Debates en Sociología. Núm. 45 (2017)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado «¿16 céntimos a cambio de aguas ácidas?». Respuestas políticas a la expansión minera en Cajamarca(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-10-09) Zavaleta, MauricioFor decades, Cajamarca has housed one of the most productive gold mines in the world. Between 1992, when the operations of the Yanacocha deposits began, until 2011, when the most important expansion project of the operating company was suspended, extractive activities have been a source of controversy. Only between 2004 and 2011 three conflicts reached national relevance in Cajamarca: Quilish (2004), Combayo (2006) and Minas Conga (2011). This continuum allows analyzing different types of «responses» —especially from rural areas— to mining. The article proposes that the peasant responses have been oriented to the negotiation of benefits that compensate the affectation of natural resources and allow the localities to accede, albeit in an indirect and limited way, to the profits produced by the industry. However, when the agreements reached with the company are not met or the population perceives that the impact on the means of subsistence is greater than the benefits received, incentives are generated for political mobilization. In this context, different coalitions had emerged between rural villages and urban organizations that, though ephemeral in organizational terms, promoted mobilizations against Yanacocha’s expansion projects with remarkable effectiveness.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Asambleando el mundo. La experiencia de la Unión de Asambleas de Comunidades en las luchas socioambientales en Argentina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-10-09) Álvarez, LauraThis article is the result of a case study on the Union of Assemblies of Communities (UAC), a socioenvironmental meeting created in 2006 from the confluence of several assemblies located mainly in the Argentine territory. The aim of this article is to trace a genealogy of the UAC and distinguish the main characteristics of its form of organization, which make it a unique experience in the country.It stands out its double functioning as a network and as a meeting, the diversity of actors and socioenvironmental problems addressed, the rotation and its scope beyond the local, among others. Regarding the methodology, this work is part of an exploratory research on a poorly researched case, and therefore basically aims to bring the reader closer to the subject, through a qualitative methodology and sources of information such as the material of the organization itself, observations and interviews, basically aimed at describing the main characteristics of the UAC, its emergence and its context, respecting the vision of the social actors involved in it.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Conflictos mineros en el Perú: entre la protesta y la negociación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-10-09) Paredes, MaritzaThis article carries on an analytical review of literature on negotiation and mining conflicts, particularly in Peru. It also seeks to identify important theoretical recommendations offered by this literature.These recommendations serve to problematize future research on the challenges of these negotiation processes and their ability to overcome disagreements. Finally, based on these recommendations, the article presents and discusses the articles of the volume Extractive Industries, conflicts, negotiations and dialogues in Peru.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Entrevista a Pablo Lapegna(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-10-09) Paredes, MaritzaPablo Lapegna es profesor asociado de Sociología y Estudios Latinoamericanos y Caribeños en la Universidad de Georgia, EE.UU. Es licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires y obtuvo su PhD en Sociología en la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York (Stony Brook). Con un enfoque en América Latina y en métodos cualitativos, LaPegna investiga y enseña sobre estudios agrarios críticos y procesos globales, sociología política, y movimientos sociales. En esta entrevista, Maritza Paredes conversa con él sobre su nuevo libro La Argentina transgénica. De la resistencia a la adaptación, una etnografía de las poblaciones campesinas (Siglo XXI editores) que investiga la expansión de la soja genéticamente modificada en Argentina y las formas en que las poblaciones rurales piensan, sienten y actúan frente a ella cuando se ven afectadas por problemas ambientales y dificultades cotidianas.Ítem Texto completo enlazado «No estuvimos a la altura de la situación»: límites de la participación ciudadana en la mesa de diálogo de Espinar (2012-2013)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-10-09) De la Puente Burlando, LorenaThe dialogue table in Espinar is recognized as an emblematic case of dialogue processes. However, three barriers compromised the quality of representation of civil society: the overloading of urban leaders, the underrepresentation of peasant interests and the use of technical languages to regulate decision-making. The study of this case aims to explore the limits and contradictions of participatory processes after socio-environmental conflicts in Peru. The objective is to contribute to the revision of their methodologies and to question the ideas from which different stakeholders built their participation.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿El pasado importa? Legados institucionales, sociedad civil y burocracia local para la gestión de conflictos socioambientales en Moquegua (2000-2016)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-10-09) Quiñón Cárdenas, AarónIn Peru, the recent commodity boom and high transfers by mining canon have meant a series of challenges and challenges for the State, in particular, the management of socio-environmental conflicts linked to extractive activities. However, a general balance shows strong contrasts where, on the one hand, we find regions with persistence of social conflicts and little progress in the rounds tables, while other regions show learning in the management of social conflicts from the local bureaucracy and civil society. Why, in some local contexts, mining activity has led to serious problems of social conflict and in others it has not? This research focuses on the department of Moquegua (2002-2016), a region dependent on mining revenues that has shown a positive performance in the management of socioenvironmental conflicts and in the negotiating tables for the viability of mining projects. Considering the importance of the regional context, the central argument proposes that the institutional legacies and active participation of civil society are key factors to understand the trajectory in the management of social conflict. Finally, these factors will help us to understand the challenges of the state for the management of conflicts in other regions.