Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente. Núm. 10 (2022)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación N° 10 (2022) Castro, Augusto; A-000

  • Artículos
  • La transición de la humanidad de un sistema de predominio de energía de cohesión a otro de predominio de energía negativa. ¿Y después qué? Caravedo, Baltazar; A-001
  • Los efectos de la pandemia del COVID-19 en las áreas protegidas españolas: el caso del parque nacional Picos de Europa Molteni, Carla Maria; A-002
  • Las ciencias forestales y su relación con la justicia Arce Rojas, Rodrigo Severo; A-003
  • Conectividad vial y economías ilícitas en la Amazonía peruana Salazar Valdivia, Ciro Abelardo; Florián Lozano, Jessica; A-004
  • Manejo Forestal Comunitario: ¿una solución socialmente innovadora para abordar la conservación de los bosques? El caso de la Comunidad Nativa Callería (Ucayali, Perú) Calero Valdez, Diego; A-005
  • Presiones sobre el suelo: un panorama ecológico económico del sector agropecuario en Perú, 2000-2015 Minaya Florez, Gretell Aurora; A-006
  • La influencia de la educación ambiental en la percepción del desarrollo sostenible en docentes y estudiantes de secundaria. Un estudio de casos Matos Meléndez, Barbara Bernardina; A-007
  • Diagnóstico para elaborar un modelo que permita formalizar los centros de acopio informales de residuos segregados en el distrito de Ate (Lima, Perú) Urbay Paz, Sergio César; A-008
  • Las limitaciones de la tipificación de infracciones en materia de fauna silvestre, a propósito del procedimiento administrativo sancionador iniciado contra la refinería La Pampilla García Cerrón, Erick Leddy; A-009
  • Para democratizar y fortalecer el aprovechamiento forestal en el Perú Dourojeanni, Marc; A-010
  • La urbanización y la verticalidad de los vínculos rurales-urbanos en las montañas Haller, Andreas; Branca, Domenico; A-011
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
    • Ítem
      Diagnóstico para elaborar un modelo que permita formalizar los centros de acopio informales de residuos segregados en el distrito de Ate (Lima, Perú)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-09-12) Urbay Paz, Sergio César
      The general objective of this research, done in 2020, was to analyze the effect of the formalization model on the application of waste segregation methods in informal collection centers, located between kilometers 16 and 17.5 of the Ate district, (Lima, Perú). The methodological design for developing the thesis project was of the "action-research" type in which a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach was used, through surveys and interviews to workers of informal collection centers, recyclers, area residents and Ate municipality professional experts in solid waste management. Through the results, we propose a formalization model with methods that help to carry out adequate waste segregation in informal collection centers, incorporating a comprehensive management system in each of them.
    • Ítem
      Presiones sobre el suelo: un panorama ecológico económico del sector agropecuario en Perú, 2000-2015
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-08-25) Minaya Florez, Gretell Aurora
      Given the development of the different streams of innovation in the agricultural sector worldwide, it is relevant to contrast the progressive vision of economic growth and increase in agricultural productivity with other holistic visions. These integral visions propose increasingly better tools that seek to emphasize human relationships with nature and, by this way, measure their socio-environmental effects and propose new forms of relationship. The following study presents the perspectives of innovation for the Peruvian agricultural sector and applies the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) which results show the sustainability of the sector, particularly an overview of soil degradation. This tool will provide a quantitative description of the pesticide and insecticide flows generated by agriculture in Peru and, in the same way, it will propose an explanation of their effects on the environment.
    • Ítem
      Las limitaciones de la tipificación de infracciones en materia de fauna silvestre, a propósito del procedimiento administrativo sancionador iniciado contra la refinería La Pampilla
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-11-03) García Cerrón, Erick Leddy
      The oil spill in the Ventanilla sea has posed a great challenge for the public entities responsible for managing this environmental disaster. In addition, different voices of public opinion are demanding that La Pampilla Refinery, owned by Repsol, assume its responsibility, among other aspects, for the serious damage caused to wildlife. In this context, the National Forestry and Wildlife Service, through the Technical Forestry and Wildlife Administration of Lima, initiated an administrative sanctioning procedure against the company, accusing them of acting cruelly and causing the death of marine wildlife specimens. However, this action, which could be considered as an indispensable measure to achieve justice in the face of the serious damage caused to our natural resources, could end up becoming a serious setback in the State's search for environmental justice. From the analysis of the principle of typicity for the exercise of the administrative sanctioning power and the legislation on wildlife, it is evident that it would not have adequately regulated events such as those triggered because of the oil spill. These inconsistencies are evidenced in the process for the precise delimitation of the infringing conduct, which, by presenting gaps at the level of the substantive norm, ends up limiting and projecting a scenario regarding the possibility of declaring administrative responsibility and imposing the corresponding sanction for harming our wildlife.
    • Ítem
      La influencia de la educación ambiental en la percepción del desarrollo sostenible en docentes y estudiantes de secundaria. Un estudio de casos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-09-08) Matos Meléndez, Barbara Bernardina
      This article aims to determine the influence of environmental education on sustainable development perception among high-school teachers and students of Local Educational Management Unit - UGEL 03 in Metropolitan Lima. A non-experimental correlational scope design was used for this purpose. The sample consisted of 103 teachers and 301 fifth-year secondary school students from schools belonging to UGEL 03. A questionnaire with 18 items related to environmental education and sustainable development was applied to them. The results show that the correlation coefficient between the study variables obtained in teachers (rho = 0.455; Sig. = 0.000) is statistically significant at the p<0.01 level. Similarly, the correlation coefficient between the study variables obtained for students (rho = 0.590; Sig. = 0.000) is statistically significant at the p<0.01 level. This leads to conclude that environmental education significantly influences sustainable development perception of both high-school teachers and students in the investigated sample.
    • Ítem
      Conectividad vial y economías ilícitas en la Amazonía peruana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022-08-26) Salazar Valdivia, Ciro Abelardo; Florián Lozano, Jessica
      In the last five decades, the expansion of road connectivity in Peru, particularly in its Amazon region, has contributed to the growth of illicit economies. This relationship, however, has been little studied and therefore has not been incorporated into the framework of public policies with the aim of avoiding or reducing its occurrence. This research seeks to expose what conditions have made this relationship possible in the Peruvian Amazon and what are the current risks that this region faces, taking into account that if the road initiatives currently planned in this region are executed, its stock of roads would increase fivefold in the present decade. A set of criteria is proposed with the aim of avoiding initiatives that can be considered high risk as well as actions to mitigate the growth of illicit economies in the areas of influence of new road projects.