Derecho PUCP. Núm. 82 (2019)

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Tabla de Contenido

Historia del Derecho
  • El Código Penal argentino de 1922 comentado por el diario La Nación (1917-1924) Levaggi, Abelardo; 9-33
  • Del favor debilis al favor consumatore: consideraciones históricas Isler Soto, Erika; 35-59
  • Tradiciones jurídicas y pervivencias oeconomicas en la genealogía constitucional. El caso de Tucumán en 1820 Zamora, Romina; 61-91
  • Inquisición en Chile: un recorrido historiográfico y nuevas propuestas de estudio Cordero Fernández, Macarena; 93-119
  • De comuneros a poseedores: reflexiones en torno a la construcción de la propiedad privada en la comunidad indígena De Soto a finales del siglo XIX Cacciavillani, Pamela Alejandra; 121-148
  • Contra la in-diferencia de los objetos económicos. Una mirada desde el utrumque ius (Nueva Granada, siglos XVIII-XIX) Cellurale, Mariateresa; 149-204
  • John H. Wigmore (1863-1943): un mosaico que ilustra sobre el desarrollo del estudio comparado de la historia del derecho Parise, Agustín; 205-238
  • La política de los intersticios: «De liberalitate et parsimonia» en El príncipe, de Nicolás Maquiavelo Gaune, Rafael; 239-256
  • El naciente derecho laboral mexicano: 1891-1928 Morales Moreno, Humberto; 257-277

  • Miscelánea
  • Ejecución de la pena de prisión de adultos en Alemania: análisis de las leyes estaduales a la luz de la Ley Federal de 1976 y la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Federal Alemán (BVerfG) Castro Morales, Álvaro; 281-313
  • Un análisis histórico-jurídico de los múltiples regímenes de extranjería y nacionalidad vigentes en El Salvador Serrano-Sánchez, Lucía; 315-346
  • Convenios arbitrales desequilibrados en los contratos públicos bajo la ley de contrataciones del Estado Alejos, Oscar; 347-370
  • Los acuerdos interinstitucionales en la práctica peruana de derecho internacional Mezarina García, Silvio Jesús; Rosales Zamora, Pablo César; 371-406
  • ¿Caducidad o prescripción? De la reparación civil en los casos de sentencias derivadas de procesos penales por delitos contra la Administración Pública en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano Díaz Castillo, Ingrid; Mendoza Del Maestro, Gilberto; 407-434

  • Interdisciplinaria
  • «¿Qué puede aprender el derecho de la literatura?»: notas sobre la importancia de la discusión derecho/literatura en el pensamiento jurídico Jimenez Sáenz, María; 437-454
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 15
    • Ítem
      Convenios arbitrales desequilibrados en los contratos públicos bajo la ley de contrataciones del Estado
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Alejos, Oscar
      The arbitration agreement has its origin, by nature, in the free will of the parties who want to summit their controversies to arbitration, instead of the ordinary jurisdiction. However, in the case of the public contracts, the arbitration agreement does not have the same characteristics of free will, as they have in civil contracts, precisely because of the public nature of the authority, which means that they are subject to the legality principle instead of having free will. In this paper I will try to prove that, as a consequence of it, our legal framework produces one-sided arbitration agreements which benefit the public authorities who draft those agreements. In fact, the lack of possibilities for the contracting party to negotiate the content of the agreement allows the public authority to draft such content in a way that only benefit them and negatively affects the contractor, creating a situation of inefficiency. The legislator, aware of the problem, has enacted rules that seek to recognize rights to the bidder and restrict the discretionary powers of the authority; however, those measures are not good enough. In this scenario, I propose a solution which requires legal regulation in the content of the aforementioned agreements, in a way that can be granted, from an ex-ante regulation, that the arbitration agreement will be balanced.
    • Ítem
      Contra la in-diferencia de los objetos económicos. Una mirada desde el utrumque ius (Nueva Granada, siglos XVIII-XIX)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Cellurale, Mariateresa
      The treatment of the relicta pia (pious bequests assigning temporal goods to the purpose of salvation of the soul) in Nueva Granada in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, where properly studied according to its own dogmatic (a juridical one, originated in the Western canon of Roman descent), provides the opportunity to rethink the idea of secularization itself, as a form of transmission of material, juridical and political resources (land, iurisdictio), along the transition from the ancien régime to constitutional and legalist republics. The notion of «spiritual» or «spiritualized» goods, placed outside the commercium, among which land must be possibly included, as object of pious dispositions, refers to sacrum, the sacred, as an «antineutral» dimension of politics, law and justice; this dimension originates in the pignora of the pagan religio, a pactist and communitarian one, and lingers on in Christian relicta and relics, described and interpreted according to the set of concepts, principles and institutions of the ius commune, Roman and canonical, plural and casuistical; a system far from all blunt identification with the «law of the Catholic Monarchy», and whose rule continues for decades after the establishment of Republics in Hispanic America. In its effort to create modern «property», Bourbon laws intervene against customary and immaterial forms of gaining and circulating rights on land, neutralizing dispositives of the ancient sacrum, so announcing the transition of law to an abstract dimension, tending to depoliticization, due to legalism and positivism. The liberal State rising triumphant from the revolutions will eventually displace politics, previously established in rendering justice, to new territories, temporarily coextensive with the domains of (political) economy.
    • Ítem
      Del favor debilis al favor consumatore: consideraciones históricas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Isler Soto, Erika
      This paper refers to the historical evolution of the favor debilis principle from the Roman Law until our days. In this way, it begins with an examination of the favor libertatis principle and its incidence on the debtor’s responsibility, as well as the contractual interpretation in Ancient Rome. Subsequently, it refers to the incidence of Christianity in the moralization of the obligation. Then, the text refers to the persistence of the favor debilis under the modern model based on the conception of a free man that is able to protect its rights. Finally, its persistence in postmodernity is analyzed, which suggests changes in the law of obligations and contracts, which proposes also a new moralization of the contract, but sustained this time in the fundamental rights, as well as a renewed anthropocentric vision. Then, it refers to the bases of rules more favorable to the consumer and ends with the revision of the functions of the pro consumer principle: interpretation and conflict resolution mechanism of standards.
    • Ítem
      Los acuerdos interinstitucionales en la práctica peruana de derecho internacional
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Mezarina García, Silvio Jesús; Rosales Zamora, Pablo César
      In the Peruvian practice of international law, the universe of international agreements is not reduced merely to treaties. In that context, this article seeks to examine the international instrument par excellence that is celebrated between public entities of at least two States. Such accord, within the framework of Peruvian legislation, is called «interinstitutional agreement».First, this paper will study the main characteristics of this kind of agreement with the purpose of identifying its legal nature. Subsequently, it will examine some of the main challenges the use of an interinstitutional agreement faces: (1) the difficulty of classifying an interinstitutional agreement as a legal norm within the Peruvian system of law sources; (2) the possible confusion with other international instruments, such as twinning arrangements (a kind of interinstitutional agreement), memoranda of understanding or collaboration agreements; (3) the possible consequences than an interinstitutional agreement infers in regard to the commission of an international illicit act in the sphere of the international responsibility of the State. 
    • Ítem
      Tradiciones jurídicas y pervivencias oeconomicas en la genealogía constitucional. El caso de Tucumán en 1820
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Zamora, Romina
      The nineteenth-century Spanish-American constitutionalism was inextricably related to the emancipatory process. The constitutional texts sought to establish limits to public powers that were forming in the independent territories, in mined paths of crossroads on which the newest historical and legal studies are elucidating motivations and objectives. From there, it is being discovered that constitutional projects did not ignored a four-hundred-yearold public order, but incorporated elements, subjects and above all, purposes: what is the objective of putting functions and limits to a public power separate from the domestic sphere? Can we trace the survival of an old domestic order —oeconomic— in the constitution, social and political order that should not be confused with the colonial fact? Therefore, it is important to periodize the constitutional journey, since although in the final products, the constitutions that came into force in the nascent Latin American States, the traces of an old mentality are not easily discernible, in the earliest projects they were not only the view but they were determinants in the definition of the subject of law and in the values —catholic, oeconomic— that had to be protected. The nineteenth-century Spanish-American constitutionalism was inextricably related to the preeminent place of the Spanish householder, catholic and land owner. On nineteenth-century Spanish-American constitutionalism, the prescriptive capacity of the catholic economy has weighed, like a sword of Damocles, for the determination of juridical principles.To highlight this hypothesis, it is necessary to perform an almost archaeological tracking of concepts and themes in the first debates on the fundamental law and the resulting texts. For this, we have chosen a provincial constitution, that of the province of Tucumán, written in 1820. Located halfway between the Peruvian space and the River Plate, Tucumán wanted to insert itself in the debate on the formation of the State by dictating its own constitution, as cover letter for a game of powers that was yet to be defined.
    • Ítem
      De comuneros a poseedores: reflexiones en torno a la construcción de la propiedad privada en la comunidad indígena De Soto a finales del siglo XIX
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Cacciavillani, Pamela Alejandra
      In the province of Córdoba, a policy of dismantling the lands occupied by indigenous communities started to be implemented at the end of the nineteenth century. After the passing of two statutes in 1881 and 1885, the government of Córdoba started, after failed attempts, to initialize the disassembly of these lands. The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of private property construction by considering the articulation of local norms and the articles of the Civil Code. It then undertakes the study of the implementation of these provincial laws and the Civil Code in the community of Soto and attempts to show the different actors and norms that were implemented to build the legal category of private property.
    • Ítem
      Inquisición en Chile: un recorrido historiográfico y nuevas propuestas de estudio
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Cordero Fernández, Macarena
      In 1570 the Spanish Crown decided to create, in the overseas spaces, the Holy Office of the Inquisition in order to control, effectively, the religious manifestations of the people and their social behaviors, bringing intolerance towards those who had different practices. However, initially it had only two district courts installed in the viceroyalties capitals of Mexico and Peru. The other places, captaincies and governorates, were controlled by commissioners dependent on Mexico or Lima, as appropriate. In the case of the Government of Chile, several police stations were deployed between the two dioceses. However, they were not efficient enough to achieve the objectives proposed in the inquisitorial ideology, on the one hand because of precarious material, and on the other hand because of the lack of ad-hoc officials to fill the positions. This led to the Chilean Governorate experience a more laxed control than other imperial territories. However, the climate of fear and prejudice among the inhabitants permeated the society generating intolerance and discrimination through other perspectives and through other social control devices, which survived in the republic and allow to understand —partway— the intolerance and discrimination in the current Chile. The present article will make a tour of the installation of the Holy Office in America, the historiographic status of the studies related to the Inquisition in Chile, the possible lines of investigation and the hypotheses to be tested.
    • Ítem
      Ejecución de la pena de prisión de adultos en Alemania: análisis de las leyes estaduales a la luz de la Ley Federal de 1976 y la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Federal Alemán (BVerfG)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Castro Morales, Álvaro
      The article examines some of the legislative changes of the 2006 reform of adult prisons Law in Germany. The 2006 reform gave the Länder competence to regulate the execution of the prison sentence, generating a wave of new prison laws in the country. This article examines whether the new legislation regarding the adult prison sentences reflects the lineages of the federal law of 1976 and the case law standards of the BVerfG in this area.The aim is to know the issues where the criteria of federal law and BVerfG’s case-law influence state legislation, on the other hand, the issues where state laws have innovated. At the same time, it also intends to make a critical analysis of whether the adherence or innovation of state laws signifies an advance with respect to previous regulations.
    • Ítem
      «¿Qué puede aprender el derecho de la literatura?»: notas sobre la importancia de la discusión derecho/literatura en el pensamiento jurídico
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Jimenez Sáenz, María
      «Law and Literature» names a space of encounter between the strangest objects and disciplines. That space took the form of the «Law and Literature movement», and since the 70s, it has evolved, grown and expanded into multiple directions. The importance of «law and literature» can be measured in terms of this expansion, but also considering the profound debts to the movement held by many legal scholars and many of the most important discussions in the field of law. This paper reconstructs the trajectory of the law and literature movement in order to show the importance of this discussion in the legal field since the institutional foundation in the 70s to the first years of the new millennium.
    • Ítem
      ¿Caducidad o prescripción? De la reparación civil en los casos de sentencias derivadas de procesos penales por delitos contra la Administración Pública en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-05-27) Díaz Castillo, Ingrid; Mendoza Del Maestro, Gilberto
      This paper analyzes the debate that arose in the Peruvian legal system about whether the term that the State has to collect civil compensation in cases of judgments arising from criminal procedures for offenses against public administration is one of expiration or prescription. The difference is not minor because while the prescription period allows for interruptions, the expiration period is not interrupted even when the debtor performs dilatory maneuvers to avoid payment. This last situation is recurrent in the context of the prosecution of the crimes against the public administration, as they sanction state corruption. In this paper, we intend to contribute to the aforementioned debate based on the revision of the figure of civil compensation and its capacity to combat and prevent corruption. Also, the definition, scope and differences between the figures of the expiration and the prescription will be studied to indicate, on the end, that this last institution is the one applicable to the supposed matters of examination.