del agua? Evidencia para el caso peruano Sotelo Tornero, Marisela; Arias Callupe, Waldir; 58-86
  • Estimando y contrastando la extensión de las formaciones vegetales microtermales del Perú de inicios del siglo XX Zelada Gárate, Humberto; Reynel-Rodríguez, Carlos Augusto; 87-113

  • Reseñas
  • Planificación regional y ordenación territorial: visiones contemporáneas de España y México, Javier Delgadillo, Andreas Hildenbrand & Rubén Garrido, coordinadores Novoa Goicochea, Zaniel I; 114-117
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 6 de 6
    • Ítem
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-14) Tavares Correa, Carlos; Alarcón Álvarez, Marcelo
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Un bosque urbano en el desierto: conservación de la biodiversidad en Lima, Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-14) Orellana Asenjo, Giancarlo Jeremy; Gamarra Bustamante, Julio André; Móstiga Rodríguez, Maricel Jadith; Morales Moquillaza, Luisa Grisell; Bulnes Soriano, Carlos Fernando; Yancce Velarde, Rocío Yovana
      The conservation of urban forests is a fundamental strategy to achieve sustainability and human well-being in the context of accelerated global urbanization. Lima, a megacity located in the desert, does not have the green infrastructure necessary to face its multiple problems. Therefore, the Project “Centro de la Diversidad Natural y Cultural del Perú” is being developed in the “Vivero Forestal” of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) to be the main sample of the peruvian floristic and cultural richness. The aim of this study is to evidence the biodiversity conservation in the urban forest Vivero Forestal. We generated a census of trees, palms and some shrubs and herbaceous plants and a bibliographic review to identify the species of wild fauna. Furthermore, native species were identified according to their natural distribution and those that were threatened. The urban forest Vivero Forestal hosts in its 25 hectares 5 898 healthy individuals (78 forest species; 31 botanical families). 25% of the individuals are threatened (11 species). In addition, this urban forest has 32 native forest species of Peru (10 from the coast, seven from the highlands, and 15 from the rainforest). The Vivero Forestal is the habitat of species of fauna mainly of the coast: 66 birds (three threatened); one amphibian; four bats; one rodent and four reptiles (two threatened). Our study highlights this urban forest as the most biodiversity space in Lima; identifying the potential to become a Botanical Forest Park.
    • Ítem
      Microplásticos en sedimentos fluviales en la cuenca baja del río Rímac, Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-14) Huanaco Huamán, Raúl; Gamboa Fuentes, Nadia Rosa
      Microplastics are present in the environment, especially in aquatic ecosystems, and are of priority interest due to their level of risk. This problem arises from poorly managed plastic waste which mostly ends up in dumps, rivers, lakes, and oceans, generating microplastics through physical and chemical degradation. Likewise, the discharges of domestic and industrial effluents increase the presence of microplastics in rivers. This research is the first study on microplastics developed in the lower basin of the Rímac river in the years 2017 and 2018 in the Lima region, Peru.The results show 97 microplastic particles collected in November 2017 and 2982 microplastic particles in August 2018. The predominant forms of microplastics correspond to fragments, films, filaments, and spherules. Microplastics present in sediments are associated with solid wastes found in the riverbed and the discharge of effluents into the river. These results are worrying because the Rimac river would be contaminated by microplastics, moreover knowing that this river is an important source of freshwater for the different activities in the great city of Metropolitan Lima.
    • Ítem
      Planificación regional y ordenación territorial: visiones contemporáneas de España y México, Javier Delgadillo, Andreas Hildenbrand & Rubén Garrido, coordinadores
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-14) Novoa Goicochea, Zaniel I.
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Estimando y contrastando la extensión de las formaciones vegetales microtermales del Perú de inicios del siglo XX
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-14) Zelada Gárate, Humberto; Reynel-Rodríguez, Carlos Augusto
      Augusto Weberbauer published, in 1922, the first vegetation map of Peru, where he showed and described twenty-five plant formations, grouped into six categories, considering altitudinal ranges defined according to their temperature. Within these categories are the microthermal formations that are generally found above 3400 masl and have a wide latitudinal distribution throughout the Peruvian Andes. To revalue that historical map, we present, firstly, the results of digitalization and estimation of extension of the four microthermal vegetation formations identified by Weberbauer, and secondly, the findings of cartographic contrasting between these microthermal formations, and the high Andean vegetation covers as classified in the most updated map on this subject. Weberbauer mapped an area of 183.445,30 km² for the four microthermal vegetation formations: typical high Andean formations (61,67%); microthermal herbaceous steppe (17,93%); microthermal tolar (17,47%); glaciers and perpetual snow (2,93%). Likewise, a cartographic comparison showed that 63,92% of the territory currently occupied by high Andean vegetation cover in Peru is coincident with that mapped by Weberbauer as microthermal vegetation formations. These results contribute to the understanding of the evolution of these formations, which are under climate change and anthropogenic pressures.
    • Ítem
      ¿Cuál es el efecto del rol de las mujeres rurales sobre la adecuada cloración del agua? Evidencia para el caso peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-14) Sotelo Tornero, Marisela; Arias Callupe, Waldir
      This research analyzes the relevance of the role of rural women in ensuring proper water chlorination, taking into account an evaluation at the national rural level, as well as the differences between the concentrated and dispersed population centers. Specifically, this study focuses its analysis on those population centers with under 2000 inhabitants that are supplied with water and sewerage services by a rural service provider known as a communal organization in Peru. Based on a review of the literature, it is suggested that the low female participation in these communal organizations is one of the factors contributing to the persistently low rate of water suitable for human consumption. To conduct this study, data were collected from the Diagnóstico sobre el abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento en el ámbito rural - DATASS 2020 of the Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS) (2020). This report provides information about sanitation services in rural population centers. Furthermore, the hypotheses formulated in this study were validated in the Results section through probabilistic regression analysis, utilizing a water service quality index represented by proper chlorination.