Educación. Vol. 32 Núm. 62 (2023)

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  • Análisis bibliométrico sobre la calidad de la educación superior en Chile Araya-Pizarro, Sebastián; Verelst, Nando; 5-32
  • Explorando la construcción social del cambio climático a través de redes semánticas naturales: un estudio sobre las perspectivas de los estudiantes universitarios Cantú-Martínez, Pedro César; 33-51
  • La universidad de la Sudamérica hispanoparlante pierde terreno: un análisis comparado con Oriente Próximo en investigación e innovación Cisternas Irarrázabal, César; 52-76
  • Trayectoria formativa de los docentes de música escolar: estudio de caso en Lima-Perú Cornejo Valdivia, Eugenia; 77-97
  • La elaboración de la política de Base Común Curricular Nacional en Brasil: puntos a considerar Cóstola, Andresa; 98-120
  • Experiencia de Aprendizaje Mediada de Reuven Feuerstein: una revisión sistemática dos Santos Lima, Fabio; Schüssler D'Aroz, Marlene; 121-143
  • Leyes y políticas públicas: un estudio internacional comparado sobre Educación Especial en Educación Superior Hora, Júnio; Bazilatto, Alexandre; Pantaleão, Edson; 144-160
  • Significados sobre metodología de la investigación en programas de doctorado en Educación. Una exploración desde su componente curricular Jiménez Mora, José; Moreno Bayardo, María; Torres Frías, José de la Cruz; 161-184
  • Enseñanza del mapuzugun en Chile: ecosonoridad como apresto a la adquisición de la lengua indígena Rivas Rivas, María Clara; Del Pino, Miguel; 185-203

  • Ensayos
  • bell hooks y la transgresión a través de la presencia: preocupaciones movilizadas en la pandemia Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; 204-223
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 10
    • Ítem
      La elaboración de la política de Base Común Curricular Nacional en Brasil: puntos a considerar
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Cóstola, Andresa
      No Brasil temos visto diversas forças oriundas do movimento empresarial atuando como protagonistas na discussão das políticas educacionais formuladas nos últimos sete anos. Essa ingerência tem como objetivo explorar a educação como a nova fronteira econômica e com o intuído de formar uma nova geração de trabalhadores para atender as demandas do capitalismo do século XXI. Nesse sentido, nosso objetivo será explorar a atuação do movimento empresarial brasileiro na construção de um consenso em torno da necessidade de criação da nova política curricular, a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), especialmente a atuação dos atores do Movimento Toda pela Base (MBNC). Para tal, apresentaremos um breve histórico que demonstra como esse segmento foi um catalisador nesse debate e, ainda, abordaremos o conceito de qualidade que tem sido posto por essa reforma.
    • Ítem
      Leyes y políticas públicas: un estudio internacional comparado sobre Educación Especial en Educación Superior
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Hora, Júnio; Bazilatto, Alexandre; Pantaleão, Edson
      The purpose of this essay is to analyze legal proposals and public policies related to the entry and permanence of students with special educational needs in higher education, within a Latin American context that includes Mexico and Brazil. To conduct a comparative study, we use a historical-documentary methodology that examines educational legislation and its impact on public policies between 1996 and 2018. Our theoretical perspective is based on the concept of Civilizing Processes, as developed by Norbert Elias (1993; 1998; 2001; 2006; 2011). This perspective emphasizes how societies utilize social relations between different groups to form their constitution and interdependence processes, which in turn impact the actions of individuals as well as the state institutions that govern them. The data we present in this essay show that Mexico and Brazil have established legal frameworks that recognize the rights of students with special educational needs to access higher education. However, we also question the extent to which these legal documents are effectively implemented and how their failure to materialize can negatively impact our civilizing process, hindering progress towards a society that truly respects diversity and inclusivity.
    • Ítem
      Enseñanza del mapuzugun en Chile: ecosonoridad como apresto a la adquisición de la lengua indígena
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Rivas Rivas, María Clara; Del Pino, Miguel
      This research study focuses on the process of acquiring the indigenous Mapuce language for teaching purposes in order to contribute to current Mapuzugun Indigenous Language programs. Using a dialogic participatory methodology called Kishu Kimkelay Ta Che, we collaborated with teachers and members of the Mapuce community from a rural school in La Araucanía, Chile. Our findings reveal that echo-sonority plays a crucial role in preparing for the teaching of the indigenous language. This preparation involves the relationship between sound-action, onomatopoeia-toponymy, and nature-language. We argue that these results present a necessary challenge to improve indigenous language programs, which mostly operate under a Western logic, making intercultural articulation in schools challenging.
    • Ítem
      Bell hooks y la transgresión a través de la presencia: preocupaciones movilizadas en la pandemia
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
      The aim of this critical essay is to problematize the question of the presence category addressed as one of the essential conditions of liberating education in the proposal of the African-American writer bell hooks (1952-2021), having as a reference scenario the non-presential education developed in the pandemic traffic. The proposal of liberating education will be addressed in view of the need to reflect on the pandemic intercourse, and two elements emphasized in the author’s work will be analyzed in depth: voice and body. Based on the example of online reflection groups conducted with nursing students, a pedagogical strategy capable of recognizing and valuing the voice of different actors in the educational process is presented, prioritizing the meeting beyond the presence traditionally defended in training spaces: an encounter that waits, resists and fights for the possibility of genuine presence.
    • Ítem
      Experiencia de Aprendizaje Mediada de Reuven Feuerstein: una revisión sistemática
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) dos Santos Lima, Fabio; Schüssler D'Aroz, Marlene
      The objective of this study is to present a systematic review of literature produced in Brazil on the Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) by teachers in basic education. The review considers studies by Reuven Feuerstein between 2000 and 2020 in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Four databases, namely VHL, SciELO, Capes, and Pepsic were searched using the following descriptors: Aprendizagem Mediada, Mediação, Mediação Docente, Professor Mediador, Pedagogia e Mediação, Aprendizaje Mediado, Mediación, Mediación Docente, Maestro Mediador, Pedagogía y mediación Feuerstein, Mediated Learning Experience, Mediated Learning, and Modificabilidade. The OR and END operator was used to combine these descriptors. The analysis revealed that there are numerous studies on MLE in special education and teacher training. However, there is a lack of research on MLE with regard to students in basic education in general. These findings lead us to conclude that Feuerstein’s mediated learning is an under-researched area, indicating the need to understand and interpret the importance of this theme for education.
    • Ítem
      Trayectoria formativa de los docentes de música escolar: estudio de caso en Lima-Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Cornejo Valdivia, Eugenia
      This article presents the characterization of the training trajectory of music teachers from a private educational institution in Lima with the International Baccalaureate program, conducted in 2019. Using curriculum vitae formats and semi-structured interviews applied to ten full-time music department teachers, the proposed categories of initial and ongoing training were analyzed. The findings show that the training trajectories range between musical and pedagogical aspects. Initial training was mostly in music, while ongoing training was in pedagogy due to work-related reasons. Based on this information, different types of training trajectories are proposed. In addition, categories emerged about musical training and training in the development of the occupation that reveal ongoing training in non-formal spaces and in the workplace.
    • Ítem
      Significados sobre metodología de la investigación en programas de doctorado en Educación. Una exploración desde su componente curricular
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Jiménez Mora, José; Moreno Bayardo, María; Torres Frías, José de la Cruz
      This article discusses the various meanings attributed to the concept of research methodology, based on an analysis of the study plans and programs of three doctoral programs in education in Mexico. These programs have well-established faculty and have produced several generations of trained students. The article outlines the methodology used to analyze the curricular discourse related to the concept of research methodology, and presents findings that highlight the different interpretations given to key elements of this concept across the three programs. The results reveal nine major attributions of meaning to the concept of research methodology, with varying degrees of similarity across the three programs. One shared conception is that research methodology is primarily a logic of knowledge generation, rather than a set of techniques. Additionally, all three programs acknowledge that research methodology is an object of knowledge and training that is constantly evolving. Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the ways in which research methodology is understood and taught in academic settings, particularly within the context of doctoral programs in education. The use of a comparative approach allows for a deeper understanding of the nuances and differences in meaning that exist across different programs.The article is relevant to scholars and educators interested in research methodology and its role in training for educational research.
    • Ítem
      La universidad de la Sudamérica hispanoparlante pierde terreno: un análisis comparado con Oriente Próximo en investigación e innovación
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Cisternas Irarrázabal, César
      Hispanic South America and the Near East are considered peripheral regions in the global scientific system due to the size of their scientific and technological production. However, their higher education systems have shown significant growth over the last few decades. This article compares the evolution of the national higher education systems in research and innovation across all scientific disciplines in both regions. The exercise considers indicators associated with research production, scientific impact, and innovation. The results indicate that, despite their limitations, the Near East countries have increased their scientific output, extended their international collaboration networks, and improved technology transfer from universities to enterprises. In contrast, the scientific and innovation activities of countries in Hispanic South America have stagnated.
    • Ítem
      Análisis bibliométrico sobre la calidad de la educación superior en Chile
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Araya-Pizarro, Sebastián; Verelst, Nando
      The study aimed to analyze the scientific production on the quality of higher education in Chile. A descriptive longitudinal bibliometric review was carried out on articles published in the Scopus database between 2011 and 2021. The articles were classified according to the thematic classification algorithm of Callon et al. (1999). A total of 59 articles were identified, largely published in Latin American journals, and written collaboratively by researchers affiliated with specific institutions. Five important thematic clusters were identified, consisting of two basic, two drivers, and one emerging cluster. The study concludes that the quality of higher education is a relevant research topic in Chile with increasing productivity but high concentration, mainly explored from the perspective of institutional accreditation and quality assurance.
    • Ítem
      Explorando la construcción social del cambio climático a través de redes semánticas naturales: un estudio sobre las perspectivas de los estudiantes universitarios
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Cantú-Martínez, Pedro César
      This research presents findings based on a study conducted among 84 university students in the field of life sciences. The study employed the methodology of natural semantic networks to explore the social construction of climate change. The results identified 70 words that are iconic representations of climate change. These words were ranked based on the frequency of their use by the university students, with the top five being alteration of rainfall, changes in flora and fauna, water scarcity, climatic variability, and the hole in the ozone layer. Together, these words accounted for 34.6% of the opinions obtained. The analysis also revealed that there was only a 6.25% difference in the semantic construct developed by men and women. Overall, the study highlights the potential of semantic networks as a tool for understanding how scientific and social representations of climate change are intertwined.