Estudios de Filosofía. Núm. 14 (2016)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Hanza, Kathia; Rizo-Patrón, Rosemary; 7-8

  • Artículos
  • El bien universal y la buena conciencia: análisis de los conceptos de la conciencia del deber puro y la conciencia moral actuante en la Fenomenología del espíritu y la Filosofía del derecho de Hegel Díaz, Maverick; 11-41
  • Metafilosofía jurídica de los siglos XX y XXI: ¿un concepto analítico de derecho? López, Nicolás; 42-65
  • El señor absoluto como superación de la inmediatez en la Fenomenología del espíritu Mansilla, Katherine; 65-82
  • Diferencias y convergencias entre el pragmatismo peirceano y otros pragmatismos Reyes, Paniel; 83-92
  • A propósito del problema del espacio en Hegel Vera, Santiago; 93-117
  • Escepticismo y suspensión del juicio en la teoría nominalista del conocimiento de Francisco Suárez Yangali, Oscar; 118-137

  • Dossier Deleuze
  • Presentación Alayza, Cristina; Pimentel, Sebastián; 141-142
  • Deleuze: una ontología, una ciencia Ramírez Herrera, Gonzalo; 143-160
  • La fuga de Edipo. El pliegue Deleuze-Lacan Bustamante, Ani; 161-170
  • Gramáticas espectrales. Entre Wittgenstein, Deleuze y Derrida Krebs, Victor J; 171-187
  • De la imagen-transparente a la imagen-opaca. Hacia una taxonomía de la imagen fotográfica a partir de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze León, Alejandro; 188-204
  • La imagen en primer plano: La pasión de Juana de Arco y el poder del rostro Alayza Prager, Cristina; 205-221

  • Reseñas
  • Rizo-Patrón, Rosemary, La agonía de la razón. Reflexiones desde la fenomenología práctica, Barcelona/Lima: Anthropos/Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015. Ascárate, Luz; 225-230

  • Traducciones
  • El “gran cisma fenomenológico” y el “cisma fenomenológico-existencial”. Sobre la continuidad en la crítica contemporánea respecto del tránsito de Husserl hacia el idealismo trascendental Heffernan, George; 233-272
  • Colaboradores Estudios de Filosofía, Revista; 273-277
  • Noticias 2015 Estudios de Filosofía, Revista; 279-291
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
    • Ítem
      De la imagen-transparente a la imagen-opaca. Hacia una taxonomía de la imagen fotográfica a partir de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2016-12-01) León, Alejandro
      Deleuze’s work is certainly heterogeneous. Throughout his life he managedto deal with an amazing variety of subjects: history of philosophy, psychoanalysis, politics, literature, painting, cinema, among others. However, the author of A Thousand Plateaus did not address a particularly relevant area for the twentieth century configuration –photography. This absence is unsettling not only because of the cultural importance of photography, but also because his reflections concerning the concept of image are a recurrent theme throughout his work. This research will not seek to determine the reasons why Deleuze did not explore the field of photography, because we believe that a question like this is, to say the least, idle. On the contrary, we will try to prolong his reflections in order to unfold the intuitions found in his philosophy that may help us to address the issue of the photographic. In this sense, our objective will be to develop a taxonomy of the photographic image from the distinction of two main types: the transparent image and the opaque image.
    • Ítem
      Gramáticas espectrales. Entre Wittgenstein, Deleuze y Derrida
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2016-12-01) Krebs, Victor J.
      “Wittgenstein’s Ghosts. Between Deleuze and Derrida”. Both Derrida and Deleuze agree that with the advent of the moving image and the art of film, we need to articulate a new ontology or –in Wittgenstein’s terms–, a new grammar. Derrida suggests this much when he reflects on what he calls the return of ghosts, which he attributes to the advent of film and the communications media; Deleuze does the same in his studies of film, and in particular in what he calls the time-image. They both carve a grammatical space where room is opened for us to talk about an experience that fuses, paradoxically, problematically, the real and the virtual. Wittgenstein is tracing this grammar in his discussions on inner experience and in his observations about the phenomenon of aspect-seeing. Articulating a new grammar requires also a new way of seeing and this new seeing is the purpose of his methods; “clairvoyant” methods we can call them, following Deleuze’s term for what the time image propitiates in the viewer, in that they allow us to see beyond things to their aspects, beyond substances to processes; in other words, they train us to think in moving time. Philosophy is thus always a work of mourning and a commerce with ghosts. What this means is that Wittgenstein is –as Derrida and Deleuze are too–, what we might call a philosopher of becoming.