Espacio y Desarrollo. Núm. 35 (2020)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Notas para pensar la conflictividad socioambiental en clave territorial Hernández, Facundo M; 7-38
  • De la acumulación primitiva a la acumulación por desposesión: superexplotación laboral en la cosecha de yerba mate del nordeste argentino (1870-2018) Gómez Lende, Sebastián; 39-69
  • Infraestructura ciclovial en Lima, Perú: estudio de caso distrito de Miraflores Aste Cannock, Natalia; Concepción Solís, Daniel; García Pye, Carolina; Montes Álvarez, Walther Daniel; García-Rivero, Alberto E; 71-98
  • Variación del área agrícola en el distrito La Yarada Los Palos, Tacna, Perú Alvarado Huapaya, Ana Isabel; Capristán Sotelo, Paloma; Corahua Benites, Claudia; Ruiz Philipps, Carla; Velásquez Bejarano, Gabriela; 99-120
  • Alianzas y conflictos en un territorio del agua: el caso de la subcuenca del río Santa Eulalia Castro Salvador, Sofía; 121-148
  • Uso desigual del espacio recreativo público en el contexto de la COVID-19 en Lima Metropolitana Chambi Chamorro, Gloria Estefany; Huachaca Pozo, Josselin; Poma Monrroy, Eva Alejandra; 149-171

  • Reseñas
  • De cómo se domesticó la quinua. Reseña de Ladrones de sombra: el universo religioso de los pastores del Ausangate de Xavier Ricard Lanata Dunin-Borkowski, Ana Sabogal; 173-174
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 7 de 7
    • Ítem
      Uso desigual del espacio recreativo público en el contexto de la COVID-19 en Lima Metropolitana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-06-21) Chambi Chamorro, Gloria Estefany; Huachaca Pozo, Josselin; Poma Monrroy, Eva Alejandra
      The compulsory isolation produced by the Covid-19 pandemic has evidenced the need to be able to recreate or generate a social link, not only to enjoy physical well-being, but also mental well-being is really such: a necessity. Faced with the «new normality», the Peruvian government implemented measures for the reincorporation of individual recreational activities, so the need arises to analyze the socio-spatial inequalities to access a quality public recreational space near the place of residence, the use and frequency depending on the before, during and after quarantine, and the public policies that are being implemented for the proper use of public recreational spaces in Metropolitan Lima, which were evaluated through a virtual survey. It is concluded that it is necessary to provide quality spaces that ensure safe and equitable use that meet social and individual needs and avoid displacement in search of suitable spaces in other places, thus avoiding the increase of contagions.
    • Ítem
      De cómo se domesticó la quinua. Reseña de Ladrones de sombra: el universo religioso de los pastores del Ausangate de Xavier Ricard Lanata
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-06-21) Dunin-Borkowski, Ana Sabogal
      No presenta resumen
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      Alianzas y conflictos en un territorio del agua: el caso de la subcuenca del río Santa Eulalia
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-06-21) Castro Salvador, Sofía
      Participation is considered a key element for decentralization in water management and as a means for efficiency as well as for the reduction of territorial inequalities. In a water territory, we find diverse actors with diverse interests, demands and agendas in relation to water. This could lead to tensions for a resource that becomes more and more demanded due to the different uses (agricultural, urban, industrial, tourist) and in the different management instances (public, private and communal). This article attempts to show the power relations in a water territory, how local powers participate in water management, and how they coordinate among themselves and with other actors at various scales.These power relations show cooperation, alliances to be consolidate, but tensions also between the actors, conflicts between territories, struggles for territorialities and overlapping projects. This because of the limited coordination between local actors, since each one is dominated by their individual agendas and has interests at stake, which does not allow effective participation or consolidation of alliances. This is a real challenge for water governance and for the territory.
    • Ítem
      Infraestructura ciclovial en Lima, Perú: estudio de caso distrito de Miraflores
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-06-21) Aste Cannock, Natalia; Concepción Solís, Daniel; García Pye, Carolina; Montes Álvarez, Walther Daniel; García-Rivero, Alberto E.
      The city of Lima presents a very uneven development of bicycle lanes in all its districts, where the district of Miraflores stands out as the one with the greatest development. The present work aimed to evaluate the bicycle infrastructure in this district. The applied methodology combined the land survey, with virtual surveys and processing of satellite images in a GIS environment. This evaluation was made based on the main aspects related to cycle-inclusivity, security, cohe-rence, direction, and infrastructure of the cycle. Among the main results, they stand out that the safety levels are low, which allows to infer that a greater number of physically segregated bike lanes should be promoted. The coherence is very poor in managing to connect several points of origin and destination, with numerous crossings. Although the main routes are fairly direct, the poor location of the bicycle parking facilities and the uneven distribution of the network still make it very inefficient. Despite the deficiencies that this cycling infrastructure still presents in Miraflores, there is a strong differentiation with the rest of the city of Lima, due, among other causes, to a high informality in the transport sector, derived from the application of policies neoliberals who have deepened the wide territorial and social inequalities in this city. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought in a new breed of cyclists, linked to «delivery» systems, further evidence of the limitations of the bicycle infrastructure throughout the city.
    • Ítem
      Notas para pensar la conflictividad socioambiental en clave territorial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-06-21) Hernández, Facundo M.
      This paper addresses the socio-environmental problem from Critical Geography, a necessary current in a context of socio-environmental crises that express the contradictions and limits of the capitalist system in Latin America and the world. From this position, the proposal is to introduce the subject considering the territoriality that the society-nature relationship contains. Emphasis is placed on the tendency, under the logic of the market economy, for socio-environmental conflicts to be triggered by social groups with environmental interests and other territorial organizations that fight for resources, nature, territories, and democracy. These social movements in their actions contribute to the knowledge of the cases in which they become involved and promote the installation on the public agenda of topics censored, unnoticed or misrepresented by the media and government agencies. The contribution of these lines is to review concepts, reinterpret them, rehearse working methods, and organize them for didactic purposes, in order to stimulate a critical awareness of the environmental and territorial in students at the educational levels in which Geography is taught. Throughout the article, different examples were used to clarify the proposed terms and method questions.
    • Ítem
      De la acumulación primitiva a la acumulación por desposesión: superexplotación laboral en la cosecha de yerba mate del nordeste argentino (1870-2018)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-06-21) Gómez Lende, Sebastián
      Instead staying limited to an ‘originary’ or ‘primitive’ stage, accumulation by dispossession and its diverse ways of labour super exploitation constitute a permanent and important force of the historic geography of capital. Considering such premise, this paper analyses the course of the practices of semi-slavery, violence, fraud, labour superexploitation and cutting and seizure of rights suffered by the yerba mate harvesters of the provinces of Misiones and Corrientes (Argentina) from the middle of the XIX Century to nowadays. In order to do this, five categories of analysis were considered: the regimes of recruitment, precarization and discipline of the workforce, which are linked with the loss and violation of workers’ rights; the intensity and duration of the labour workday; wages and frauds; child labour and the dispossession of the right to health; and the state complicity. The results show that the old ways of labour exploitation do not only were initial mechanisms of accumulation of capital at regional scale, but were reorganized to become structural features of a secular pattern where the relations between capital and workforce have been mostly based in looting.
    • Ítem
      Variación del área agrícola en el distrito La Yarada Los Palos, Tacna, Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-06-21) Alvarado Huapaya, Ana Isabel; Capristán Sotelo, Paloma; Corahua Benites, Claudia; Ruiz Philipps, Carla; Velásquez Bejarano, Gabriela
      Population growth and the increasing use of groundwater has favored the extension of the agricultural area in the last twenty-one years in the district of La Yarada Los Palos. In this study, we seek to analyze the changes in agricultural extension and identify trends through remote sensing and multitemporal spatial analysis. Landsat 5TM and Landsat 8 OLI satellite images were used for the period 2000-2020 to identify agricultural uses in the study area. The results show that the agricultural area increased by 265.84%, a figure that would double in the next ten years, according to the polynomial regression. These findings provide a basis for decision-making and management of future water, agricultural and social projects.