Revista de Psicología. Vol. 40 Núm. 1 (2022)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Blumen, Sheyla; 5-7

  • Artículos
  • Satisfacción con la vida y sus correlatos socio-personales en adolescentes de secundarias públicos de Sonora, México Lagarda Lagarda, Angel Emigdio; Vera Noriega, José Ángel; Tánori Quintana, Jesús; 9-35
  • Dimensiones de la personalidad y su relación con las tendencias prosociales y la empatía en niños(as) y adolescentes en vulnerabilidad psicosocial Gómez Tabares, Anyerson Stiths; Narvaez Marin, Mariela; 37-72
  • Educación para jóvenes y adultos: visibilizando diversas trayectorias educativas Contreras-Villalobos, Tabata; Baleriola, Enrique; 73-96
  • Familias uruguayas con maltrato infantil: estresores y apoyo social en contexto de pobreza Fernández Rodríguez, María Eugenia; Cracco Cattani, Cecilia Valentina; 97-118
  • La Comisión de la Verdad en Colombia: conocimiento, percepción, eficacia y emociones asociadas Ruiz, José Ignacio; Castro-Abril, Pablo; López-López, Wilson; Páez, Darío; Méndez, Lander; Castro-Molinares, Suly; Yadira-Cepeda, Zulma; Caicedo-Bucheli, María Alejandra; Amaris, María del Carmen; Moncayo, Jorge Eduardo; Camelo-Mendoza, Rossana; Orduz-Gualdron, Frank Steward; Beltrán-Espitia, Manuel; Mongui, Zulma Lorena; Domínguez, Elsy; Alejo-Riveros, Argemiro; Pérez-Cervantes, Luís Eduardo; Orozco Castillo, Carolina; Alvarado-Pinzón, Laura; Restrepo-Soto, Jaime Alberto; Alejo-Castillo, Edgar; Orejuela, Johnny; Rocha, Areli; Pérez Arizabaleta, Mar; 119-154
  • A nivel internacional, ¿cuáles son las funciones de un programa de educación individualizado (IEP) o plan de transición (TP)? Myara, Nathalie; 155-212
  • Factores académicos y cognitivo-afectivos como predictores de la intención de titularse con tesis en estudiantes de psicología Capa-Luque, Walter; Vallejos-Flores, Miguel Ángel; Pardavé Livia, Yovana; Mayorga-Falcon, Luz Elizabeth; Bello-Vidal, Catalina; Hervias Guerra, Edmundo; 213-240
  • Crisis social chilena y salud mental: una mirada desde el ciclo vital Barrera-Herrera, Ana; Baeza-Rivera, María José; Escandón-Nagel, Neli; Constanzo, Jorge ; Escobar, Bertha; 241-263
  • Cibervictimización en el marco de la Teoría de Actividades Rutinarias en la era digital Morillo Puente, Solbey; Ríos Hernández, Iván Neftalí; 265-291
  • Conflicto, salud y satisfacción: diferencias por etapa en parejas de la Ciudad de México Flórez Rodríguez, Yanitza Nicole; Sánchez Aragón, Rozzana; Figueroa Peña, María Fernanda; Gómez Delgado, Yamile Andrea; Rosero Díaz del Castillo, Sonia María; 293-328
  • Perfil anímico en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas: su relación con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas Martínez-Soto, Joel; Ramos-Frausto, Victor Manuel; 329-367
  • Mujeres que cuidaban a víctimas de violencia, mujeres acosadas en programas psicosociales chilenos Matamala Pizarro, José; Barrera Lagos, Alba; 369-400
  • Comparación de los baremos del CUMANIN y CUMANES: una experiencia psicométrica Chinome Torres, Julian David; Rodríguez Barreto, Lucía Carlota; 401-432
  • Operacionalización del Constructo Modelado Parental de la Conducta Prosocial en Adolescentes Balabanian, Cinthia; Vargas Rubilar, Jael; Lemos, Viviana; 433-454
  • Lo bueno es más fuerte que lo malo para el bienestar eudaimónico Martínez-Zelaya, Gonzalo; Bilbao Ramírez, Marian; Páez Rovira, Darío; 455-490
  • Relaciones entre estrategias de aprendizaje y motivación en la Educación Técnica Vocacional Satico Ferraz, Adriana; Da Silva Pereira, Carla Priscila; Angeli dos Santos, Acácia Aparecida; 491-517
  • Una medida de asimetría unidimensional para variables cualitativas Moral de la Rubia, José; 519-551
  • Teacher Behavior Checklist e Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure en la evaluación docente Neves Balan, Raquel; Bender Haydu, Verônica; Henrique de Almeida, João; Oliveira Henklain, Marcelo Henrique; Zacyntho Zacarin, Marcela Roberto; 553-577
  • ¿La autoestima y el género explican la depresión/ansiedad en los adolescentes? Pereira da Silva, Brenda Fernanda; Santos Vitti, Laís; Fiorim Enumo, Sônia Regina; Faro, André; 579-601
  • Pensamiento crítico, creatividad, autoeficacia y práctica pedagógica en formadores de docentes peruanos Arce-Saavedra, Boris Jesús; Blumen, Sheyla; 603-633
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 21
    • Ítem
      Operacionalización del Constructo Modelado Parental de la Conducta Prosocial en Adolescentes
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Balabanian, Cinthia; Vargas Rubilar, Jael; Lemos, Viviana
      The objective of this study was to operationalize the parental modeled construct of prosocial behavior for its evaluation in adolescents. 358 adolescents from 12 to 18 years old participated (M = 14.66; SD = 1.71) of both sexes, from the province of Córdoba, Argentina. Different psychometric analyzes were performed from which it was observed that All items were discriminative and with a corrected homogeneity index ≥ .30. Internal consistency was adequate (FC = .91). The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes indicated a one-dimensional structure of the test, which explained 36% of the variance. The final scale was made up of 18 items that presented adequate psychometric functioning, allowing a valid and reliable evaluation of the construct.
    • Ítem
      Perfil anímico en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas: su relación con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Martínez-Soto, Joel; Ramos-Frausto, Victor Manuel
      The objective of the present study is to document the mood profile and emotional disturbance indexes (EDI) in adult patients with cancer, renal insufficiency (RI), diabetes (D) and cardiovascular disease (CD). A total of 386 patients participated (cancer n = 96; RI n = 107; diabetes n = 91; CD n = 92) who self-reported their negative and positive mood states. The results evidence that the mood profile of the patients with CA and IR is similar in terms of their characterization and quantification, with IPE significantly lower than that of the patients with D and CD. On the other hand, compared with other groups, patients with CD present higher scores in all negative and positive dimensions of mood states. The influence of various sociodemographic and clinical variables on the adaptation and psychological response of patients is analyzed and discussed.
    • Ítem
      Mujeres que cuidaban a víctimas de violencia, mujeres acosadas en programas psicosociales chilenos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Matamala Pizarro, José; Barrera Lagos, Alba
      The results of a qualitative research were exposed, whose objective was to analyze and understand the manifestation of workplace harassment in women of Chilean psychosocial programs that provided care work to victims of violence. Sampling was done intentionally and for convenience. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 women from psychosocial programs of SENAME and SERNAMEG. The content-thematic analysis was carried out for the constructed data. The results showed that the exposure to workplace harassment was stigmatizing, mainly perpetrated by harassment to work, faced preferably with individual defensive strategies. The working conditions were syndicated as the main causes of workplace harassment. It is concluded that it involved damage to mental health and the rights of the workers.
    • Ítem
      ¿La autoestima y el género explican la depresión/ansiedad en los adolescentes?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Pereira da Silva, Brenda Fernanda; Santos Vitti, Laís; Fiorim Enumo, Sônia Regina; Faro, André
      Depression and anxiety are common in adolescents, and poor mental health in this group leads to harm in adulthood. This study investigates to what extent gender, age, body image dissatisfaction, and self-esteem were related to depressive and anxiety symptoms in adolescents. The sample consisted of 1,209 high school students of both sexes, aged 13-19 years (M = 15.8; SD = 1.23). The instruments were: sociodemographic questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), Stunkard Figure Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Multinomial logistic regression indicated that being female and having low or moderate self-esteem satisfactorily explained the anxiety symptoms. Reduced self-esteem was the best explanation for depressive symptoms, and finally, reduced rates of self-esteem satisfactorily explained symptoms for both disorders.
    • Ítem
      Conflicto, salud y satisfacción: diferencias por etapa en parejas de la Ciudad de México
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Flórez Rodríguez, Yanitza Nicole; Sánchez Aragón, Rozzana; Figueroa Peña, María Fernanda; Gómez Delgado, Yamile Andrea; Rosero Díaz del Castillo, Sonia María
      The relationships go through different situations that can generate instability and upsets or conflicts between the members of the couple, which impact on it, favoring dissatisfaction, frustration or even the end of the relationship, greatly affecting the health and well-being of the person. Based on this, the objective of this study was to know the relationship among the conflict reasons and importance with health and satisfaction with the relationship. To this end, we worked with 240 people (50% women and 50% men), aged between 18 and 75 years who were in one of the four stages of the couple’s cycle: development, maintenance with small children, maintenance with older children and dissolution.
    • Ítem
      Teacher Behavior Checklist e Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure en la evaluación docente
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Neves Balan, Raquel; Bender Haydu, Verônica; Henrique de Almeida, João; Oliveira Henklain, Marcelo Henrique; Zacyntho Zacarin, Marcela Roberto
      The evaluation of teachers has been conducted with instruments such as the Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC), whose evidence of content validity was obtained by verbal reporting. The relationship between six TBC items and the “Good Teacher” stimulus was assessed using the IRAP, and the correlation between the score of participants in an undergraduate course and the teacher’s assessment was assessed. Forty university students participated, who answered both instruments and reported the grade received in the discipline. The D-IRAP scores’ averages were statistically significant for “good teacher-positive-true” and “bad teacher-negative-true”. The correlation indexes between the participants’ grades in the discipline and the way they evaluated the teacher were not statistically significant.
    • Ítem
      Comparación de los baremos del CUMANIN y CUMANES: una experiencia psicométrica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Chinome Torres, Julian David; Rodríguez Barreto, Lucía Carlota
      Se hizo una valoración neuropsicológica con los cuestionarios CUMANIN y CUMANES usando los baremos colombianos, haciendo una comparación con los baremos originales. El estudio es descriptivo-no experimental, en total, participaron 400 niños de colegios públicos y privados de 6 municipios del departamento de Boyacá-Colombia, Los participantes tenían edades entre los 3 y 11 años (M=6,69; DE=2,632 años). Se realizó un análisis de desempeño a partir de frecuencias en cada una de las subescalas que contaban con baremo, se hizo un análisis comparativo con la prueba t-student. Se identificaron diferencias estadísticas en el uso de los baremos en el CUMANIN y CUMANES. Se encontraron diferencias en lenguaje articulatorio en el CUMANIN en las variables sexo y tipo de institución. En el CUMANES se encontraron diferencias en el tipo de institución. Se sugiere hacer uso de los baremos de acuerdo a lo sugerido por la APA, se recomienda tener precauciones en el uso de pruebas no baremadas. El uso de los baremos permitiría la elaboración de algunas políticas públicas en la infancia a partir de una aproximación diagnóstica válida.
    • Ítem
      Pensamiento crítico, creatividad, autoeficacia y práctica pedagógica en formadores de docentes peruanos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Arce-Saavedra, Boris Jesús; Blumen, Sheyla
      The relationship between dispositions towards critical thinking, creative-innovative performance, self-efficacy and teaching practice was assessed in Peruvian teacher trainers from the Amazonian region of San Martin. Direct and big relationships were found between all variables. A model that explained 42% of the variance of teaching practice is presented, where dispositions towards critical thinking and creative and innovative performance have a direct effect on teacher self-efficacy. In addition, teacher self-efficacy fully mediates the relationship between dispositions toward critical thinking, and partially mediates the relationship between creative-innovative performance and teaching practices. Likewise, results show differences according to sex, work experience, specialization and work place. It is suggested to include other actors to get a holistic view of the teachers’ trainer capacities.
    • Ítem
      Lo bueno es más fuerte que lo malo para el bienestar eudaimónico
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Martínez-Zelaya, Gonzalo; Bilbao Ramírez, Marian; Páez Rovira, Darío
      Perceived changes in basic beliefs and growth related to life events were examined in three studies. A representative sample (N = 885), a sample of students and their families (N = 291) and a sample of students (N = 245) responded with a list of positive and negative life events, a scale of changes in basic beliefs and a post-traumatic growth scale. Positive events were strongly associated with changes in basic beliefs, while only weak associations were found for negative events. In addition, negative changes in basic beliefs were associated with growth only in negative life events and positive changes in basic beliefs were generally associated with growth.
    • Ítem
      Una medida de asimetría unidimensional para variables cualitativas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Moral de la Rubia, José
      This methodological investigation aims to define a concept of asymmetry for qualitative variables, quantify it, and show its validity. A panel of five expert judges and Monte Carlo simulations were used. The statistic Mean Difference in Frequency (MDF) between pairs of categories ordered by frequency homogeneity was defined. The MDF statistic showed a behavior adjusted to expectations with different variants of the binomial distribution. The correlation between the mean skewness score of the judges and MDF was very high. To obtain interpretive guiding cutoffs, 20,000 samples of sizes 20, 40, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 were simulated, drawn from a binomial distribution. It is concluded that MDF is validity to measure asymmetry in qualitative variables.