Educación. Vol. 21 Núm. 41 (2012)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado La dinámica participativa en las actas de reuniones del CONEI(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012) Calderón Almerco, LiliaThe dynamism of participation in the minutes of the CONEI meetings This is a discussion about the results of a documentary research about the participative dynamics into the minutes of the CONEI (Consejo Educativo Institucional) meetings of four public schools from Lima. The qualitative analysis of the minutes reveals that the participation characterizes for being formal, bureaucratic, unidirectional and conflicted; that is focused in the administrative and economic issues of the educational management. The discourse expresses an ideal vision about participation but negative about conflict. Also, the participation in the meeting is considered like being in the meeting, and the leadership of the principal and the teachers stands out, however, the students and parents are excluded or autoexcluded.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Influencia de la escuela en la formación de los factores psicosociales de la desigualdad y los procesos de transformación social(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012) López Chegne, NoemíEl presente ensayo analiza y explica en cuatro apartados, cómo se construye la instancia psicosocial de las personas en sociedades jerarquizadas y el rol que juegan los espacios escolares y la educación formal institucionalizada en el afianzamiento, aprendizaje y externalización de lo psicosocial. Explica también cómo a partir de estos aprendizajes las personas aprenden y aceptan de modo consciente o inconsciente las desigualdades sociales las mismas que por estar fuertemente internalizadas dificultan o limitan los procesos de transformación social. Finalmente explica cómo los mismos espacios escolares pueden propiciar sociedades menos desigualesÍtem Texto completo enlazado Uso cotidiano y pedagógico de las TIC por profesores de una universidad privada de Lima(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012) Chumpitaz Campos, Lucrecia; Rivero Panaqué, CarolDaily and Educational use of Information and Communication Technology by teachers at a private university in Lima In the context of higher education as opposed to scholar levels, urges further studies delineate clear guidelines to promote the educational integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in a relevant way on university. This article presents the results of a descriptive study of the everyday uses of technology by the lecturers of different faculties of a university. It also presents the data relating to educational use of the resources on a daily basis, they used them to develop on their classes. It identifies a clear reduction in the use of technological resources uses daily in their roles as teachers. In that sense is perceived a repeated use of resources such as Power point presentations, finding information on the Internet and the use of video mainly. Beyond that, there is not an effective integration in ICT resources in the educational development even though university has a virtual platform. This study was conducted with lecturers from all departments of the university through a further survey and focus group was conducted supplemented in the information gathered by the survey. We report the synthesis of the results of this study and recommendations to guide policy processes and training teachers in the use of such resources in their teaching.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El enfoque educativo basado en competencias, un reto que enfrenta la Universidad Veracruzana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012) Barrales Villegas, AdoraciónEste artículo tiene como propósito compartir la experiencia que ha tenido la Universidad Veracruzana en la promoción e implementación del enfoque educativo basado en competencias. La incorporación obedece a la demanda internacional de formar profesionistas competentes en los ámbitos profesional, personal y social.Una de las acciones relevantes ha sido la capacitación de su personal docente y la implementación de una estrategia denominada Proyecto Aula. Este proyecto va dirigido a sistematizar la práctica docente a partir de la elaboración, aplicación y evaluación de un diseño instruccional para cada una de las experiencias educativas (asignaturas) que se imparten al interior de sus programas educativos. Esta es la razón de que se revisen conceptos como competencia, tipos, enfoques, metodología y evaluación por competencias enfatizando los retos y aciertos de nuestra institución.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Aproximación a un instrumento de diagnóstico sobre la visibilidad: el caso de las profesoras universitarias(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012) Castro Ceacero, Diego; Tomas i Folch, MarinaApproach to a diagnostic instrument about visibility: the case of women professors in university This article discusses the concept and diagnosis of the visibility of women in the contemporary university. Thereafter, we construct a theoretical model that consists of three variables: the participation, expertise and power as manifested in the different functions of academics: teaching, research and management. We propose a tool to determine and diagnose the level of visibility of the teachers at the university. The instrument could be applied to the visibility of other specific groups. The goal is not only possible diagnosis, but also the ability to design actions to improve the visibility of academic college.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Docentes con función directiva en Liceos Bolivarianos como promotores de aprendizaje organizacional: necesidades de formación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012) Contreras Chacón, Azael Eduardo; Molina Yuncosa, Nuby LisbethEducators with leadership roles as promoters of organizational learning in Bolivarian secondary schools: Training needs This article presents partial results of research aimed at detecting the training needs of educators in leadership roles. This explorative and descriptive study analyzed relevant actions and difficulties or obstacles of twenty-four school leaders in their role as organizational learning promoters in two Bolivarian secondary schools in San Cristóbal (Táchira State). The data was collected through a questionnaire administration, semi-structured interviews and observations. Among our findings is the progressive awareness of the school leaders concerning the growth of responsibility as organizational learning promoters for a new school model. Nevertheless, in the taking of this role they face problems, obstacles, resistance and tremendous training needs in many areas, especially when dealing with interpersonal relationships.