Anthropía. Núm. 20 (2023)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Carta editorial Comisión editorial de Anthropía; 5-8

  • Dossier: Género e Interseccionalidad
  • Entre el campo y la ciudad: La influencia de las categorías étnico-raciales en las estrategias económicas de las mujeres comerciantes del Mercado Emprendedor en la ciudad de Chota Zorrilla Culcas, Zareli; 13-29
  • “Cocinar para mi familia y para la fábrica”: roles de género en la experiencia dekasegi Silva Zárate, Isaí; Shimabukuro Higa, Alexandra; Bustamante Durán, José Antonio; 31-46
  • El cuerpo femenino, confinado y violentado: repensando la otra pandemia en casa desde una relectura de M. Merleau-Ponty y S. De Beauvoir Avila Vera, Roger Park; 49-58
  • Trabajo sexual en la Av. Alfonso Ugarte: materialidad urbana, lugar y cuerpo Bravo, Mariana; Macassi, Nicoll; Jarufe, Mauricio; 61-74
  • ¡Salir con la Divinidad de todos los armarios! Género, religión y diversidad sexo-genérica Vega-Dávila, Enrique; 77-97

  • Reseñas de temática libre
  • Varda, A. (Directora). (1975). Réponse de femmes: Notre corps, notre sexe. [Respuestas de mujeres: nuestro cuerpo, nuestro sexo] [Película] Velapatiño Zevallos, Adriana Nicole; 99-107
  • Pourriat, É. (Directora). (2018). Je ne suis pas un homme facile [Yo no soy un hombre fácil] [Película] Autopilot Entertainment Ysla Del Águila, Ariana Sofia; 109-116
  • Fuller, N. (2001). No uno, sino muchos rostros. En M. Viveros et al. (Eds.), Hombres e identidades de género (pp. 267-370). Editorial UNAL Coloma Ponce, Valeria Lucia; 119-125
  • Reflexión Histórica de la Colada Morada, Tradicional Bebida del Ecuador Albán Barreiro, Manuela; 127-145
  • Mitre, S. (Director). (2022). Argentina, 1985. [Película]. Infinity Hill Ramos Condori, Lu Mahatma; 147-155
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 11
    • Ítem
      El cuerpo femenino, confinado y violentado: repensando la otra pandemia en casa desde una relectura de M. Merleau-Ponty y S. De Beauvoir
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Avila Vera, Roger Park
      The elaboration of this article stems from the interest in rethinking the conclusions of the study The other pandemic at home. In these we identified deficiencies in the prevention and immediate attention of the state system in the face of gender violence, which became even more evident during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Peru. But, above all, we find a certain complicit silence that contributes to perpetuating cases of domestic violence against women in our country. To demonstrate this, we will start by explaining that the recognition of these deficiencies has an approach that stems from the exceptional circumstance of the pandemic and not from the structural problem of gender violence as such. Likewise, we will analyze confinement in terms of a new relationship of the human being with his around and the world in correspondence with the conceptual network of the body-world system of M. Merleau-Ponty. Finally, drawing on Simone de Beauvoir’s critique of the eternal feminine, we will interpret the forgetting of pre-confinement knowledge, coupled with the slightest suggestion that adequate preventive and corrective measures cannot be taken against gender-based violence, as an act of “bad faith”.
    • Ítem
      Varda, A. (Directora). (1975). Réponse de femmes: Notre corps, notre sexe. [Respuestas de mujeres: nuestro cuerpo, nuestro sexo] [Película]
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Velapatiño Zevallos, Adriana Nicole
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Pourriat, É. (Directora). (2018). Je ne suis pas un homme facile [Yo no soy un hombre fácil] [Película] Autopilot Entertainment
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Ysla Del Águila, Ariana Sofia
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Fuller, N. (2001). No uno, sino muchos rostros. En M. Viveros et al. (Eds.), Hombres e identidades de género (pp. 267-370). Editorial UNAL
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Coloma Ponce, Valeria Lucia
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Mitre, S. (Director). (2022). Argentina, 1985. [Película]. Infinity Hill
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Ramos Condori, Lu Mahatma
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Entre el campo y la ciudad: La influencia de las categorías étnico-raciales en las estrategias económicas de las mujeres comerciantes del Mercado Emprendedor en la ciudad de Chota
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Zorrilla Culcas, Zareli
      This research seeks to understand how the processes of economic advancement occur in the cases of three cases of women traders of the “Mercado Emprendedor of Chota”. Based on qualitative research conducted during the month of May 2022 within the framework of the Field Practice II course, I set out to analyze how ethnoracial categories influence the economic strategies developed by these women. To answer this question, I inquired how these women generate income for their household and what economic strategies they employ, such as migration and product commercialization. In the analysis, the ethnic-racial markers deployed by these actors, such as clothing, speech and education, were identified, taking as a reference the theoretical contributions of De la Cadena (1999). From this, it was concluded that these ethno-racial markers that identify women as more or less Indian are aligned to the economic strategy they use. The self-identification they adopt allows them to link themselves both in the countryside and in the city, as a consequence, they have the possibility of developing familiarity with their suppliers, women who move from the countryside to the city to sell their products and, at the same time, with urbanized buyers, well-established migrants.
    • Ítem
      Reflexión Histórica de la Colada Morada, Tradicional Bebida del Ecuador
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Albán Barreiro, Manuela
      Through archival research, this article provides a historical account of the traditional Ecuadorian beverage, colada morada. In this sense, we start from its pre-Columbian roots, and we also analyze global processes that might have shaped its production and consumption. In addition, we reflect on colada morada today: how it is consumed within the Catholic practice of the Day of the Dead (on November 2nd) with differentiated characteristics between urban and rural areas, its fixation as an element of Ecuadorian national identity both to Ecuadorians residing in the country and to those who have migrated, and its current role as part of Ecuadorian national cultural/ food heritage.
    • Ítem
      “Cocinar para mi familia y para la fábrica”: roles de género en la experiencia dekasegi
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Silva Zárate, Isaí; Shimabukuro Higa, Alexandra; Bustamante Durán, José Antonio
      Several decades have passed since the massive migration of Peruvians to Japan. Although the «return home» of many migrants was –and continues to be– heterogeneous and dynamic, little has been explored about the experiences of dekasegi women in a world where the female role is increasingly questioned. Furthermore, it is relevant to give voice to these stories for two main reasons. First, women’s stories are systematically rejected. Second, in a globalized world where identities are increasingly diverse and changing, women’s roles are also being currently questioned. This brought with it new experiences in all fields of life for these women, from work to private life at home. Taking this into account, this paper wants to explore the tensions between work and gender roles, specifically those of maternity and care. These topics are presented based on an interview with a mother who traveled to Kanagawa (Japan) as a dekasegi in the 2000s. Based on her story, it was possible to have a clearer vision of what life was like for these working women and to delve into ideas presented in theory regarding migrants and gender roles with a real example.
    • Ítem
      ¡Salir con la Divinidad de todos los armarios! Género, religión y diversidad sexo-genérica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Vega-Dávila, Enrique
      Intersectionality has made it possible to recognize and denounce many edges around the violence experienced by multiple corporalities. A variable in the middle of the political and cultural scene in the American continent is Christianity, which has played a vital role in the control of bodies and identities. In this sense, when addressing sex and gender diversities, it is also necessary to critically examine their role, their discourses and how they have affected bodies. The following presentation uses the methodological proposal of Liberation Theology (Boff, 2009), that is, using the three mediations: the socioanalytic related to the lives of people of sexual and gender diversity; hermeneutics, considering the way of reading Scripture recognized as sacred for Christianity and the proposal to come out of the closet; finally, the practice, related to some anthropo-theological proposals for the pastoral. The article also uses an autoethnographic perspective (Ellis et al., 2019) that dialogues with queer theoretical and theological positions. “Coming out” with the Divinity implies a political position that implies authenticity.
    • Ítem
      Trabajo sexual en la Av. Alfonso Ugarte: materialidad urbana, lugar y cuerpo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-24) Bravo, Mariana; Macassi, Nicoll; Jarufe, Mauricio
      The article examines the relationship between sex work and different urban experiences in a crowded area of downtown Lima. This is an abridged and adapted version of a research report prepared for the Urban Anthropology course at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Based on the information gathered from urban methodology such as “floating observation” and secondarily from unstructured interviews, it seeks to describe and analyze the role of sex workers in the urban scenario of Alfonso Ugarte Avenue. The main hypothesis suggests that sex workers are protagonists of this space, since their presence determines and alters behaviors and beliefs of different actors. To this end, two main findings are presented: starting from the concept of “non-place” to understand the trajectories that sex workers and other agents establish in the area, in a sort of implicitly agreed urban choreography. Finally, we analyze the performative actions that sex workers perform with their bodies and the production of a series of symbols and meanings in relation to public space. We conclude by justifying that the presence of sex workers determines a series of social relations and performative actions in the area.