Educación. Vol. 31 Núm. 61 (2022)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • «Cambios en la enseñanza y en la formación continua» Tafur Puente, Rosa; 5-6

  • Monográfico
  • Criterios para la selección y uso de simulaciones en un grupo de profesores de Ciencias Naturales en formación Bizzio, María de los Ángeles; Guirado, Ana María; Maturano, Carla Inés; 09-26
  • Competencia (inter)cultural en la formación de traductores e intérpretes peruanos Lévano Castro, Sofía; 27-45
  • Investigación sobre Enseñanza Efectiva. Un Estudio Multinivel para Iberoamérica Martínez-Garrido, Cynthia; Murillo Torrecilla, Javier; 46-75
  • The Contribution of Continuing Education in the (Re)construction of Teacher Knowledge Moro, Valderesa; Jung, Hildegard; 76-92

  • Artículos
  • Enseñanza de estrategias para el fomento de la comprensión lectora en universitarios Guerra-García, Jorge; Guevara-Benítez, Yolanda; Pérez-González, Diana; 95-115
  • Aplicación de Kahoot como herramienta educativa para la enseñanza Machaca-Huamanhorcco, Elsa; 116-128
  • Discursos y prácticas pedagógicas sobre la diversidad en aulas de escuelas de educación básica rural multigrado Maurial Mackee, Mahia; Bardales Mendoza, Olga; Alonso Yábar, Rosa; 129-148
  • La interacción entre docente-alumno y alumno-alumno ante los conflictos en un aula de una institución educativa de nivel inicial de Pueblo Libre Pure Chaupis, María Fernanda; Sánchez Trujillo, María; 149-168
  • La contribución de la técnica de enseñanza del “seminario” al desarrollo cognitivo de los estudiantes de contabilidad Urrutia-Heinz, Michele; Costa-Quintana, Alexandre; Capuano-da-Cruz, Ana; 169-190

  • Ensayos
  • El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática Financiera desde el enfoque Histórico-Cultural Villamar Gavilanes, Ana; Sánchez Casanova, Ricardo; 193-213

  • Reseñas
  • Dialéctica y transformación: Un encuentro entre Moacir Gadotti y Karl Marx Augusto Laranja, Mirza; Alves Oliveira, Rita De Cássia; 217-225
  • El Prácticum en contextos de enseñanza no presenciales. Investigación desde la práctica Manrique Villavicencio, Lileya; 227-232
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 13
    • Ítem
      «Cambios en la enseñanza y en la formación continua»
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Tafur Puente, Rosa
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Discursos y prácticas pedagógicas sobre la diversidad en aulas de escuelas de educación básica rural multigrado
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Maurial Mackee, Mahia; Bardales Mendoza, Olga; Alonso Yábar, Rosa
      This case-study analyzes the coherence between discourses and teachers’ practices of teachers to attend diversity of their students in Language course. It includes the visit to 6 Educational Institutions in which the authors completed 14 classrooms’ observations and 12 teachers’ interviews from rural public multigrade elementary schools in Tacna and Ayacucho Regions of Peru. There is a partial coherence between discourse and practice in attention to children’s diversity by grade or cycle, but not by gender, age, cultural styles and learning rhythms. Analysis’ categories: a) Teachers discourse about i) Students’ diversity; ii) Multigrade teaching in response to students’ diversity and c) Teachers’ practices in multigrade class-room towards diversity.
    • Ítem
      La interacción entre docente-alumno y alumno-alumno ante los conflictos en un aula de una institución educativa de nivel inicial de Pueblo Libre
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Pure Chaupis, María Fernanda; Sánchez Trujillo, María
      The general objective of this study was to analyze the interactions between teacher-student and student-student in the face of conflicts. The research design was ethnographic. The population studied consisted of 17 students, a teacher and an assistant / mother, belonging to an initial level educational institution of Pueblo Libre. The categories studied were five: types of conflict, causes of conflict, perceptions of conflicts, teacher-student interaction: teacher action, and child interaction. The instruments applied were the observation guide and the interview guide. Among the most outstanding findings, it can be affirmed that the interactions occurred from various causes and types, and that the attitudes and strategies of the teacher and students did not interfere with the resolution of the evidenced conflicts.
    • Ítem
      El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática Financiera desde el enfoque Histórico-Cultural
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Villamar Gavilanes, Ana; Sánchez Casanova, Ricardo
      This paper emerged as a synthesis of the first chapter of the doctoral thesis called "Didactic strategy for the Financial Mathematics subject in the Business Administration Career of the State University of Milagro in the Republic of Ecuador". The objective of this paper is to systematize the theoretical-methodological references that support the teaching-learning process of the Financial Mathematics subject from the Historical-Cultural approach. For this, a documentary research was carried out that supports that any process of teaching-learning of Financial Mathematics subject must be based on the development of thought, reasoning and social awareness, cognitive skills that facilitate problem solving and decision-making in environments of uncertainty
    • Ítem
      Dialéctica y transformación: Un encuentro entre Moacir Gadotti y Karl Marx
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Augusto Laranja, Mirza; Alves Oliveira, Rita De Cássia
      Moacir Gadotti is one of the greatest critical thinkers of Brazilian education nowadays. His work has shown great potential to promote alternative political projects. The book Concepção Dialética da Educação was first published in 1983. As well as Dialectic in Marx reflects a conception of man and society, Gadotti is also clearly committed to the worker's point of view. These notes present his idea about dialectics throughout the history and his understanding that it stands out as a new instrument to fight for social justice in Latin America.
    • Ítem
      La contribución de la técnica de enseñanza del “seminario” al desarrollo cognitivo de los estudiantes de contabilidad
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Urrutia-Heinz, Michele; Costa-Quintana, Alexandre; Capuano-da-Cruz, Ana
      This study seeks to analyze whether the use of the seminar technique, an active technique, as a complementary tool to lecture and exercise resolution, influences the level of cognitive development of students. In methodological terms, a quasi-experiment was carried out with students of the 4th semester of Accounting Sciences of a Federal Institution of Higher Education. The results showed that the use of the seminar, regarding the levels "remember, apply and analyze", was able to influence the cognitive development of students.It is concluded that the use of the seminar technique, as a complementary instrument, can influence the level of cognitive development achieved by accounting students.
    • Ítem
      Aplicación de Kahoot como herramienta educativa para la enseñanza
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Machaca-Huamanhorcco, Elsa
      The research allowed demonstrating the effect of the Kahoot tool in the development of the competence constructs historical interpretations in second year high school students of an educational institution of the Socabaya district located in the Arequipa region. The study corresponds to a quantitative approach of quasi-experimental design applied to a sample of 52 students. The results of the research showed that after the application of Kahoot, the effects in the experimental group showed statistically significant differences, since most students were at the satisfactory achievement level, with a considerable decrease in the number of students at the level prior to the start and at the beginning; on the other hand, the control group maintained almost homogeneous results from one level to another.
    • Ítem
      El Prácticum en contextos de enseñanza no presenciales. Investigación desde la práctica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-05) Manrique Villavicencio, Lileya
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      The Contribution of Continuing Education in the (Re)construction of Teacher Knowledge
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-03) Moro, Valderesa; Jung, Hildegard
      Continuing teacher education has been the scene of many discussions in the Brazilian context. However, when it is related to the construction and reconstruction of teachers' knowledge, it is necessary to think about deepening its importance in the sense of the personal and professional constitution of teachers. The motivating question of this study refers to how teaching knowledge is presented in the context of continuing education in Brazilian studies existing in the scope of theses and dissertations found in the repository of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) with a time delimitation of 2017-2020. The methodology is qualitative with a descriptive bibliographic approach. From a total of three theses and nine dissertations analyzed, five of them explicitly refer that continuing education contributed to the construction and reconstruction of teaching knowledge.
    • Ítem
      Competencia (inter)cultural en la formación de traductores e intérpretes peruanos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-10-03) Lévano Castro, Sofía
      The purpose of this paper is to analyze, from an interdisciplinary point of view, the evolution of the term culture and its relationship with the translator's cultural or intercultural competence. The role of the translator as mediator and the behavioral and attitudinal dimensions of intercultural mediation are emphasized since the translator's cultural training has traditionally been focused on the acquisition of declarative knowledge. Several approaches for developing intercultural competence are reviewed and guidelines are suggested for addressing cultural competence training in translator and interpreter curricula that meet the needs of the Peruvian context.